Grace Valador’s Special Offer

Intuitive Healer & Channel, Life & Business Coach,
Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant® Reiki Master Teacher

top1The MoneyGRACE© Logo is an activated symbol of divine energetic frequencies of light, love & life; of being in GRACE. Meditate on this image to allow the Light and Love to enter into your heart. This singular practice will shift your relationship with money from fear to love, from separated $elf to synthesized, authentic $elf.

Your money is an expression of $elf love. The more authentic and on purpose your path is as a Lightworker, the more your money collaborates with you, and makes itself visible to you.



Actual results include:

  • Sold stigmatized property after three years on the market!
  • Received a raise out of the blue!
  • Asked to work four days a week instead of three, and now being offered a full time job!
  • Suddenly received unexpected financial support!
  • $100K loan forgiven!
  • Unexpected tax credit cheque in the mail!
  • Received a kind, gratuitous offering of help!
  • Found bookkeeper to complete overdue books!
  • Landlord approved apartment application!

MoneyGRACE© is a divine system channeled from Grace’s Guides to serve those that wish to transform their experience with money.

The MoneyGRACE TEAM©, (Trusted Evolutionary Angelic Masters) have designed and downloaded prayers, energy and symbolic ways of considering your$elf through a series of ‘$’ words with their own GRACE acronym.

GRACE is an acronym for
Gratitude, Remember, Awaken, Compassion and Expect.

Grace Valador is a Channel and a Catalyst for life & business
personal change and organizational transformation.

Creating and being in GRACE relative to our lives and our money is to
be in the state of divine abundance, connected to Universal Love.

Common results with MoneyGRACE© are:

  • Helps you to transmute that which no longer serves your highest life path
  • Helps you to ‘see’ your money
  • Brings light to your financial decisions by bringing in Money & GRACE©
  • Clears your thoughts and emotions to receive money
  • Provides you with a process and a resource to clear, heal, bless your$elf
  • Provides you with a process and a resource to enhance your decisions, become aware of the best energy to bring to your financial interactions and to flow financially
  • Helps you to practice the $tates© of GRACE© - Gratitude, Remember, Awaken, Compassion, Expect (Miracles)
  • Helps you to recognize money in all of its forms
  • Increases your ability to commune with your MoneyGRACE TEAM©
  • Helps you to cultivate your relationship with your MoneyGRACE TEAM©
  • Helps you to increase your intuitive understanding of your financial path
  • Helps you to identify what will serve your authentic path that includes money
  • Helps to eliminate that which holds you back to accept, act and allow your financial resources to be received in all forms
  • Helps you to develop a daily practice with the ‘short & sweet’ recording (2 min MP3s)
  • Increases your field of awareness of money on your path
  • Increases your connection to GRACE in your life and your business
  • Creates financial context to your work as Lightworkers
  • Helps you to recognize that walking your authentic path with money is your path
  • Provides a platform from which to walk your authentic path which includes money and GRACE©

MoneyGRACE© is like mini mindful microbursts of magnified awareness and integration of Money and GRACE.

Disclaimer: Every person has individual needs and wants related to their money, and is at different stages of growth relative to their financials. This product is intended to enhance your financial growth and well-being, and to increase your connection with the universal love that exists to help you. The MoneyGRACE TEAM© helps you to make the changes for which you are praying. Expect miracles with earnest practice, and be open that they may come in all forms. Please note that in no way can these miracles be guaranteed, as there are so many variables in each person’s life circumstances. I only know that these energies were presented to me as an answer to my prayers to help more people who want to make changes to their personal financial well-being and to allow their authentic, divine expression of abundance to emerge. The MoneyGRACE© energies are effective in all dimensions.

Brand New Testimonials Pouring in after Launch!

Paying it forward due to phenomenal results!

"I have had such phenomenal results through working with Grace that I would like to now pay it forward to Kay, who called in on Grace’s interview with Eram."

~ H.K.

New Client!

"Right after my call with Grace, I received a new client!"

~ M.A.

Who knew drawing three concentric circles would change my life!

"After working with the MoneyGRACE© MP3 frequencies for 24 hours, I knew that something was already shifting. I suddenly felt inspired to clean up some files that had been sitting on the floor for some time. I still felt confused about my next steps to keep the revenue flowing in my business, and wrestled with the bills we still needed to pay, and how much we were spending. 

