The energy of Love is always present in our lives. Yet, when you choose to engage and honor Love, the planetary grids and crystalline energies amplify beyond belief, allowing an opening that sets the stage for new creations, new openings, as well as our own individual harmony, health, wealth, expansion, and personal growth through Love.

As we begin to awaken to our heart-centered consciousness, the properties of some of our most ancient sources for support and healing activate and connect with us in ways we may not have ever experienced before!

As you choose to expand and open to the energies of Divine Love, Romance, Joy, Health, Self-Love, and Abundance, Best-Selling Author and Nationally Renowned Energy Expert Jarrad Hewett has put together an amazing energy of Love through his remarkable balance of tracks, meditations, crystals and gemstones, to help you open, balance, heal, and create in some Amazing new ways!

If you’re ready to open to LOVE at Every Level, this is an event for you!

This is about having physical and energetic support just for you!

One Pay

Discount: 85% Off
Total Package Value $1,347
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
 Pay in Full - $197 Today
Get instant access to the entire package!
Due to the nature of this package, this offer is NON REFUNDABLE

Two Pay

Discount: 92% Off
Total Package Value $1,347
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
Pay $110 now and $97 in 30 days Get all your downloads now!
Due to the nature of this package, this offer is NON REFUNDABLE

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Everything in this universe has its very own unique vibratory signature. You will create the desired outcome based on the dominant vibration that you attract into your energy field.

"How do You know what your dominant vibration is?"

  • How do you feel?
  • What does your love life look like?
  • How are your finances?
  • Do you have enough energy?
  • What are you creating on a day to day basis?

These are all Indicators!

What we put into our immediate environment - what we surround ourself with - affects how we vibrate, feel, create and sustain!

Attaining and MAINTAINING high frequencies of LOVE, HEALTH, RADIANCE, ABUNDANCE, JOY, etc., are essential for experiencing a life of EASE and JOY!

You Will Attract and Create possible Outcomes Into Your Life SOLELY BASED ON The Dominant Frequency of your Energy Field.

This is "the big secret."

By being open to the possibility that something better can actually show up by increasing the Frequency and then using this Dominant vibration to focus on your most desired outcome, you will become a manifesting magnet.

Mastering your own frequency will turn you into a Manifesting Genius and you will truly astonish yourself and those around you with what you can achieve.

Therefore, I have shared the tools that will allow you to completely shift into a Super High Frequency where Divine gifts will be attracted to you on a regular basis.

…So How Does This Apply to Crystal Clear Relationships and Love Event?

Let’s start with the Crystal part!

The Crystal Clear Relationships package includes Over One and Half POUNDS of Crystals and Gems SUPERCHARGED BY JARRAD, eleven Frequency Tracks, a New Musical Frequency Healing Album, an eBook to tell you all about the stones and how to use them, and TONS more!

Crystals and gems have been an important part of healing and spiritual practices for eons. Crystals carry SOME OF THE highest and MOST PURE Healing and Expanding vibrations on Earth. When you seek the help of a gemstone or crystal you are enlisting a powerful ally to "raise" your vibrational frequency. No matter what the stone is used for its effect is always an increase in your vibrational frequency.

So, how is it that the healing stones can have such a profound effect on us?

The therapeutic benefits of crystals and rocks may still be a mystery to modern medicine, but anyone who has ever held a soothing quartz knows how powerful a stone can be.

The Key is Intention: Identify it!

This energy can be used ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE you want to create a higher vibrational reality!

“These are the stones I have in my own home, many of which I use in my own practices and meditations each and every day. And now, you can access the energetic gifts and healing frequencies of each of these powerful stones!”

~ Jarrad

This is an awesome chance to get an amazing collection of some of the most highly charged crystals on the planet – hand picked by me – along with an entirely new album of silent and musical frequency tracks, healing, opening, and more, so much more!

You’ll receive 9 (The number which corresponds to the integration of the physical and spiritual as well as powerful transformation and creation for the opening of the ascended heart !) SUPER CHARGED healing stones to use around your home or office, travel, healing, meditation, sleep aids, and so much more! Because it is my favorite, I am also including a small sized very rare form of Pink Tourmaline as well! You’ll also receive an extra BONUS Gem as well as a second healing crystal ebook which will contain your stone – for a total of 11 (gateway number for faster growth, healing and personal manifestation!) awesome, healing-packed, creation stones.

These stones average 2 inches in size – the exact sizes and stones I use while meditating and creating crystalline frequency tracks! I hand-picked these stones myself based on their vibrations and energy, and THEY ARE AWESOME!

SUPER CHARGED healing Stones:

Stone 1:


Ametrine is a powerful combination of Amethyst and Citrine, which makes it a perfect stone for opening your heart and expression, as well as abundance in ALL. It is literally the connection of the physical and spiritual realms, making it a perfect support for balance as well as manifestation, finding your voice, opening and healing your heart, and creating!

