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WAIT!! Before you go check out this  EXCITING
One Time Only offer:

Are you:

  • Ready to take it to the next level?

  • Become the leader you were meant to be?

  • Change the tide and your life?

  • Are you searching for what brings YOU fully forward without fear?

  • Are you ready to use your highest skills to activate something big in your life?

  • Do you wish you were in your dream career but don’t know how to make it happen?

If yes, this offer is for YOU! 

I’m excited you’ve purchased a package and from this you’ll gain an opening that will be a catalyst for change in all areas of your life. If you’d like to take it further
I highly recommend adding this package. 

Why? Because the more we commit to our desires, the more they become real. 

If you’ve been sheltering yourself in life, waiting for just the right moment, now is the moment! 

You’ll take what you are learning and go far deeper and honestly, I am so set on seeing people in our world thrive I am nearly giving this away!

Here’s what you’ll receive in this package:

  • One personal Inventory worksheet that is so powerful it will reveal what’s keeping you stuck by answering 7 simple questions!
  • One 60-minute one-on-one phone session with me to get clear on your goals and use the assistance of my skill to read energy to help you attain a huge advantage!
  • Two live group coaching/interactive sessions where you’ll make connections, have a think-tank for your ideas, get focused and be ready to act on your dreams. These groups will be small and in them you’ll receive a lot of personal attention. You will also get to know others who are on the same journey and can make personal connections to help keep you on track!

Two MP3’s:

  • Playing Large” An MP3 to help keep your energy as high-end as your business! Activated manifestation energy and guidance/opportunity on how to realize your goal.
  • Restoring you back to your power and focus

An MP3 to help keep you focused when life has its bumps.

  • Learn who your dream client is
  • Understand your sticking points and how to move beyond them
  • Uplevel your life. I’ll teach you how to “play large” so you attract everything you need effortlessly.

While this focuses on your career, it will change the entire face of your life, giving you freedom you won’t even believe! 

Be ready to stay on track and activate all that you are!
Get ready to live the dynamic life you deserve. 

Meet all change in your life with ease & understanding where your emotions guide you, in place of controlling you. 

You’ll learn what to do differently to impact change and dynamically step into your future. 

This package is for those who are ready to make great change in their life.

Regular Price $1,549

Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $649

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It’s like an up-leveled mastermind all for you! These groups will be kept small allowing you a lot of personal attention 

Keep putting yourself on the back burner?
Have an unrealized burning desire within? 

Those lofty thoughts you have about earning enough, working part time, travel, living large and having more free time? 

Those nights you wake up anxious because you know there is more to this than what you are living now? 

This opportunity is for you. My absolute sweetest skill is seeing the pure potential in you and reminding you of it. I’m there as a personal cheerleader to motivate you to take you to the next step: success!

Regular Price $1,549

Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $649

SAVE 58% On This Page Only!

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“Amy is both warm and professional. With her help, guidance and encouragement I received, the quality of my thoughts and attitudes have significantly improved. I am in a far better position to easily identify and ditch the traps and pitfalls of fear and lack-based thinking.

~ Selene A


“When Amy speaks, I listen - closely! Every time Amy does a reading for me I am left feeling centered, empowered and beautiful - even amidst whatever mess is going on in my life. Amy always validates a lot of what I already know is going on, but the way that she sees images and conveys them to me I know that I’m getting wisdom from our higher connections. I wasn’t sure about love relationships in my life, and what next steps to take amidst areas of chaos. She was able to lift a veil that I wasn’t able to do on my own. Amy kicks butt by tapping into my truth and showing me what I’m ready to see - challenging me to go that next step. And then makes me laugh - hard!! She’s totally real and authentic with her own journey, so I never feel judged - only loved. Thank you Amy!!”

~ Jessica A.


caitlyn-g“My experience working with Amy has most profoundly helped me find a more solid sense of self and confidence in my path. She has helped me see deeper and more clearly into issues of my life that have a tendency to be "cloudy". She helped unveil hidden truths within myself that I was unable to see. Amy's gentle yet powerful ability to conduct intuitive readings has led me in the direction of healthier connections with others, more sanguine decision making in my life and an overall sense of calm and wholeness with the world around me.”

~ Caitlyn G.


eramsaeed-150x150-1“Amy you are very gifted! Your reading was very powerful and I love that you gave me practical tools and steps on how to create change for the better in my life! ”

~ Eram Saeed


Leslee-150x150“Amy is authentic, genuine and the real deal. She was able to access the information I needed to understand a relationship issue I was having. The information that came through was not only pertaining to the circumstance I asked about but able to connect to it within a multi-dimensional way that was able to show me a core theme that was playing out in many areas of my life. This is what I refer to as a timeless reading. One that you are able to listen to again and again and obtain pertinent information for the space and time you are currently in. Amy’s process is truly amazing!”