So I signed up for a session with Grace, and she helped me bring this confusion into my meditation with my MoneyGRACE© Team. After a little while, we spoke about my circumstances and the issues that I had, and what I had tried. I began to feel differently. I knew that I was transforming, as I felt the anxiety gently melt away to a place of peaceful awareness. My heart started opening and I was ready to hear the insights and vision that Grace helped me with next. 

Just like that her MoneyGRACE TEAM© guided me to draw three concentric circles, and she began explaining my three markets. I had not really thought about my market, and just like that I now had two more markets that I had not considered. And I’m the guy for all of three of them! My financial consciousness has been raised to this new awareness, and I am no longer in that anxious feeling. Even though I do not know how it will unfold, I know it will, right now I’m focused on creating my new services and connecting in my expanded path as a Light worker! 

So now, daily I work in two minute increments with my MoneyGRACE MP3s, bringing each decision to my MoneyGRACE TEAM©. Clear, Heal, Flow and Decision seem to be the MP3s for me right now. Oh, and Awaken, as I am fully awake to my expanded path. I see now how MoneyGRACE© expands my path of service, and my path as a Light worker, and helps me along the way!"

~ Matt A. January 24, 2016

It is like MoneyGRACE frequencies heal the blocks limiting my thinking that left me stuck in my sorrow…

"I came into the session to connect with Grace and her MoneyGRACE TEAM, for my one-hour session, and the energy present was profound. I shared the realization of the need to sell my home, and to downsize into another home. It was a big decision for me, and I was feeling apprehensive, as I was not sure where to live and how to move forward with the change in my life. As we kept talking, Grace was able to help me to see my next step and a new possibility presented itself which was beyond my wildest dreams. 

She was able to connect the dots to a deeper consciousness and desire and through this I know I am able to spend time in my beloved home country, reconnect with my ancestral roots, and experience my life and business from a new vantage point. This in itself was amazing, as it put a new perspective onto my life path, and increased my vibration and interest into new ways with which to continue making money from anywhere in the world! 

And it gets better, days after shifting with this new scenario, and working with the MoneyGRACE MP3 energy frequencies, (which are fabulous, and so easy to work with!), a friend shares with me at lunch that she is moving back home for a year, to take care of her ailing parent, and finds herself in a place of needing to leave her home. You guessed it! She offered her home to me if I need a place between selling and buying a new home, and of course, in between my travelling! 

Clearly, this is the path for me! I am so excited! I went from feeling sad about the need to downsize, to feeling so much joy at the freedom now to be in the position to live out a dream! I continue working with my MoneyGRACE TEAM daily, feeling the magnified MoneyGRACE energies to heal all that stands in my way to making this new path a reality. It is like MoneyGRACE frequencies heal the blocks limiting my thinking that left me stuck in my sorrow, worrying about whether to move next to the kids, or whether I’ll spend the money in between, or be not able to maintain or gain clients while operating from another country. 

The path is laid out, and already one major stepping stone is visible. I’m on that new stepping stone, and excited about my new life and financial adventure. This is a wonderful way with which to live as a Light worker, and I know the next home I buy will be at the right time and in the right place from which to serve myself and my clients, and my growing path as a Light worker!"


I slept amazingly good that very night of the session…

Jenny-r"My session with Grace could not have come at any better timing. I needed a lot of energetic support and healing since I have been working really hard for my launch interview, losing my voice. I noticed right away, I slept amazingly good that very night of the session as if time has slowed down where I can catch up on the much needed rest. It has helped speed up my recovery for sure. Grace's healing is quite unique, I was impressed of her ability to feel into the body and see into things going way back into other lifetimes. The Angel/Tarot cards that she uses as a part her unique healing further gives me insights and guidance that is priceless. I'm so grateful for Grace's healing work!"

~ Jenny Thao Ngo, RN, CNM, (Global Quantum Wellness)

…my prison walls came down. The ambiguity fell away.

Tom2"Grace Valador answered my request for healing at a very dark time in my life - such an angelic healing she channeled for me. I’m so glad she heard and responded to my call for help. I was overwrought with anguish trying to hold a relationship together, the drain of which was killing me.
During some time shortly following her session with me my prison walls came down. The ambiguity fell away. Long story short; I saw the issues clearly and found I had the courage that I was lacking before. I stood solidly in my truth and broke off the relationship, truthfully and confidently, leaving no options for reversal. I was able to shut the door on the abusive behavior I had been accommodating (trying to walk the high road) in order to maintain a sick relationship.
I feel strong again. The healing of my heart from this painful relationship began immediately with my single session from Grace. I’m so glad to be on the other side of it now. Life is Good Again. Thank you Grace."

