Intuitive healer, medium and Awakening Facilitator

Andie DePass’ Special Offer

You are the Maestro of your Humanity, Direct Your Future at WILL…

This entirely New Frequency Process to Your New Presence in the PRESENT MOMENT… Dialing in the activation of Dormant DNA Strand that were shut down due to imprinted Densities from each Womb that you incarnated from. The Clarion call from the Universe has penetrated the depth of Source Creator Father Mother God. It is commending the Light of your Luminous Body to Shine Brighter with a New Resonance singing in Your Energetic Body. Finding a capable new You enjoying Limitless Prosperity as you enter the Star Gate of YOUR IDEAL LIFE.

Expert Reviews

I Chose Andie because She is so Gifted!

Justis“Andie is coaching me to learn how to be in the Present NOW instead of in the future or the past. She is also helping me release judgment about anything and everything that is in my Present which I find challenging. She is a Gift from God as a Coach!”

~ Joanne Justis, Chaldean Mathematician

Mindy“If you are ready to take healing to the next level, I highly recommend Andie and her work. Her processes are quick, easy and very effective. After one session with her, some recurring thought patterns and processes around a specific situation in my life that I had been trying to change for years, but never seemed to be able to prior, had completely gone away. I actually saw it all just going away and leaving for good! Much thanks to you Andie for your joyful compassionate nature and healing.”

~ Mindy S

Here’s what the package includes

Package A contains 4 recorded coaching calls MP3s with Andie with Q&A
plus 4 MP3 audio modules delivered electronically. This is a $1,995.00 value.

  • Call 1 - Seeding in a Clear Field + Q&A
  • Call 2 - Activate a Wave of Change + Q&A
  • Call 3 - Establish a new Internal Rhythm + Q&A
  • Call 4 - Reset Your Financial set point + Q&A

4 MP3 Audio Series delivered electronically includes:

  • Audio 1 - Clearing Layered Densities
  • Audio 2 - Activating the Wave of Change
  • Audio 3 - Establish a new Internal Rhythm
  • Audio 4 - Enjoying the Journey

Package B includes Package A

  • Plus 2 Live Coaching Calls
  • Plus a 30-minute private consultation, a $2,295 value.


Includes 4 Recorded Call Mp3s + 4 Recorded Q&A Calls MP3s  + 4 audio modules Mp3s + 2 Live Calls

Discount: 95% Off
Total Package Value $1,995
You Awakening Offer $99

Sold Out


Includes 4 Recorded Call Mp3s + 4 Recorded Q&A Calls MP3s  + 4 audio modules Mp3s + 2 Live Calls + 30 min session with Andie

Discount: 94% Off
Total Package Value $2,295
You Awakening Offer $147

Sold Out

Package A

This Package Packed with LOVE and CLARITY, will have you learn how to activate the right Frequency to Gather the Presents "GIFTS" in your Present . My Promise is that each one of you participating in the classes, will clearly identify how to short circuit negative programming, and by the end of the classes will have installed a New Operating System for your individual lives.

4 Recorded Coaching Calls


Seeding in a Clear Field + Q&A

Grounding & Noticing Spirit Within. Cleans out your Electrical Field patterns. Helps you secure a Safe Place.


Activate a Wave of Change + Q&A

Building Your Energy Field. Create your sacred geometric field, live from a place of choice, activate your antenna in the flow of Prosperity.


Establish a new Internal Rhythm  + Q&A

Connect to the Sacred Feminine & the Sacred Masculine. This creates supreme balance and supports us returning Home.


Reset Your Financial set point + Q&A

The Great Reset of Your Financial Set Point. Once we put our attention with intention, the focus comes back to fulfill you.

2 Live Coaching Calls

Title: Appreciating Your field Class
Time: Tuesday, August 9th at 5:00 PM Pacific

Title: Activate your Sacred Antenna
Time: Tuesday, August 16th at 5:00 PM Pacific


Clearing Layered Densities

Value: $129

Format: MP3 Audio

Length: 7 Minutes

1Embedded in this audio is the Attuned Frequency Consciousness to the Star Gate of Your Universe. Clearing layered densities, will have you quickly

*Erase old patterns
*Reach in to deeper layers of your Human Database

*Clear Imprints of the many Placentas Incarnated in

*Release the entanglements of the lineages


Activating the Wave of Change

Value: $129

Format: MP3 Audio

Length: 7 Minutes

2Learn to open yourself up to new possibilities, how to perceive a New World & harmonize with the Higher Frequencies.

