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5 VIP Sessions Regular Price is $2500
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $1250 only!
A Whopping 50% off!
Are You Ready To Burn Off The Tar
That’s Been Holding You Back
And Be The Glorious Star You Are Meant To Be?!!
Many people have reported life changing results after working with Andie. You saw all the testimonials with Andie’s clients stating that "Andie is the real deal" and "She changed my life!" It’s all true and it can be true for you too!
While you can experience incredible shifts even with one session with Andie or being a part of her other services. However, it's through ongoing coaching that we see "consistent, up-leveling" on an incredible and transformational level! And it makes sense: Andie is highly gifted. She can not only scan you for blocks and limitations, she can actually "SEE" the energy blocks. As she sees them she can clear them.
The change is permanent and she will REPATTERN you for the high frequency patterns that you desire. As a coaching client you get to RELEASE, PROCESS, REPATTERN and then do it again next session!
In 4 to 12 weeks you will have COMPLETELY transformed your energy body! Wow!
Imagine how much your life would change!
This program, Break Into Your Light, is designed to enable you to examine and understand the evolution of your timeline. Through your new insights, you’ll be able to retrieve and recalibrate the energy found there into something even better in your life. You’ll be emboldened to begin facing what you’re afraid or discomforted by. Armed with this new knowledge you’ve gained, you’ll be able to make things “right” with a distribution of relief and openness to receive. You’ll be able to look at situations in life with a new neutrality and freedom from reacting. Things that once triggered you -- don’t any more! You too can shift into an evolved thinking with your higher consciousness which allows you to perceive and receive with neutrality!
If you’re ready to start feeling good and put in some personal work,
then this is the opportunity you’ve been looking for!
But Don’t Take My Word For It
Check Out Andie’s Happy Clients:
“More Loving, Understanding, Intimacy, and Authenticity in My Relationship!”
"I worked with Andie for some time. Her group calls and especially her sessions are absolutely amazing. As a result of our work together, the overall quality of my life changed for the better. I can especially see a big change in my romantic relationship. The way my partner and I interact with each other now is just so much different. He did not do any work with anyone. I was doing the work on myself and my relationship changed as a result of that - we treat each other with so much more love, respect, appreciation. The way we respond to each other is more loving and understanding, sex life is better, more intimacy between us...and so many little things that make me smile every day. Andie is so loving, gentle and kind - I genuinely love her as a person, a healer and a friend. Working with Andie was life-changing for me and I am so grateful for her in my life. I would recommend Andie to everyone."
~ Angela R.
“She Has Opened the Door and I am Finally Seeing Who I Really Am”
"I have had a one on one session with Andie DePass and I wanted to share how deeply beneficial and amazingly helpful it has been for me. I am so very grateful for the Heartache to Joy Summit for all the opportunity being provided. Andie helped me to see the greatness of who I truly am. I kind of knew some things but didn't want to seem "too big for my boots" yet I know I am on the cusp of something more than me. Some of the things she spoke to me about myself I hadn't fully recognised and I felt unsure how I might go forward......she opened the door more fully to the true being of who I am and what it is I came here to do and accept that.......know one has ever seen that in me before. I am most grateful beyond words. Thank you Andie DePass so much and much gratitude to you Eram for making this possible. I've loved the Heartache to Joy Summit.
Love and blessings to you all ☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆"
~ Beatrice S.
“INSTANT Relief of Past Abuse!”
"I have worked with MANY other healers in the past. . I was ABUSED emotionally, sexually, physically, psychically. I've had "breakdowns” at 18, 50, 62. I have been in a martyr/abuse cycle I guess most of my life. I have lived with shame and been unforgiving of others, but mostly of myself most of my life. I had to "teach" myself to hug others, reach out, and be able to interact with others without being high. I haven't been in a healthy relationship EVER. I have had unprotected sex with more than 30 men. I tend to isolate a lot. Sometimes I do nothing but live in my bed: eat; read; watch movies; use phone & Internet from my bed. I am VERY highly sensitive and get hurt very easily. I have low self esteem and tend to feel everyone is" better" than me. I have worked most of my life to get to forgiveness with my Father & Mother -even when they crossed over (that's when I was able to forgive them). I have worked on (through many different modalities) the Issues I listed. Believe me when I say I KNOW I have come A LONG way in my healing. The one "RELIEF" I have never been able to heal is a "fear" of men and being TOTALLY RELAXED at all times, "just be myself" with everyone at all times. I have been in one long relationship, it was abusive, I have two daughters and two grandchildren who are my BLESSINGS. The one thing I would LOVE to be before I cross over, is to be totally relaxed at all times with everyone, just being me and to know and be in a healthy loving relationship with a kind, compassionate, fun man. SO THAT'S what I'm hoping to find relief with and attain working with you!!
