Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Savings : 66%
Total Package Value $350
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Transcending the Matrix of Illusion
Remembering your Magnificence: 4 sacred activations and one bonus with Anah Maa
The Transformational Power of Self Love
Anchoring your Divine Potential: 7 Sacred Initiations
Anah Maa's e-book: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Savings: 67%
Total Package Value $600
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Transcending the Matrix of Illusion
Remembering your Magnificence: 4 sacred activations and one bonus with Anah Maa
The Transformational Power of Self Love
Anchoring your Divine Potential: 7 Sacred Initiations
Anah Maa's e-book: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
$250 Gift toward a Personal Session with Anah Maa
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A |
Transcending the Matrix of Illusion
7 MP3s and 4 PDFs
Transcending the Matrix of Illusion is a brand new 3 Part Series designed to lift you from the low vibrational density of illusion, Maya and the energetic frequencies of the matrix that have held you and humanity spellbound, into a higher state of Divine Expression, your Divine Expression. The goal in life is to live authentically, joyfully, bountifully from the heart while fulfilling your Greatest Destiny!
To help you make the most flowing and grace-filled changes into your Greatest Life, we have included 4 PDFs filled with tools, knowledge and guidance to move you quickly out of the density of lack or struggle and move you into a more joyful, playful, loving, accepting, allowing co-creating dance with the ever-present, ever-abundant Universe.
Also included are 7 MP3s with powerful healing, empowering teachings and experientials with Anah Maa along with uplifting, and energizing Music frequencies to vibrationally assist you in moving into your Greatest Life.
Transcending the Matrix of Illusion Package includes:
With Part 1, Healing, Forgiveness and Releasing, you will receive:
- 1 Overview PDF explaining the Matrix of Illusion
- 1 PDF filled with Instructions and Guidance for Healing by Anah Maa
- 1 MP3 containing Guidance and Support by Anah Maa with Music by Ray (Track1 Teaching)
- 1 MP3 that takes you into Meditation and Activation with Anah Maa and powerful healing Music by Ray (Track2_Experiential)
- 1 MP3 of just the Music designed to assist you with Healing, Forgiveness, and Releasing (Track3) (All 3 MP3s contain the same Music, created for Healing, Forgiveness and Releasing)
With Part 2, Self- Empowerment, you will receive:
- 1 PDF filled with many tools you can use to create a new life
- 1 MP3 containing guidance and support with Anah Maa and Music by Ray (Track 1Empowerment Teaching)
- 1 MP3 that takes you into Meditation and Activation with Anah Maa and powerful healing Music by Ray ( Track 2 Empowerment Experiential)
- 1 MP3 Pure Activating and Energizing Music by Ray designed to support your Self Empowerment (Track 3 Music)
- (All 3 MP3s contain the same Music, created for Self-Empowerment)
With Part 3, Liberation and Celebration, you will receive:
- 1 PDF Liberation and Celebration with Methods, Tools, and Knowledge by Anah Maa
- 1 MP3 of Pure Activating and Energizing Music by Ray designed to empower your Liberation and Celebration (Track 1: Music only for Liberation and Celebration )
Transcending the Matrix of Illusion Part 1: Healing, Forgiveness and Releasing
In the first of 3 in this Series, Healing, Forgiveness, and Releasing you are lovingly supported in letting go of that which no longer serves you or the most joy-full future that is waiting for you!
Through the power of Sound, Vibration, and the Guidance provided, you will be supported and assisted in healing and releasing any stuck energies or emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that are ready to be released, making way for a higher vibration to come in and heal you, transform old energies and open you to new possibilities.
About the Music: This Musical experience was created with the intention of taking you deep into a very relaxed and Meditative state of consciousness connecting you with your authentic Self. It is here where deep healing, forgiveness and releasing is experienced.
To assist you in going deep and opening your Heart Chakra, the music has been recorded on the F Heart Chakra chord with notes, chords and melodies all proceeding from this F Heart Chakra frequency.
Each instrument has been especially tuned to resonate at 432 Hz (cycles per second) which is the most balanced and harmonious frequency corresponding to sacred geometry in Music, in nature.
It is highly recommended to use over the ear headphones or a good home stereo system with all the MP3s as ear buds and small computer speakers may not sufficiently play back the full healing effects of the Music.