~ Tom Hudson, PhD, Birth Rite Technology

My MoneyGRACE TEAM© and I are so very pleased to present
our exclusive to From Heartache To Joy special offers!

Three packages A, B, C, at different introductory and significantly discounted price points.

Package A at $97 includes 46 files, (12 PDFs, 34 MP3)
including two bonus files to form 12 modules. Each module includes a customized, channeled Prayer designed to be reflective of each of the module topics and provide an energetic and vibrational healing.

All prayers are set to the channeled frequency and energies of the same module.


(Each Module includes MoneyGRACE© energies and frequencies, (2 minute MP3s), and a channeled Prayer, with the frequency and energy playing in the background.)

Overview (which includes the Welcome Prayer), Gratitude, Remember, Awaken, Compassion, Expect, Clear, Heal, Bless, Flow, Decision and Exchange.

Package B at $147 includes Package A plus four 1.5 hours live group classes and the opportunity to participate on my private MoneyGRACE© Facebook page.

Package C at $197 includes Package A plus Package B plus a private, one hour, one-on-one session with me, Grace Valador via Instant Teleseminar, at a mutually scheduled time.

  • Includes 34 MP3s + 12 PDFs
  • 6 MP3s & 3PDF bonuses

Total Package Value $1,110
Discount: 91% Off


  • Includes package A (34 MP3s + 12 PDFs)
  • 6 MP3s & 3PDF bonuses
  • 4 live online classes
  • Member of MoneyGRACE© Private Facebook

Total Package Value $1,610
Discount: 91% Off


Package A


This package includes:

  • 12 PDFs
  • 11 MP3s - channeled MoneyGRACE© Energy, Frequencies, Symbols
  • 11 Enhanced MP3s - channeled MoneyGRACE© Energy, Frequencies, symbols & sound of the Pacific Ocean, using ASMR technology
  • 12 Customized MP3s - channeled MoneyGRACE© Energy, Frequencies, symbols with my recorded voice narrating, original, channeled MoneyGRACE© Prayers

A total of 46 files designed to change your relationship with money forever
and to place you onto your Divine path of Abundance and Authenticity

Includes two free bonus Items:

  • Decision : 3 MP3s: energy, energy + waves, energy + prayer, 1 PDF overview
  • Exchange: 3 MP3s: energy, energy + waves, energy + prayer, 1 PDF overview, 1 PDF

Please note: Energy only MP3s are composed of MoneyGRACE© frequencies channeled by Grace Valador and are without sound. Grace strikes her beautiful Tibetan singing bowl which can be heard at the start and at the end of each MP3, including the soundless MP3. These MP3s are designed for you to facilitate and to augment your own prayer and meditation practice. All MP3s are two minutes in length, and can be played throughout the day, (except while driving or working with machinery that involves your attention). The MoneyGRACE© MP3s can be played on loop during lengthier ceremonies, meditations and rituals.

The kitties were piling all over me during the MP3s as if I’d opened a can of tuna! And I had headphones on!

~ L.O.

“I consider myself pretty “sturdy” when it comes to energy work, but listening to these in one sitting really “packed a wallop!” I would highly recommend spacing out each “topic” at least! Listen to all three versions if you want, but I’d say no more than one a day! Let the frequencies reverberate for a while!”

~ P.W.

“For two years we attempted to sell our parent’s home which we had inherited, and after working with Grace to clear the emotional ties and debris, we knew our parents were at peace. Then all floodgates opened with lots of activity and we received an offer! We wondered why the desired closing was so long, but the answer came when suddenly the buyer wanted to move up the closing day to Christmas Day! Our inheritance was delivered with a bow!”

~ C. Smith

“I just listened to ALL the wave and the first few silent MP3s – I have no doubt there are powerful energies infused and interactive during these recordings! Also, on the silent version, if you turn up the sound between bowl sound and beginning and ending…you can hear Grace doing the energy work – verrrry faintly.”

~ P.O.



Value: $111

PDF: Overview, (this written document), (14 pages)
MP3: Overview: Voice, (Welcome Prayer), (2:27 mins)

overviewTwo Files: Overview of Package A (14 Page PDF) & Welcome Prayer to MoneyGRACE© energy (MP3). Understand Package A files. Work with the energies of MoneyGRACE© and your MoneyGRACE TEAM© relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Co-create with divine MoneyGRACE© energies to shift and transform your relationship with money. Gather your financial information using the template worksheets.