~ Leslee Nelson


“ I reached out to Amy filled with negative emotions of anxiety, grief, and helplessness. She quickly helped me better understand the things my emotions were currently blocking from my mind. … the next day and the following week I felt like a different person. The positivity I radiated was reciprocated by others I interacted with and I felt a shift in my energy and mindset. I will definitely be working with Amy in the future and have recommended her to family and friends. ”

~ Christa K.


jill-muellner“My session with Amy was so helpful and gave me hope during a very sad, stressful time. At the start of the session, I could feel a gentle energy around my upper body, which helped me relax and be receptive.

She was able to verbalize and validate what was happening with me with powerful and fun imagery, helping me to understand where I was blocked, or holding myself back. She also offered a different way to look at a health concern that put my fears to rest. In the days that followed, I felt a definite shift in my mind, body and spirit.Thank you Amy! ”

~ Jill M.


patty-m“Amy offers insight beyond what I can see about myself. She has a kind and deeply insightful way of asking just the right questions to assist me in my spiritual path and continual growth. Amy came along to assist me just at the right time to help me get unstuck with a couple of challenging relationships. I feel empowered working with Amy; she has a tender and loving way of helping us to remember our right path.”

~ Patty M.


“I was trying to find this long lost inner peace in sources outside of myself. Amy taught me how to find it inside. I joined a group Amy facilitates being part of this group helped me to have a place to be honest and transparent about my fears and find non-judgmental support in those around me.

I have learned to find peace in my beautiful messy life because it is authentic. Amy doesn't hold your hand and lead you directly to your destiny, instead she teaches you how to read the map.”

~ Leah B.


jill-muellner“My life has completely changed after meeting Amy. I have been on a lifelong quest to figure out "what to believe" (God, religion, etc). Amy has introduced me to a whole other spectrum that includes SO much more.”

~ Jill M. H.


“Amy is both warm and professional. With her help, guidance and encouragement I received, the quality of my thoughts and attitudes have significantly improved. I am in a far better position to easily identify and ditch the traps and pitfalls of fear and lack-based thinking. Amy, you are my mentor and personal role model. I love you, and I look forward to working with you for a long, long time. With Great Respect and Appreciation”

~ Selene A.


“I attended a presentation Amy delivered and immediately connected with her afterward to have a one-one session. Amy's sparkling personality is what first drew me in. Once the reading was underway, it was apparent that she is talented and insightful. She's allowed me to see my life and goals more clearly. Through her direction, I am excited about my life again. ”

~ Linda R.


rachel-k“With Amy’s graceful, caring expertise, I was able to access the place where the gift of grief resides. The gift is the place at which I am able to know what lies beneath and once I acknowledged the grief I realized with Amy’s help it is something that does not define me but causes me to change my story and expand. Thank you for your tireless efforts, your boundless zeal and your never-ending ways to clear the path for the journey so the detours are shorter.”

~ Rachel K.


“Your gentle guidance, encouragement and confidence in knowing that whatever would come up for me, were the keys that allowed me to peel through layers of memories and emotions that needed to be unearthed for me to look again, to remember, and to release. Thank you for your insights and feedback which were crucial to my journey.”

~ Denise R.


“Working with you was very honoring, calming and compassionate. You are very wise and kind and care deeply about the well-being of your clients. You are able to see into a situation to bring clarity and eventually, peace.”

~ Eileen O.


“I am ready to do this work, but I have been stuck. Amy has helped me see and digest these issues so that I can move forward with calm and understanding. ”

~ Julie Ann H.


“In such a short time you have shown me how to bridge the gap and I love you for helping me from what I call "The Eeyore being" to "Living authentically.” ”

~ Char Z.


“Amy is very intuitive and she gave me so much insight on relationships in my life and my present/future choices I can make. I loved her insight and her wisdom.
Thank you Amy! ”

~ Angela M.


“I had a very enlightening session with Amy Vasterling Intuitive Pathfinder and I am so grateful for the powerful, deep insight and tools she taught me to handle multiple relationships in my life differently, and I implemented it right away and am already seeing a big change in the level of ease I’m better creating for myself rather than allowing myself to get pulled into the negativity. I’m feeling so much more empowered as a result!! Thank you so much Amy!!! Your help is truly magical!”