Transcending the Matrix of Illusion Part 2: Self- Empowerment
This is the time to create and have a life that is beyond great!
In this 2nd part of the Series, you are given very concrete and effective ways you can easily use to move you out of a life of not enough to one of full–fill-ment! You are meant to be abundant, you are meant to be spiritually full-filled, and to thrive joy-fully and in oneness with your Soul and the Universe, lifting you, lovingly propelling you to have even more than you thought possible.
The Music: Created to accompany your journey. The emphasis of powerful yet subtle states of consciousness are enriched with chords, melodies and frequencies that begin at the Heart Chakra (F note/chord) and rise up through the Throat Chakra (G note/chord) and Third Eye (A note/chord).
Taking back your power is an important step in overcoming and transcending the matrix of illusion which may be said in part to be the false ego within the personality. The goal is to reach the true inner Self, the sanctuary and very seat of your Soul and allow this wonderful and powerful Self-Awakening to come forth.
Transcending the Matrix of Illusion Part 3: Liberation and Celebration
This 3rd part of the Series, Liberation and Celebration helps you connect with the Divine and live in a powerful Soul-Aware state of Being, in oneness and in joyous concert with the Beloved Universe, Your Soul and the Beloved Creator.
Music: The celebration of releasing, overcoming and empowerment culminate in this musical “dance” through the Chakras. The Udu Drum sets the pace from the beginning as it holds the cadence throughout all 7 Chakra levels as you journey through each Chakra beginning at the Root (C chord) and ascend through the Sacral (D chord) Solar (E chord) Heart (F chord) Throat (G chord) Third Eye (A chord) and Crown (B chord).
Experience your true Self, your blissful Self, your powerful energized Self, your liberated Self as the Music takes you on a cosmic ride. Open your heart, mind, body and Soul and ride the waves on your cosmic surfboard. Move with the Music, dance, be free - be You! All musical compositions by ~Ray~ with many blessings.
4 Sacred Activations with Anah Maa
with one free bonus Activation

Clearing the Blocks that are Hidden from You
Did you know that 99% of all blocks are hidden? Blocks are hiding in your DNA, hiding in your cellular memory, in your energy body. Blocks of unexpressed emotional energy that has for too long been suppressed, repressed and denied can be keeping you from the life you’ve wanted to have.
In this first Session with Anah Maa you will release stuck, unproductive energies that have been weighing you down and holding you back. Through the Sacred Sound and Vibrational Healing of Anah’s voice and activations, lifetimes of hidden blocks begin to dissolve, helping you become freer, happier and have more vitality than ever before!
The Power of Forgiveness
This is not what you think it is! For far too long forgiveness has been wielded over our heads like a blunt weapon, making you ashamed that you haven’t forgiven someone yet, making you feel weak, wrong or bad that you haven’t “let go of the past” and moved on. Many say you must forgive to be free… but isn’t there something missing? In this session, Anah Maa will take you into the true meaning of forgiveness and give you the key you’ve been missing.
Awakening Your Remembrance
You’ve heard many times that you are a soul having a human experience, but what does that really mean? What does that feel like? Who are you really?
In this session with Anah Maa, she will take you deep within to the core of your Divine Essence and unleash the life force of Love, Joy, and Infinite Grace that is your Soul!
Bonus Activation!
This 5th and final MP3 is a Bonus Activation of this Sacred Series with Anah Maa.
The Transformational Power of Self Love
The Transformational Power of Self Love: Remembering You Home
This is an empowering Activation Experiential and confirmation of your true Divine nature.
Anah Maa will open your entire Luminous Energy Field while awakening your Chakras, transforming energies that no longer serve you and activating your remembrance of Who You are and why You are here.
With gentle Prema Love, Anah Maa will take you deep into your Sacred Self as the doors of your heart are opened wide and you remember your way Home.
Anchoring Your Divine Potential
7 Sacred Initiations
- Are you ready to break free from the painful illusion of loneliness, separation, and fear once and for all?
- Are you ready to replace struggle with joy?
- Do you wish you could have more peace, more affluence, more love in your life?
- Do you realize how Magnificent you truly are?
These 7 Sacred Initiations will catapult you to a whole new Frequency of Love, Light, Joy and Grace! Allow the energy of each teaching and activation to quickly move you into a greater self-awareness than ever before. Receive healings, clearings, activations and blessings for your life.
