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50. Cutting Ties to Negative Influences
Michelle Carter
This group healing cuts and removes ties to people who are negatively influencing us and our lives.
51. Clear obstacles, Destroy Darkness
Julie Renee
A clearing using ancient Sanskrit mantras with the Shiva energy to obliterate obstacles blocking your good. The mantra is also used to destroy illness and what is not good on the body and restore it to its natural state. Julie Renee was gifted with this and she over came her health challenges. Great for immediately removing debt! Listen on a loop…
52. Changing 3 Subconscious Blocks
Brent Phillips
Brent changes - with your permission subconscious blocks you may have. The examples used are 'I know what it is like to be completely loved.', “I deserve to be lonely.', and 'I know what it is like to be completely healthy.'. Through muscle testing you can see if you have the positive version of these and if not receive it from Brent.
53. EFT – Removing Resistance to Allow What we Really Want
Brad Yates
Are you unconsciously blocking relationships, money, new opportunities, that dream car etc. due to unknown inner fears. This clearing mp3 will help you let go of these inner blocks.
54. EFT – Clearing The Fear of Failure
Carol Look
Procrastination in any area is often due to an underlying fear of failure. Does it feel safer to not finish something rather than finish it and have people judge and criticise it? Release the fear with this EFT mp3.
55. Release Negative Thought Forms
Joshua Bloom
A powerful guided meditation to release negative thought-forms.
56. Powerful Clearing
Joy and Roy Martina
A powerful guided meditation enabling you to let go of negativity and cleanse your whole body, aligning yourself with source, forgiving others for what they have done to you, forgiving yourself for what you have done to others and releasing limiting beliefs that are stopping you from achieving your goals.
57. Grounding for Protection
Mary Beth Vanderlinden
Mary Beth takes you through an exercise to ground yourself fully and in so doing providing complete protection for you and your energy.
58. Reveal and see entities in their true light
Michelle Manning Kogler
Entities can convince you that they are your friends and that you need them. This healing takes off the rose coloured spectacles so that you can see entities for what they truly are. Disentangle then send them to the light and stop them from coming back.
59. Cutting Cords to Open up New Experiences
Rikka Zimmerman
Rikka Guides you through opening up your internal space to allow energy to flow and make it easier to let go of old limiting cordings, you bring in your higher self and open up new opportunites.
62. Healing From Entities
Lynn Waldrop
Entities can cause havoc in your energy field and a myriad of physical symptoms.
In this activation, lynn is releasing the energetic cords of entities, as well as oaths and vows.
It's time to clear out entities from your field and set yourself free.
Can be listened in a loop at night, or at any time. Can be also played on mute.
63. Various Clearings
Denise McNab
Clearings for getting unstuck, procrastination, clearing doubt, distraction and for taking inspired action.