Call in your MoneyGRACE TEAM© with the Welcome Prayer narrated by Grace. Shift your understanding to money as a life path partner, and as a divine expression of your authentic $elf. Develop a daily practice of GRACE.



Value: $111

PDF: Gratitude, (this written document), (4 pages)
MP3: Gratitude: Energy, (only energy), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Gratitude: Waves, (energy plus waves), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Gratitude: Voice, (energy plus Gratitude prayer), (2:22 mins)

gratitudeFour Files: Gratitude (4 Page PDF) & Gratitude MoneyGRACE© Energy (MP3) & Gratitude MoneyGRACE© Energy to Ocean Waves (MP3) & Gratitude MoneyGRACE© Energy with Gratitude Prayer. Play with the energies of MoneyGRACE© Gratitude relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Practice being in the state of gratitude. Develop ways with which to include Gratitude in your financial affairs.

Develop your state of Gratitude by listening to these MP3s while you work, pay bills, meditate. Become intimately aware of your Divine nature of being in the State of Gratitude. Study yourself within how working with the Gratitude frequency creates GRACE.



Value: $111

PDF: Remember, (this written document), (4 pages)
MP3: Remember: Energy, (only energy), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Remember: Waves, (energy plus waves), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Remember: Voice, (energy plus Remember prayer), (2:24 mins)

rememberFour Files: Remember (4 Page PDF) & Remember MoneyGRACE© Energy (MP3) & Remember MoneyGRACE© Energy to Ocean Waves (MP3) & Remember MoneyGRACE© Energy with Remember Prayer. Play with the energies of MoneyGRACE© Remember relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Practice being in the state of remembering. Develop ways with which to include Remember in your financial affairs.

Develop your state of Remember by listening to these MP3s while you work, pay bills, meditate. Become intimately aware of your Divine nature of being in the State of Remember(ing). Study how the Remembering frequency creates GRACE.



Value: $111

PDF: Awaken, (this written document), (4 pages)
MP3: Awaken: Energy, (only energy), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Awaken: Waves, (energy plus waves), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Awaken: Voice, (energy plus Awaken prayer), (2:23 mins)

awakenFour Files: Awaken (4 Page PDF) & Awaken MoneyGRACE© Energy (MP3) & Awaken MoneyGRACE© Energy to Ocean Waves (MP3) & Awaken MoneyGRACE© Energy with Awaken Prayer. Play with the energies of MoneyGRACE© Awaken relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Practice being in the state of being Awake. Develop ways with which to include Awaken in your financial affairs

Develop your state of Awaken by listening to these MP3s while you work, pay bills, meditate. Become intimately aware of your Divine nature of being in the State of being Awake. Study how the Awaken frequency creates GRACE.



Value: $111

PDF: Compassion, (this written document), (4 pages)
MP3: Compassion: Energy, (only energy), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Compassion: Waves, (energy plus waves), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Compassion: Voice, (energy plus Compassion prayer), (2:22 mins)

compassionFour Files:Compassion (4 Page PDF) & Compassion MoneyGRACE© Energy (MP3) & Compassion MoneyGRACE© Energy to Ocean Waves (MP3) & Compassion MoneyGRACE© Energy with Compassion Prayer. Play with the energies of MoneyGRACE© Compassion relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Practice being in the state of Compassion. Develop ways with which to include Compassion with your financial affairs.

Develop your state of Compassion by listening to these MP3s while you work, pay bills, meditate. Become intimately aware of your Divine nature of being in the State of Compassion. Study how working with the Compassion frequency creates GRACE.



Value: $111

PDF: Expect, (this written document), (4 pages)
MP3: Expect: Energy, (only energy), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Expect: Waves, (energy plus waves), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Expect: Voice, (energy plus Expect prayer), (2:23 mins)

expectFour Files:Expect (4 Page PDF) & Expect MoneyGRACE© Energy (MP3) & Expect MoneyGRACE© Energy to Ocean Waves (MP3) & Expect MoneyGRACE© Energy with Expect Prayer. Play with the energies of MoneyGRACE© Expect relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Practice being in the state of Expect(ing) miracles. Develop ways with which to include Expect with your finances

Develop your state of Expect(ing) by listening to these MP3s while you work, pay bills, meditate. Become intimately aware of your Divine nature of being in the State of Expect. Study how the Expect frequency creates GRACE.