Activation 1: Receiving Light and Sound Activations to Awaken Your Potential
This initiation is vibrationally charged and activated with Grace to help you create your vibrational Sacred Space, raise your vibration, and help you hold more Light and peace than ever before. The frequencies and keys within Anah Maa's voice and the tools taught will awaken your consciousness so that you can come into alignment and presence with your greatest potential.
Activation 3: Sacred Union
It’s time to experience that you are a beautiful Child of God and that you are deeply loved. Sometimes layers of shame, fear, and wounds from our past keeps us from connecting with the love and joy that lie buried deep within. Through this powerful and Sacred Journey, you will receive the energetic medicine to heal the wounds of those parts of yourself that have judged as ‘less than’ and bring in to your awareness the Divine Self so you can experience the Truth, strength and the clarity that you are Love.
Activation 4: Activating Your GPS (your God Positioning System)
You came here in this life equipped with everything you need to awaken and realize your destiny. Within your heart and soul is an internal GPS, your divine God Positioning System that was designed to help you find your way Home, back to Love, Peace and Joy. In this sacred session, Anah Maa will activate your soul’s codes through Sound and Light and align your GPS with Home so you can experience Heaven on Earth.
Activation 5: Emotional and Spiritual Freedom
This Initiation will liberate your heart from debilitating self-judgment, denial and suppression, and give you the tools to create the peace and safety your heart longs for. These sacred vibrations will create positive shifts in your thoughts, bring healing energies for your body and joyous light for your soul so you can magnetize joy and ease into your life.
Activation 6: Tapping Into Your Sacred Self
In this Session we become more sacred, journeying deeper into the high vibration outcomes that are ready and waiting for you. Your light quotient will be raised, your consciousness will be reconnected with source, and your future outlook will be forever altered for the better by these wondrous revelations. You’ll be given powerful real world tools and guidance to break free from density and illusion once and for all.
Activation 7: Receiving the Blessings
This is where it all comes together. In this 7th and final session you will receive a profound experience of your divinely awakened, authentic self. You will be launched into new worlds that vibrate perfectly with your true self, and as you begin to flow more freely and easily with your destiny; your soul brings you more joy, fulfillment and a perpetual state of bliss. This is how you were meant to feel.
“The Light at the End of the Tunnel” - Ebook
The Light at the End of the Tunnel is an inspiring true story about how Kelly Lynn (now, Anah Maa) overcame all odds and found healing and joy.
Kelly was born into a sadistic satanic cult and was part of Project Monarch, a sophisticated mind control program. For the first 12 years of her life, she was sexually, physically, mentally and spiritually tortured, she was raped, sold into child prostitution and used in their sick and twisted child pornography ring. In the cult she witnessed the night time rituals of bloody sacrifices, violent deaths, the torturing of innocent children and animals.
When Kelly was 12 years old, she was put into custody and was made a ward of the state, where she spent the next five years in and out of over 14 group homes, jail cells, shelters, and psyche wards. Kelly had no awareness of the cult abuse, as her mind stored the horrible secrets away from her fractured mind. Until her father died. With his death, the memories came like a torrent of pain threatening to drown her in a sea of horror.
For the next eight years, Kelly was on disability and in intensive therapy 24/7. Reliving the pain and anguish of the rituals she had witnessed, remembering the betrayal, and healing the devastating effects of torture was more than she could bear. All her therapists, doctors and specialists told her she would never fully recover, that the abuse was too much, but this only fueled her to push harder. Kelly would not be broken. She would not quit. She would be free.
Anah Maa is now sharing her inspiring true story of how she was triumphant against all odds. In her book, The Light at the End of the Tunnel, Anah Maa shares with you her journey out of the darkness of ritual abuse and how she found the light of her soul.
For those who have had difficult childhoods, horrific childhood experiences, and even those that have fallen victim to abuse as an adult, there is truly Light at the end of the tunnel.
Package A
Total Package Value $350
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $119
*** 66% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
$250 Gift toward a Personal Session with Anah Maa
This is a unique opportunity to have your own Person Session with Anah Maa. Receive $250 Gift toward your own Personal Session or use it toward a 3 Month Experiential Package that includes 8 Private Sessions, Personal daily care from Anah Maa through connecting with you through Meditations, email support and personal mentoring.
You will receive a link to a Special page on Anah Maa's Web page just for this item.