~ Rochelle L.


gina-wooton“I have relied on Amy for many of my life’s challenges. As a step-mom I frequently find myself looking for advice and guidance, but rarely are any useful resources available….until I found Amy. I find myself with many questions on how to handle a variety of situations regarding my unique relationship with my step-kids. In a recent session with Amy I was looking for advice on how to handle an issue my step-daughter was having. Amy gave me insight and guidance that my husband and I had never even considered as a possibility. She gave me a few things to try and within two hours of being home my step-daughter confided in me what was going on. I was shocked (and relieved!) at how fast and easy it was to handle a situation that had been previously been drawn out and difficult. I liken Amy to a counselor, but better. She not only provides guidance on how to handle life’s struggles, she has the added ability to point you in the right direction. A hour with Amy is equal to 12 hours of counseling sessions! I have referred several friends and family members to Amy and they have all benefited greatly from her abilities. I am very grateful to have her help.”

~ Gina W.


john-angel“I worked with Amy doing a “spiral clearing” and didn’t know what to expect. Of late, I have been worried about running out of money and trying to calm the chaos that is my house. At the beginning of the remote reading, Amy asked what one major concern was. I chose the money issue. She briefly described what the "spiral" is and it's function in our life. She described mine as white and warm. I began to feel the warmth running up from the base of my spine...and an odd calmness. A "knowing" if you will. Feeling that all would be O.K. Add to that a feeling of energy, or being less tired. The message Amy shared was "Let go, let God". She said she'd been told I can do less with more, and though I won't understand that right now, keep asking and I will. Additionally, she picked up on my need to have alone and quiet time. She said I should set up a portion of the basement to call my own....we are currently remodeling due to mold and it's the perfect time for claiming a part of the basement for me!! My wife and I had actually talked about making a reading/quiet listening room down there and Amy just confirmed we were on the right track. The reading was a pleasurable and satisfying experience and I'd recommend a similar session for anyone!!”

~ John A.


mindy-bAmy got me out of a funk when my spirit and soul were bruised and beaten. I went through an emotional Hell and back and didn't know how to act or be myself anymore. My soul and spirit were hanging on by a thread, and I didn't know how to just "be" anymore. Every day was trying, and I had anxiety from the thought of having to go in public, or communicate with anybody. I didn't know who I was anymore, or how to act normal… so I would just avoid people and social situations at all costs.

After [our session], I had to do errands… and I noticed that I was walking with a lighter stride, and found myself small-talking with the check-out clerk with such ease that I wanted to do more errands instead of rushing home to be alone. That night our family had dinner with another family after my son’s football practice, and I felt so free in conversation… It was so fun to feel what it was like to be “me” again. Every day it gets easier, and the real me is coming back out and I’m only getting better.

Amy also helped me to re-discover my purpose in life. My prior career was in accounting, but that never fulfilled me. My passion is interior decorating and organizing. She saw me as a creator. And she gave me more insight as to how to get started and run my business clean and professionally while holding my place and power. Amy gave me the confidence to put myself out there, and nine days later I found myself texting an acquaintance to offer my skills.

Life is too short to not live to my fullest and I’m so happy a friend referred me to Amy. She is very comforting, trustworthy and kind. Every time I speak with her either on the phone or via email, it’s like talking to a dear friend. I immediately feel relaxed, and come out learning so many new things about myself. During her readings and clearings, she puts what she sees into words that are both uplifting and calming. Amy is my Godsend.

~ Mindy B.


sarah-e“When I met Amy I was going through financial hardship and had just received an abnormal medical test result. I was overwhelmed by my circumstances and felt scared, frustrated, and alone.

Amy advised me to push back on the universe and believe that the money I spent for self care/ love would be returned back to me tenfold. Even before I ended my conversation with her I received an email from my employer that said I was going to be receiving a rebate for approximately what the cost of the session was that day. I am now encouraged to take more small financial risks that may help to nourish my soul. Also, a few days later my basement flooded and I needed all new flooring (which I needed anyway because of some health concerns). I was able to get it replaced and insurance paid for it.

In my session Amy also told me to push back on the universe regarding my health. She told me "You are going to read an article about a new treatment that will get rid of this." A few days after this conversation I was stung by a bee. It was then that my boyfriend said " you know some people use bee venom as a therapy to treat illness".. That's when I came across research that shows: bee venom is highly effective at treating the condition that I was concerned about. Again, she was SPOT ON!

I look forward to working with Amy in the future and I highly recommend her. Don't second guess it, sign up with Amy, you'll see it come back tenfold in your life!”

~ Sarah E.

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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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