Value: $111

PDF: Clear, (this written document), (4 pages)
MP3: Clear: Energy, (only energy), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Clear: Waves, (energy plus waves), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Clear: Voice, (energy plus Clear prayer), (2:27 mins)

clearFour Files: Clear (4 Page PDF) & Clear MoneyGRACE© Energy (MP3) & Clear MoneyGRACE© Energy to Ocean Waves (MP3) & Clear MoneyGRACE© Energy with Clear Prayer. Play with the energies of MoneyGRACE© Clear relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Practice being in the state of being clear and cleared. Develop ways with which to include Clear with your financial affairs.

Play the Clear MP3s while you work, pay bills, meditate. Become intimately aware of your Divine nature of being Clear(ed). Clear your space by playing Clear. Study how working with the Clear frequency creates GRACE.



Value: $111

PDF: Heal, (this written document), (4 pages)
MP3: Heal: Energy, (only energy), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Heal: Waves, (energy plus waves), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Heal: Voice, (energy plus Heal prayer), (2:24 mins)

healFour Files: Heal (4 Page PDF) & Heal MoneyGRACE© Energy (MP3) & Heal MoneyGRACE© Energy to Ocean Waves (MP3) & Heal MoneyGRACE© Energy with Heal Prayer. Play with the energies of MoneyGRACE© Heal relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Practice being in the state of feeling Heal(ed), and being able to Heal. Develop ways with which to include Heal in your financial affairs.

Listen to the Heal MP3s while you work, pay bills, meditate, prepare for a financial meeting. Become intimately aware of your Divine nature of being Heal(ed). Study how working with the Heal frequency creates GRACE.



Value: $111

PDF: Bless, (this written document), (4 pages)
MP3: Bless: Energy, (only energy), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Bless: Waves, (energy plus waves), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Bless: Voice, (energy plus Bless prayer), (2:23 mins)

blessFour Files: Bless (4 Page PDF) & Bless MoneyGRACE© Energy (MP3) & Bless MoneyGRACE© Energy to Ocean Waves (MP3) & Bless MoneyGRACE© Energy with Bless Prayer. Play with the energies of MoneyGRACE© Bless relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Practice being in the state of feeling Bless(ed). Develop ways with which to include Bless(ings) in your financial affairs

Bless yourself and your financial affairs by listening to these MP3s while you work, pay bills, meditate. Become intimately aware of your Divine nature of being in the State of Gratitude. Study how working with the Bless frequency creates GRACE.

ITEM 10:


Value: $111

PDF: Flow, (this written document), (4 pages)
MP3: Flow: Energy, (only energy), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Flow: Waves, (energy plus waves), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Flow: Voice, (energy plus Flow prayer), (2:26 mins)

flowFour Files: Flow (4 Page PDF) & Flow MoneyGRACE© Energy (MP3) & Flow MoneyGRACE© Energy to Ocean Waves (MP3) & Flow MoneyGRACE© Energy with Flow Prayer. Play with the energies of MoneyGRACE© Flow relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Practice being in the state of Flow. Develop ways with which to include Flow in your financial affairs

Develop your state of Flow by listening to these MP3s while you work, pay bills, meditate. Become intimately aware of your Divine nature of being in Flow.Study how working with the Flow frequency creates GRACE.

Bonus 1:


Value: $111 (Free to you!)

PDF: Decision, (this written document), (4 pages)
MP3: Decision: Energy, (only energy), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Decision: Waves, (energy plus waves), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Decision: Voice, (energy plus Decision prayer), (2:27 mins)

decisionFour Files: Decision (4 Page PDF) & Decision MoneyGRACE© Energy (MP3) & Decision MoneyGRACE© Energy to Ocean Waves (MP3) & Decision MoneyGRACE© Energy with Decision Prayer. Play with the energies of MoneyGRACE© Decision relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Practice making Decision(s) with and without the Decision frequency. Develop ways with which to include Decision in your financial affairs

Play Decision while in the process of deciding by listening to these MP3s while you work, pay bills, meditate. Become intimately aware of your Divine nature of making a Decision. Study how working with the Decision frequency creates GRACE.

Bonus 2:


Value: $111 (Free to you!)