- Are you ready to take your life to a whole new level?
- Are you ready to change your mind, body and spirit so that you can live the life your soul desires?
- Are you ready to heal your heart and be your greatest self?
- If you're ready, this unique opportunity is here for you!
Package B
Total Package Value $600
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $199
*** 67% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Immediately Felt The Effects At The Core Of My Being, And They Only Got Stronger As The Program Unfolded
“My intuition told me to choose Anah Maa’s package over some of my other favorite presenters - and I am very glad I did!
This program/package was so much more than I expected it to be!! This is true vibrational healing. I could immediately feel the effects at the core of my being, and they only got stronger as the program unfolded. And she is there with you - kind, wise and supportive - guiding you through the whole process. I highly recommend her for anyone who takes their spiritual awakening and their healing journey seriously. This is the real deal!”
~ Lene, Norway
Don't Walk To See Anah Maa, Run!
“I AM a Transformational Healer/Psychic. There certain people who have cultivated high frequencies empowering them to benefit their peers. They truly operate from multiple dimensions. Anah Maa is one of those glorious beings. In my last meeting with Anah Maa she uncovered an enabling side of me evidenced by symptoms of low energy and confusion. She identified that I was a 'soul collector' and thus taking on the symptoms of my clients. Through sound, gentle powerful words, and what felt like being in the hands of the Divine Mother/Father. I was not the only beneficiary of my return to clarity and energy restoration, my clients benefited as well. And my digestive tract was no longer irritated. There doesn't seem to be any limitations to her gifts and abilities. Don't walk to see Anah Maa, run!”
~ Gregory C. Joseph
Profoundly Felt And Experienced At The Soul Level
“My first Activation experience with Anah was profoundly felt and experienced at the Soul Level. Her healing voice is amazing...and her gifts as a vibrational healer are equally amazing. She is truly one-of-a-kind... and during her meditative processes she will guide you through a process that will help you connect with your Soul to activate the keys to your Ascension. In one of her meditative processes, I received a download to create a meditative symbol that would assist me in connecting to my Shadow Self... who, I abandoned aspects of, many years ago instead of embracing them. I am truly grateful. Thank you, Anah!
P.S. I have attached a copy of the symbol I created...during one of the activations you guided us through! You are a Beautiful Soul! Thank you, Again!”
~ Richard Salcido, El Paso, Texas, Ex -Public Health/Social Services/Mental Health Worker
Veils Of Illusionary Fear Dissolved
“My Private Session with Anah Maa was exactly what I needed. I am eternally grateful for her gift and love. To put into words the levels and layers of healing that were addressed is not possible. She opened me up to me. Imagine having layers or veils of illusionary fear blocking you. And an angel of light removing them and holding a mirror up to show you and remind you of your own light and purpose. Thank you Anah Maa! Daily I witness the lightness of freedom once again!!!”
~ Amy St. Michael, Eden Prairie, MN
I Just Never Knew I Was So Gently Powerful
“Anah, Thank You sooooo much for being and sharing YOU. I just listened to you on Eram’s show, From Heartache to Joy. During and after your activation I felt and realized how profoundly powerful softness and gentleness is. That softness and gentleness is me and in seeing and owning that part of me I cried for a while, I just never knew I was so gently powerful. Thank You for that opening, So much Love to You from me!”
~ Diane Holmes
Anah’s Healing Method Is Out Of This World
“Anah is an Angel walking among us to help in our process of awakening, doing for us that which we have not yet learnt to do for ourselves-I know Anah was sent to me to awaken me to who I AM and there are no words of gratitude that are adequate enough to say to Anah for being here at this time and for what she is doing for humanity and our beautiful planet and most of all what she did for me - WE thank you - many blessing and much love to you dearest Anah”
~ Juanita Hall, Australia
Anah Maa Helped Me With Letting Go Of Stuff I Didn’t Need Anymore
“Since I came across Anah Maa’s work, nothing has been the same again! Week by week I was able to release so much. This came at a crucial time when I had to deal with some challenging family matters. Not only has she helped me with letting go of stuff I didn’t need anymore, but I’m now also able to receive a great deal more. Her great wisdom and gentle way of bringing it across is truly a blessing. I can recommend her with all my heart!”