I started having these dreams the day I spoke with you. There have been many dreams every night since our session, many every night. I feel I have been traveling back in my timeline, revisiting "scenes" of my times with these many men. I have “felt" at times I was releasing or being "witness to their releasing " things" I could tell when it wasn't "my stuff" this has been going on every night. MOSTLY I have been in past times, with the man I had a relationship with JOHNNY, revisiting scenes, seeing scenes differently, seeing how he treated me, how I let him and NEVER spoke up. Just scenes with him. (I'm TIRED of him) just different dreams of traveling on a train, waving to my friend, traveling beyond this earth. I have been extremely tried, to my bones! More tried than I have ever been. I have really been living in my bed, just going to visit my grandchildren and children, sleeping some during the day, then up to 2 a.m. I have ALSO had "moments" of total clarity, Peacefulness and Joy, and a Knowing "I am moving through this!”
I would let them know I felt an instant connection with you. I felt a strong, wise, compassionate, Knowing Energy coming through You. With all the modalities I have gone through, this one has a strength & compassion that started the day I spoke to you. Looking forward to having those two more sessions with you next month."
~ Betsi B.
“$5,000 Lottery Win with Andie’s Techniques!”
"After my private session with Andie, I began applying the technique of meeting my higher self and using the other empowering tools Andie taught me. A week later, I stopped at a store and listened to my intuition and my body. I was directed to buy a lottery scratcher, and I won $5,000.00!"
~ Sylvia R.
“Andie Cut the Ties and I am No Longer Triggered!”
"Andie completely rewired my DNA and cut ties with all the people whose energy I had taken on throughout my life. Afterwards, I felt divine presence and such joy!
Thank you so much, Andie Depass for the energy activation during our session today! Andie completely rewired my DNA to cut ties with all the people whose energy I had taken on throughout my life. Afterward, I felt divine presence and tingling up and down my spine and so much joy! I was a little dizzy but very energized. She said I would no longer get triggered and could easily observe and allow things to pass so that those things can move out of my body permanently. I was ready to get to the core of my being so I could be free to move into my highest state of self and really get to know who I am. I bought Andie's package before I began my new job yesterday and I could already feel the energies working. It turns out I love my new job and the people are so nice. I'm so excited to start her classes next week and see what unfolds in my life. I just know things will get even better!"
~ Linnea G Jordan
“New Tools have given me Greater Freedom to Have More”
"Thank you Andie for a profound session. My body feels entirely different vibrating at a higher frequency and stable. Greater freedom. So thankful for the new tools learned through you to be of greater service. May the beneficence you share with others be returned to you without end."
~ Maraine
“Sexual Abuse Trauma Cleared!”
"It has been almost a week since my session with Andie Depass I'm still in shock and awe at the intense energy I felt during the call. I have never felt unconditional love on such a deep level before.
Not only was all the sexual abuse trauma cleared from my cellular memory, I also got a glimpse into my future. I had no idea how deeply entangled this was, but after clearing it completely I no longer have tight hips. I actually have feeling in my pelvis and I'm so excited and... grateful to feel again.
She is such a compassionate, loving being. It was truly an honor for me to have the chance to work with her in this way.
I have been floating on clouds of bliss for the last week, I don't think I'll ever come back down!
It's been such a long journey for me, and this was the perfect way to finally say goodbye to the past and move forward with ease and grace.
So much love, all round wonderful"
~ Ally S.
“Finally! Relief to Anxiety and Insomnia!”
"Lupus, Lack of energy, couldn't sleep and very anxious all the time. Been experiencing them for 2 years. Been trying other alternative healing methods. We were able to get lupus and the headaches under control but my anxiety surrounding other issues were not being completely cleared.
I fell asleep without any issues straight after the session. Was with more energy and happier, less anxious. A lot of old conflicts was resolved. A general feeling of health and love felt."
~ Sonia
“Such a Gifted Seer and Healer! On Fire with the Love of the Holy Spirit!”
"Just had a fantastic one on one session with the Divine Ms. Andie Depass Such a gifted seer and healer she is. Feeling grounded with my natural confidence and clarity. Andie is on fire with the love of the Holy Spirit! Thank you Andie. Much appreciation!"
~ Chireya Laura F.
“Incredible Private Session with Powerfully Accurate Insights”
"I had an amazing one on one with Andie Depass today. She was very very accurate, loving and generous. I am very thankful that I had a session with her. I think that the highlight of her package is really in the session! Thank you Andie!"
~ Princess Sjoy
5 VIP Sessions Regular Price is $2500
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $1250 only!
A Whopping 50% off!
Don’t Let this Amazing Opportunity
Pass You By!!!
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.