PDF: Exchange, (this written document), (5 pages)
MP3: Exchange: Energy, (only energy), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Exchange: Waves, (energy plus waves), (2:27 mins)
MP3: Exchange: Voice, (energy plus Exchange prayer), (2:22 mins)

exchangeFour Files: Exchange (4 Page PDF) & Exchange MoneyGRACE© Energy (MP3) & Exchange MoneyGRACE© Energy to Ocean Waves (MP3) & Exchange MoneyGRACE© Energy with Exchange Prayer. Play with the energies of MoneyGRACE© Exchange relative to your money, and to your relationship to money. Practice bringing in the frequency of Exchange in preparation or during a financial interaction. Develop ways with which to include Exchange in your financial affairs.

Play Exchange in preparation for a $ meeting, to heighten your awareness that all of our Exchange(s) are opportunities to define our MoneyGRACE. Listen to these MP3s while you work, pay bills, meditate. Recognize how Exchange frequency helps increates GRACE.

Package A

Total Package Value $1,110

From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $97
*** 91% Saving ***


These MP3s and PDFs are convenient resources for you to draw upon
each time you are in the process of a financial circumstance, decision, relationship and exchange.

If there was one set of tools to enhance your daily practice, to increase your understanding of your relationship to money, here it is!

Here you have a way to clear, bless and heal yourself and your money.

With the MoneyGRACE© frequencies invite a connection with your own MoneyGRACE TEAM© and see and feel how your decisions shift, your awareness shift and relationship with money changes.

Package B


This package includes:

  • All of Package A
  • 4 live online group classes*
  • Private Facebook group membership

*Classes are recorded. Replays available.

Registrants are emailed the Instant Teleseminar dial in phone number, passcode, website URL on the Thursday preceding each Sunday class meeting. (4:00-5:30 PM PST)

All Teleconference Calls are via Instant Teleseminar.

A Link to the MoneyGRACE© Private Facebook Group to be sent to each registrant one week prior to the start of the class.****

ITEM 11:

Class 1: The Language and Signs of Co-creating with MoneyGRACE©

Value: $125

Date: February 21, 2016
Time: 4 - 5:30 PM PST (7-8:30 PM EST)

Format: Teleconference Call

Length: 1.5 hours

This class helps you to move into meditation with your MoneyGRACE TEAM© to develop your connection and begin stepping onto your MoneyGRACE© path with purpose. MoneyGRACE© signs, symbols, shifts and scenarios will be introduced.

Prerequisite: Please review Item 1: Overview & All Prayers in Package A. Bring to class examples of MoneyGRACE© signs you have already received! We will have time for Q & A.

ITEM 12:

Class 2: Creating a MoneyGRACE© mirror.

Value: $125

Date: February 28, 2016
Time: 4 - 5:30 PM PST (7-8:30 PM EST)

Format: Teleconference Call

Length: 1.5 hours

An opportunity to compile your financial information with a simple format so that you can ‘see’ your numbers and begin making the changes you desire. The advantages of aggregating your $.

Prerequisite: Please itemize your financial information. There are forms in Package A Item 1. Coming prepared to reflect on your $ mirror. Q & A.

ITEM 13:

Class 3: Shifting with MoneyGRACE©

Value: $125

Date: March 6, 2016
Time: 4 - 5:30 PM PST (7-8:30 PM EST)

Format: Teleconference Call

Length: 1.5 hours

Play with and understand your MoneyGRACE© resource library. How to work with each energy, prayer and suggested processes to create the monetary shifts you desire.

Prerequisite: Download all of the MP3s & PDFs so that you know how you might interface with them. Q & A included.

ITEM 14:

Class 4: Blessing our Money with each Exchange

Value: $125

Date: March 13, 2016
Time: 4 - 5:30 PM PST (7-8:30 PM EST)

Format: Teleconference Call

Length: 1.5 hours

Recognize that money is energy that flows in and out of our lives. Become aware to see money as an extension of our energy, and we can begin to bless it and ourselves.

Prerequisite: Practice blessing your money with the Bless MP3s / Bless Prayer. Practice with the Exchange MP3s and Prayers. Q&A.

Package B

Total Package Value $1,610

From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $147
*** 91% Saving ***


Package C


This package includes:

  • All of Package A & B
  • one-on-one, private session with Grace Valador

ITEM 15:

Private, intuitive and channeled session.

Value: $150

Format: Teleconference Call

Length: 1 hour

The MoneyGRACE© energy is called in and MoneyGRACE TEAM© is channeled to help to surface that which needs to be healed and discussed.

This session will not be recorded, and is considered private and confidential. Personal and / or business financial circumstances can be discussed.

Package C

Total Package Value $1,760

From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $197
*** 89% Saving ***



Grace is a perfect combination of left-brain grounded knowledge, experience, and expertise, and right-brain intuition, compassion, connection with Spirit and powerful yet gentle energy healing.