~ Linda Jud
She Has Helped Me Get In Touch With The Part Of Me That Believes Anything Is Possible And Even More, That Believes In Magic
“Working with Anah has been a great blessing. She has helped me get in touch with the part of me that believes anything is possible and even more, that believes in magic. She has the most supportive, loving energy that will make you feel that it is ok to be vulnerable and open. She is gentle in her guidance but there is such a strength to her that you can't help but be inspired by it. I highly recommend her guidance!”
~ Katie Elderkin
Restored My Connection With My Womanhood
“I have traveled the world, from Brazil to New Zealand to Europe, working with many spiritual healers, but the peace and love received from Anah Maa was one of a kind. Her vibrant feminine energy restored my connection with my womanhood. She re-activated a part of me that had gotten confused in the hustle and bustle of the yang mindset society we live in. I feel the difference now after the work she did on my pineal gland able to live now in a space of more inner calm and to access universal energy easier to maintain my vibration high. Thank you Anah for sharing your amazing gifts.”
~ Diana Dentinger, Inner Peace Parenting Magazine www.innerpeaceparentingmagazine.com
Opened Up Another Aspect Of My Own Personal Spiritual Growth And Taken Me To A New Level
“Hi, my name is Vera from Sydney Australia, I participated in Anah Maa’s teleseminar about 5 months ago and all I can say is WOW!! What a beautiful and connected soul is Anah.
I was able to listen to the seminars that had been recorded if the time did not fit in and I love that I was able to participate from the comfort of my lounge room…
The seminars have impacted and transformed my life greatly; they have opened up another aspect of my own personal spiritual growth and taken me to a new level.
So, thank you beautiful Anah.”
~ Vera Dragone
Anah, You Are A Great Teacher, A Great Spiritual Guide, An Angel On Earth
“Visiting the Pure Besakih Mother Temple on Bali with Anah was an amazing experience. Since that day she’s been with me in my heart and in my mind.
Anah took me by the hand and showed me the key to open up the Gateway. We both were on other ends at this planet talking at Skype and we connected somewhere where our souls travelled together through the Universe and beyond, where time and space does not exist. To the Holy Temple of Light, the Divine Chrystal Chamber and the Pyramid.
Tele-experiences (by phone, Skype or online) are amazing, it is something you have to experience yourself. Anyone who’s been there will tell you, no words will ever be able to describe it. It is something that will shift your beliefs forever.
My dearly beloved Anah, you are a great teacher, a great spiritual guide, an angel on earth. “You are so fun to play with,” you always say to me. I pray that God will let us play forever.”
~ Michael Pilarczyk, Motivational Speaker, Success Coach and Writer
Amsterdam, Europe
Anah Carries A Magnificent Power Of Love That If You Would Let It Go Through You Will Feel All Kinds Of Beautiful Things Around You.
“Anah was so generous to invite me to come to Bali to work with her.
The place where we first met was magical, energies where floating around everywhere.
I was very nervous to meet her but then she let me feel welcome and at ease with her. The second meeting we sat together for hours, we could talk without words and understand each other completely. I felt a lot of power with her. Anah carries a magnificent power of love that if you would let it go through you will feel all kinds of beautiful things around you. You can travel the Universe with her.
She is the person that you don’t have to be afraid of. You can become one with her. I have also met her husband, Ray, one of the most wise man I have ever met.
She has also helped me heal my animals. My horse had an incurable illness on her leg and after Anah worked on her, then she became healthy again.”
~ Caroline Pilarczyk, Netherlands
Anah Helped Us Regain Our Balance And Re-Connects Our Consciousness With The Divine.
“No matter what our age, background or where we live each of us needs the kind nudge at times to remember things we have learned but have temporally forgotten for one reason or another. Anah has great insight and depth and I find her words very inspirational.
Activations three and five really spoke to me. I spent two years of intense training releasing past Karma, but life has a way of sucking us back into the old Karmic ruts. At this point in time I needed that gentle reminder to keep my awareness of focus on the cleansing I had already achieved and not let life let me drift back into that space of darkness.
From the fifth activation the reminder was of the creation of sacred space. For years, I did the daily ritual of opening sacred space, but once again life got busy and many of us tend to stop doing these important things.
We are here to be that point of light for those that have not yet awakened. Thank you Anah for your beautiful soul that helps us regain our balance and re-connects our consciousness with the divine.”