*Scans your Etheric  body
*Create space for you to collect a new wavelength
*Activate a Matrix of Peace
*Re arrange your files creating Order


Establish a New Internal Rhythm to Attract Your Greater Good

Value: $129

Format: MP3 Audio

Length: 8 Minutes

3*Lose memories not serving you.
*Help you connect the Lower and Higher Mind Consciousness.
*Help a Valuable Flow of information to the Conscious Region of your Brain
*Will insert in the Higher Mind Clarity
*Focus on a new re engineered Curiosity
*Notice a New Aspect of You AS CHOICE
*Create a distinction between your internal and external world


Enjoying the Journey

Value: $129

Format: MP3 Audio

Length: 7 Minutes

5Enjoy the created creation of a stable platform with heighten awareness, walking a Higher path and align closer to the Astral Realm.

*Awareness of Your New Definition
*Aware of Consciousness in the Awareness
*Prepares You  to open your Sacred Heart



The Breath of Light

Format: MP3

6This recording shows you how to breathe from the heart as you are pouring out (transmuting) layers of old, collected debris while at the same time prepare “your” soil to seed new layers of healthy thoughts.

Package A

Total Package Value $1,995

You Awakening Offer $99
*** 95% Saving ***

Sold Out

Package B

Includes everything in Package A Plus

One Private Consultation with Andie by scheduled appointment

Value: $300

Format: U.S.: Telephone
International: Skype

Length: 30 minutes

Resonance technology is applied exclusively to You and Your unique Soul

Package B

Total Package Value $2,295

You Awakening Offer $147.00
*** 94% Saving ***

Sold Out



"Thank you Andie for a profound session. My body feels entirely different vibrating at a higher frequency and stable. Greater freedom. So thankful for the new tools learned through you to be of greater service. May the beneficence you share with others be returned to you without end."

~ Maraine


"The Hits just keep on coming!!

It has been over a full day since my last realization. I am still feeling weightless and euphoric (even more!). As I explore my inner space and become more familiar and comfortable with my higher self, I am discovering even more. I can communicate with any of the archangels with a real and present knowing. I have rediscovered that I am clairaudient. So when I go inside I hear, if I listen and I now do. Archangel Gamaliel sends his love and support, as do I. I am infusing this posting with all of the love I am capable of from THE CENTER OF MY HEART. THANK YOU Andie Depass!"

~ GS


"I want to share my experience with Andie Depass. In only a few minutes, she lifted the burden of a lifetime of hurt between my mum and I. After she cleared my mother's karmic lineage 10 generations back, she told me to expect more kindness from my mum. This is exactly what happened. My relationship with her has never been better, beyond my wildest hopes - we are both more forgiving and gentler towards each other. Thank you, Andie Depass. You have a big, BIG heart!"

~ CR


"I could instantly feel my energy shifting and expanding about being seen ... especially when I heard about the 'sudden fortune" ...

I experienced a 'sudden fortune'. (I decided I wanted to be in a relationship and I had been trying to connect with a potential mate online for months without any success). Suddenly .... I not only contacted, connected and talked to one man ... but, get this ... three men. What a pleasant surprise. I am so ecstatic!!"

~ CI


"After my private session with Andie, I began applying the technique of meeting my higher self and using the other empowering tools Andie taught me. A week later, I stopped at a store and listened to my intuition and my body. I was directed to buy a lottery scratcher, and I won $5,000.00!"

~ SR


"I had a private session with Andie and she took me through a powerful rebirthing process, where we cleared deep seated issues connected to my self-sabotage pattern. I can already feel a shift, as I no longer feel attached to this issue when thinking about it. Andie is authentic and full of love, a person who passionately wants to help others."

~ Soni


"What an incredible soul. I had such a blast clearing timelines and removing a very heavy "evil" energy / entity. Andy is a kind hearted, jovial and driven healer committed to improving lives with generosity. I was drawn to Andie after listening to her on Eram Saeed's Telesummit From Heartache to Joy. I am seeing my life with more clarity and look forward to serendipity. Thank you Eram and Thank you Andie for your assistance. I will be working with Andie again in the very near future!"