"Grace is knowledgeable, flexible, and intuitive as to what I need from a session, even though I sometimes don't even know what that is, but when she says it, it becomes so obvious! She is an expert at listening, listening, listening -- guiding the conversation, but letting it happen organically; and, somehow keeping track of it all and putting it together in a way that makes sense, revealing next steps and solutions that have remained hidden or dormant until collaboration with Grace and her work help to release them! Grace is a perfect combination of left-brain grounded knowledge, experience, and expertise, and right-brain intuition, compassion, connection with Spirit, and powerful yet gentle energy healing. All this wrapped up with a great sense of humor makes for a very enjoyable, productive, and healing experience! I highly recommend Grace's work! "

~ P.O.

Grace was able to channel our discussion for what will be of most help...

"I have had the gift and pleasure of working with Grace Valador. In the last two years I have had a life changing experience financially. I have come to realize the lesson that it was meant to teach me once I was able to sit and be still and not be in fear.

Today through, love, emotion and support Grace was able to confirm for me what it was I needed to know at this time and how best to move forward.

Grace was able to channel our discussion for what will be of most help to move me forward with her intuition to show me where I've been and how that is reflective in my life today.

The advice given was clear and empowering so that I feel hopeful and with guided steps I will become more open to receiving what is meant to come to me with grace and ease.

Sometimes we are too close to our own situations to clearly see it for what it is and I thank Grace for allowing me to clearly understand and grasp my bright future."

~ Michelle Lea

I would highly recommend her package…

"I just finished my backstage pass with Grace and she's a wonderful person and healer. We talked longer than the hour promised because she wanted to make sure we covered all possible angles. She gave me a few tools to use in my everyday life to make sure I keep the balance and I would highly recommend her package when it becomes available later this month."

~ Bernadette Sava

Family members were freed to continue their journeys, earthly and spiritually.

"I am very grateful to Grace for her insights and ideas, as she guided and inspired me to see new directions when I was handling difficult family issues. Her deep intuition and spirituality activated and inspired these areas of my being. This led me to being able to channel each individuals thereby discovering the emotional blockages preventing them from letting go and moving forward with their lives. This allowed healing at a very deep level. Through Grace initiating this clearing, family members were freed to continue their journeys, earthly and spiritually, creating a positive outcome with the best intentions for all concerned."

~ Christine P.

It was profoundly liberating to have her come along side me, seeing the vision I have for my life.

"Backstage Pass Testimonial - I had an inspiring session with Grace Valador Friday. I have been stuck with limiting blocks surrounding stepping out with a book I had written. I had essentially finished it in May but was completely blocked from the editing and final draft. I mentally and physically froze. I knew I had past life as well as critical faith based limiting fears than I would be exposed once and for all for the Lightworker I am. You know the "tuck your crazy back in because it's showing" thoughts. But that's who I am, I am awake. Grace Valador said I was as a business an author with several books coming. It was profoundly liberating to have her come along side me, seeing the vision I have for my life. I am an Author, I write books, whew that not only freed the block I had to move forward but I feel clearer in my abilities. I also have the typical Empath-Lightworker physical issues pain syndrome. Since Friday I have felt 50% less pain. I believe Grace Valador ability to cut through what really is going on, as well as, her voice heals as she speaks. I felt her before the call started, when she said hello I knew change was coming and I was going to love every minute."

~ Janell Sinclair

There were certainly some very emotional parts but at the end I already felt so at peace.

"I was recently blessed with a call from Grace. My experience with Grace and her MONEYGrace Team was amazing. We did not only touch on money, though that was the main focus. She touched on everything surrounding my financial issues. It was such a beautiful experience. She gave me such beautiful and practical advice to get me back on track and begin to resolve our financial issues. She brought up so many things about not only myself, but also my partner. Things that I hadn't considered but were completely accurate. There were certainly some very emotional parts but at the end I already felt so at peace. I could feel the vibration throughout my entire upper body. Not only that, but I felt strong and capable of making changes where for a while I have felt crippled and just wanting to shut down in fear. Thank you Grace for making such an impact on my life!"

~ L. K.

I left the call feeling hopeful wrt my finances, something I had not felt in a few years.