~ Ejay Green, Iowa
I Was Able To Open My Mind In A New Kind Of Spiritual Path, It Liberated Me From The Cliches Of Religions, Freed Me From Guilt And Resentment I Had Since Childhood
“I'm Jane Sumonod, a Filipina online worker from Manila. It was my boss, a spiritual healer himself, who advised me to attend Miss Anah Maa's 7 week- series of Sacred Activation telemeetings/teleseminars where we met online for 7 consecutive weeks. I'm so glad he did because through him, I had the opportunity to listen as Miss Anah Maa guided us into what is called 7 weeks of Sacred Activations. I learned a lot of things in different areas of spirituality which somewhat awakened and gave me daylight of what does spirituality truly means.
I was thankful that recorded copies of the live teleseminar have also been made available for us since it helped me go back to the mp3's and listen again for those parts I thought I haven't completely understood during the first time I heard them. Furthermore, I was able to open my mind in a new kind of spiritual path, the series liberated me from the cliches of religions, freed me from some guilt and resentment I had since childhood. All in all, the series enhanced my way of thinking. I was able to finally deal with some of the biggest scars of my life, I was able to let go of those bound negative emotions which kept me from moving forward.
I would like to thank Miss Anah for the kindness, love and light she shared to us”
~ Jane Sumonod, Manila, Philippines
Anah Maa Is Just What I Needed To Move Forward In Life
“Anah is a Loving and Talented Healer
A friend referred me to Anah for spiritual healing and guidance and that is what I got. I believe she is psychic, loving, and just what I need to move forward in life”
~ Mike M., Middletown, CT
In One Session She Did More For Me Than The Several Therapists And Varying Healing Modalities That I Have Tried In The Past 2 1/2 Years
“Anah Maa was my last resort in finding a way to pull myself out of the despair.... In one session she did more for me than the several therapists and varying healing modalities that I have tried in the past 2 1/2 years. It was an amazing first session. Anah Maa is a naturally gifted healer with amazing intuitive clarity. After our first spiritual healing session, I felt calm and hopeful, and I plan on follow-up sessions until my issues are resolved.”
~ Deborah H., Tel Aviv, Israel
Anah Maa Released Deep Trauma, Energy Blocks I Had Carried In My Body For Over 4 Decades
“My session with Anah was profound. I was able to trust her immediately with deep trauma and express the actual feelings around them, which released energy blocks from frozen trauma I had carried in my body for over 4 decades. I cannot recommend her highly enough. I would not hesitant to work with her again. She was everything I hoped she would be and more, and I have worked with countless teachers/spiritual counselors.”
~ C. Dauphne Maples, Alabama
In Times Of Challenge And Great Difficulty, Your Insights And Guidance Has Given Me A Source Of Support And Strength
“Dear Anah,
Thank You for your kind and compassionate wisdom. In times of challenge and great difficulty, your insights and guidance has given me a source of support and strength. The tools you have passed on continue to be effective resources for further growth. Your authentic presence and unconditional love sourced from your experience gives one a feeling of connection and safety.
Experiencing you and your work has touched the bottom of my heart, healed my mind in the darkest days of my soul's journey and uplifted my spirit to heal separation.
What you offer is a gift beyond reward... a part of yourself that is priceless.
I hope there is a way you can reach more people as what you have to offer will comfort, heal, educate and enlighten many who are confused and suffering in these times of change. Abundant Blessings to You”
~ Lila K., International Recording Artist, Teacher of Ascension, Yoga, Enlightenment, New Zealand
She Has Helped Me Uncover Gifts In Myself I Didn't See Or Believe In Prior To Talking To Her
“Anah is amazing. I've been working with Anah for a few years now, and she's always spot on with her sessions. She has helped me uncover gifts in myself I didn't see or believe in prior to talking to her. She is so genuine and empathic. She understands how to minister from an open heart.”
~ G.W., Tampa, Florida
Anah She Brought Me Truths About The Abusive Patterns I Was Running In My Life That Completely Shifted My Reality
“Anah helped me through a very difficult time in my life. Her approach is so non-judgmental, accepting and carries the deepest vibration of love. Her insight and compassion is incredible. In my work with Anah she brought me truths about the abusive patterns I was running in my life that completely shifted my reality. My experience of Anah is one of a "Divine Mother" who holds all her beloved children in a space of love and compassion. I highly recommend her to all.”