~ Shafin


"I had my session with Andie today and I am amazed at what happened. First of all, she was able to clear 8 entities inside of me and a walk-in that had been with me for 6 generations on my father's side. Then, she cleared other blocks and had me meet my higher self - this is where it got very interesting. The energy just blew me away and both Andie and I were speechless. The energy was powerful, and I saw a beautiful white aura expanding from my hands that provided this amazing heat. I am still buzzing from the session and feel a transformation. This session went beyond my expectations. I was very pleased and will be consulting with Andie in the future. Thank you Andie for the amazing experience!!!!"

~ LW


"My phone session with Andie Depass was Wonderful and Miraculous. I am an empathy, and I sense that Andie's energy is so pure and unencumbered. She is so loving and caring. Her transmissions are "Off the Charts." I totally trust her with my life and well being. Thank you Andie and Thank you Eram. You are both Angels incarnate! All of the Love there is for you!!"

~ GS


"First of all thank you with all my heart. I had family come visit plus art commitments, so finally writing what's been in my heart.

There are so many things occurring that are transporting - yes, transporting! - I had meant to say 'transpiring' and the iPhone corrected me. The session I was honored to have with Andie did just that. It strengthened aligning me in this place of transport, releasing the crusts and gunk of old compelling paradigms to actually living in a new realm of Golden Light and of infinite possibilities. I am experiencing my entire person in a new way within this articulate yet vast space of quietude and presence before action and expression, from this place of being held in a new vibration from our connecting with each other on such a profound and heartfelt core."

~ KV

Annette_Lowe"My experience with Andie DePass was truly life changing. I took Andie’s class, I had a 1:1 session, and I can say first hand her process is extraordinary.

Her intentions for your growth are Divine. Combining her years of knowledge and research, with her compassionate nature, she will help you to reach further than you could imagine and become your highest and best self. ! She will take you to your Truth, she has a way of tapping into whom you really are, even if you forgot, and help you realize you are a beautiful soul.

She makes learning, growing and change a joyful process. Change and being honest with yourself can be ugly and Andie makes it doable as she walks with you at your own pace with a smile on your face. She is pure joy.

Her tools are so very effective. She will give you new spiritual routines to do on a daily basis to strengthen you along your path. I resonated with Andie and her powerful tools brought me such love and peace. Using her tools with consistency, you will be so amazed on how you can shift your life immediately.

Andie’s work is for everyone, if you are new to a spiritual path or if you are well on your way, no matter, she has the personalized healing for you. !
If you want your life to look different, I highly recommend Andie DePass. "

~ Annette Lowe

iveta"My experience working with Andie and using the activation's has changed my life.

Her generous heart, pristine intuition and connection to The Divine are second to none

Andie helped neutralize my chronic dental pain and instill confidence / grace in all aspects of my life. I am forever grateful !"

~ Iveta

About Andie DePass:

Andie 003As a Healer and Life Coach, Andie has dedicated a lifetime to mastering healing modalities and studying Schools of Mysteries.

Andie comes from a lineage of magicians and healers. Her Great Grandfather on her maternal side was a Medicine Man for his American Indian tribe of Iroquois on the Saint Laurence River. She was born gifted with the capacity to time-travel outside of her body.

Andie is a certified Reiki Master, NLP Practitioner, New Resident of the Fifth Dimension, and Quantum Energy Healer. She has integrated this lifetime of knowledge about healing, magic and metaphysics to introduce Soul Frequency Resonance Technology to help mankind. Her Program raises your vibration to Ascend, Travel through the Veil, enjoy limitless Prosperity and understanding Eternal Life.

As an Author, Healer and Soul Frequency Consciousness Coach, Andie guides your connection to an abundant, more fulfilling experience of life and knowledge with Peaceful Grace and Freedom to choose.


Includes 4 Recorded Call Mp3s + 4 Recorded Q&A Calls MP3s  + 4 audio modules Mp3s + 2 Live Calls

Discount: 95% Off
Total Package Value $1,995
You Awakening Offer $99

Sold Out


Includes 4 Recorded Call Mp3s + 4 Recorded Q&A Calls MP3s  + 4 audio modules Mp3s + 2 Live Calls + 30 min session with Andie

Discount: 94% Off
Total Package Value $2,295
You Awakening Offer $147

Sold Out

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