"Hi everyone. I was really fortunate to receive a backstage pass with Grace Valador and yesterday was my session. She was great, to put it simply. I told her what I wanted to work on, and she found the way to get what I really needed to work on. I left the call feeling hopeful wrt my finances, something I had not felt in a few years. I would highly recommend her. She was REALLY great, the way she explained everything and really made me understand my situation and gave me things to do, to help myself further. I left the call feeling so much lighter in my heart, which was a really big deal for me. My deepest thanks to her."

~ Charlene from Trinidad

I also woke up feeling this presence of Love in my heart and I feel love in my heart for money.

"The session was quite surprising! I have been working on myself through energy processes, meditation, tele-summits, etc., but I thought that I could really use an energetic (financial) boost for some things that I wanted to see happen. As soon as the session started I could feel this amazing energy present and it lasted throughout and after. Grace was able to bring to the surface a block I didn't realize I had. As soon as this came up I felt this uncomfortable feeling coming up and I knew this had to be dealt with. Through St. George she did a healing and I felt like a dam broke and I felt such relief! I felt so much lighter! I also felt like a door to my Heart had been wide opened and that I should be living through my Heart more consciously. We also discussed practical things to implement to make my plans come true...when the session ended I was in's like...What just happened here? So much Love!

Oh and something else: For the last 2 and a half months I've had pain in my left hip. It started all of a sudden without me having done any movement whatsoever to cause it. That pain has been with me since, nonstop. It was very annoying because it made some movements not being able to sleep on my left. Well, since that session I became aware that I could sleep on my left side and that I could do certain movements again without it hurting. Right now it's just a dull sensation. I know that had to do with the Healing from St. George when I felt something big was healed released from me! Thanks!"

~ Monica Ritchie

Your clearings and the prayer you said with me are absolutely priceless!

"Dear Grace, I am extremely grateful for the time we had to connect. You are such a caring soul and you were so deeply interested in helping me that I really felt worthy and supported. Everything you mentioned was right on point and made so much sense, every piece of the puzzle is falling into place. Although I thought I had identified some of my blocks, you and the MoneyGrace Team were able to identify the real ones that were stopping me and showed me that money is light. Your clearings and the prayer you said with me are absolutely priceless! I am really grateful for the inspiring techniques you gave me, they will help me to increase my light as a light worker. Thank you Grace for empowering me!"

~ Sylvie Angel Blessings

"It is time to change our relationship with money and to bring our money issues into the Light! No more poverty consciousness! We need money savvy Lightworkers!"

~ Grace Valador

"It is time to change our relationship with money and to bring our money issues into the Light! No more poverty consciousness! We need money savvy Lightworkers!" ~ Grace Valador

About Grace Valador :

Grace-ValadorGrace Valador, MBA, Intuitive Healer & Channel, Life & Business Coach, Consultant,Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant®, Reiki Master Teacher

As an answer to her prayers, Grace channels the MoneyGRACE© energies, methods, knowledge, insights and systems through her celestial MoneyGRACE TEAM©, and was graced with the ability to help you do the same!

With a penchant for coaching clients one-on-one with the most challenging set of money issues – personal or business, Grace recognized that there were consistent elements to what she was intuiting, so she started writing about Money and Grace, (her namesake being a coincidence). When her focus became on how to help Lightworkers overcome their money challenges, MoneyGRACE© was born through ongoing channeled sessions.

To get to this stage of realization, all it took was thousands of hours of coaching clients on financial issues, a car accident which resulted in Grace’s need to focus on the use of her right brain, (intuitive) and lots and lots of prayers asking to connect with those that she could help move forward financially!

Who says that working with money is all about the numbers? It is about connecting to our hearts as well as to our minds, and asking for Divine help! When we do, we are graced with personal financial solutions and our very own MoneyGRACE© path.

Grace Valador is an intuitive Money Coach. She earned her Masters of Business Administration degree at Royal Roads University in British Columbia, Canada, which provides her a unique business perspective on personal finances. Along with her gift of intuition, ability to channel messages from Spirit and her business experience with major organizations in the information technology industry, Grace is able to help her clients find a new, enlightened financial path to follow, which brings with it, new confidence and knowledge to live a life that is more rewarding and in step with financial success however that may be personally defined. That process is called “MoneyGRACE©”

  • Includes 34 MP3s + 12 PDFs
  • 6 MP3s & 3PDF bonuses

Total Package Value $1,110
Discount: 91% Off


  • Includes package A (34 MP3s + 12 PDFs)
  • 6 MP3s & 3PDF bonuses
  • 4 live online classes
  • Member of MoneyGRACE© Private Facebook

Total Package Value $1,610
Discount: 91% Off


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