~ Kaleah LaRoche, Singer/Songwriter/Spiritual Counselor, Washington
Since Working With Anah I Have Lost My Fear Of The Unknown And Have Found The Beauty In It." She Has Helped Me Grow, Not Only Spiritually, But As A Person In A Very Practical Sense
“I began working with Anah almost five years ago and have found her to be a most loving and caring person. In fact, I often think that Anah is not only of the light but she is the light because she is synonymous with goodness.
But Anah doesn't only personify goodness. She spreads it. When I first began my spiritual journey with Anah, I had already been working in the energy field for some years but I had questions and fears about the unknown. Anah has been my kind mentor guiding me along the way and she has helped me grow, not only spiritually, but as a person in a very practical sense.
Our first sessions were difficult at times because there were breakthroughs to be made but with Anah's insight and her healing sessions, I learned to discard old rubbish that had burdened me and began to explore and accept new dimensions.Anah has led me to growth in my spiritual, emotional and psychological life.
She is well qualified to do that, for Anah walks the walk and doesn't only talk the talk. She has traveled world-wide to become the spiritual person she is and she has life-long gifts that she has added to, through her own experiences and learning.
I always feel safe with Anah for many reasons. She exemplifies goodness and works through love; she is always there to mentor and guide and is astute enough to understand any fears or questions or trials and makes herself available to help when needed.
It's been an honor, a privilege and a joy to have Anah as mentor and healer. And the greatest testimonial that I can give is, perhaps, that she teaches you to stand on your own two feet in the practical and spiritual world. She doesn't create dependence but teaches you how to spread your wings. And that is all part of her generosity of spirit.
Since working with Anah I have lost my fear of the unknown and have found the beauty in it.”
~ Joy P., Author, Equestrian, Connecticut
My Heart Is More Open, Free, Peaceful And Joyful.
Lot Of My Anxieties Has Disappeared.
“My session with Anah was amazing. Through her gentle and loving assistance I could understand more about myself. I especially realized clearly that I often had a lot of “fears”, but in reality I was feeling “unsafe” in the World. I have been carrying this misunderstanding for to long… creating obstacles in my daily life. It was happening only in Mind…. As the shift happened in myself, i felt more connected to the Soul… which has no fear….
I also accept another aspect of myself…. In a group situation, I speak very little, even if I feel rich inside. Sometimes I felt I had “no opinion”. I was feeling an outsider…. In reality I was an observer which is more how the Soul expresses in this reality. To me, it means that I am more connected to the Soul that the Mind.
I also trust myself a little more… Sometimes people ask me some advice in different situations. Often I have nothing to say but if I am “present” in the situation which happens “in the now"… I know exactly what to do and can solve the problem easily… Isn’t it how the Soul guides us ? only in the moment ? Embracing fully those 2 aspects is very powerful… My heart is more open, free, peaceful and joyful.Lot of my anxieties has disappeared.
It is not only the meaning of the words of Anah that supported me…. but her voice. It has amazing clarity, sound which touch me deeply and has the ability to heal.
I am very grateful to you…. to bring so much on my journey !
Love, Light and Sound….”
~ Claudine
About Anah Maa

Anah Maa is an empowering evolutionary teacher who brings the Light of unconditional sacred love to all who experience her.
She travels the world with her mission of love, hope and compassion transforming energy and consciousness into the highest form of Prema love for all those she touches.
Anah Maa is the founder of The Prema Sai Maa Center for Global Resource,
the founder of The Ultimate Gift Foundation for spiritual enlightenment, creator of the Journey Home Ascension e-Course, Master healer and Author of "The Light at the End of the Tunnel" her autobiography.
Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Savings : 66%
Total Package Value $350
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Transcending the Matrix of Illusion
Remembering your Magnificence: 4 sacred activations and one bonus with Anah Maa
The Transformational Power of Self Love
Anchoring your Divine Potential: 7 Sacred Initiations
Anah Maa's e-book: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Savings: 67%
Total Package Value $600
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Transcending the Matrix of Illusion
Remembering your Magnificence: 4 sacred activations and one bonus with Anah Maa
The Transformational Power of Self Love
Anchoring your Divine Potential: 7 Sacred Initiations
Anah Maa's e-book: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
$250 Gift toward a Personal Session with Anah Maa
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
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