Ametrine is a very soothing stone which is known to help one experience Divine Guidance, while the Citrine aspect allows for this guidance to be assimilated into one’s life. It represents the balancing and bringing together of all energy and removes any negativity from the physical body and auric field, filling the area with the White light and energy of love and healing. It will also assist in removing blockages from all bodies (physical, mental, spiritual, etc.).

Stone 2:

Blue Angelite

Blue Angelite is an incredibly beautiful stone with a calming and soothing vibration, that is used to relieve tension, anger and stress, and it is particularly helpful at times when you may be finding it emotionally difficult to cope with the situation you may find yourself in. It has a grounding “as above, so below” effect as it is named for it’s ability to connect you in directly with the Light and open you to communication, channeling, and FEELING the LIGHT OF SOURCE. It is perfect for opening your heart to yourself and inviting in the Joy and Love of Pure Light, allowing yourself to fully forgive old wounds, and release into wholeness in a whole, new way!

Angelite is used for automatic writing, meditating, and is known to have a calming and spiritually up-lifting energy, which is also great for shared spaces or for carrying in your pocket.

Stone 3:

Carnelian: The Manifestor Stone

Carnelians are stones of action and manifestation, and hold a vibration which will give you the courage and confidence to move forward finding your path and removing obstacles particularly related to love and money.

It is strong stone to aid the physical body, as it maintains an improved flow of life force energy via the blood, which corresponds to its energetic property of pure flow, grace, ease, and abundance.

These super charged stones were also programmed to accelerate your motivation, and aid you to clarify your goals, so you can find your best direction in life, and to help manifest what you require to move onto your desired path forward in life. (I keep mine on top of my check book!)

Stone 4:


Moonstone calms and encourages, while promoting clarity of the mind and inner vision, seeing emotional patterns and life lessons, and balancing our bodies energy meridians. It helps release us from old relationship patterns with both others and our own self.

It carries the mysteries and powers of the new moon, where all things exist as potential, while also stimulating psychic perception, vision and dream work. It can magnify the kundalini energy in women and emotional balance in men, and is supportive in children to drive away nightmares or insomnia.

Moonstone has also been used to diffuse energy throughout the aura, clearing the mind and senses, and aids in lucid dreaming and calm sleep. It deflects negativity and eases emotional trauma.

An added bonus of moonstone is its properties for Eroticism, which awaken our sensual side and aid in stimulating our vitality and life force.

Stone 5:

Nephrite Jade

Jade is the stone of calm in the midst of storm, and is a wonderful stone to sleep with. It balances nerves and soothes cardiac rhythm, and traditionally guards against our own negative self-talk and thoughts. It is renowned for its ability to heal feelings of fear and guilt, and for extreme cases of defeatism. It also helps us integrate our Individual Source Blue Print, and enhances our ability to be and stay in our Heart.

Jade is also a crystal of love. It is supportive of new love (meaning self-love or love between people), and it increases trustworthiness and inspires love in our life.

Something not discussed much, Jade is also a wonderful helper in healing sexual traums and feelings of neglect from God, our parents, our self, or “other.”

Stone 6:

Kyanite – One of My Personal Favorites!!

The high vibration and rapid transfers of energy from Kyanite works much like the crystal version of “the cocktail,” as it creates potentials and pathways where none existed before. I literally slept with kyanite under my pillow or in my hands the entire time I was working on Love, Life, God, because Like a universal bridge, it is an extraordinary crystal of connection, opening the mind centers, enhancing telepathic and psychic abilities, bridging gaps in all communication efforts, and providing a link for transmitting or receiving healing energy. It immediately aligns the chakras and subtle bodies, bringing tranquility and a calming effect to the whole being. It is an exceptional stone for transitioning into deep meditative states and for doing work while you sleep, in a peaceful and awesome way!

Like Citrine, Kyanite is also one of the two minerals on earth that neither accumulates nor retains negative energy, and therefore it never needs cleansing. In relationships and the workplace, Kyanite promotes good communication, bridging the gap between different beliefs and ideas, and encourages self-expression and speaking one's truth.

Kyanite's high spiritual energy enhances one's psychic abilities, and allows for a closer connection and transfer of information from our Multi-Dimensional and Source Selves.

Stone 7:

Blue Quartz

If you’ve noticed, there is a theme in color scheme and energy this year – and that’s because these stones are inspired by and very closely related to and created from the Energy of The Plaedeas!

Blue Quartz is a stone which brings harmony and order, mental clarity and eases fear, allowing for the unfolding, seeing, and experiencing of Self-love.

The same properties of energy amplification, programmability and memory also make this quartz one of the most versatile and multidimensional stones on earth for healing, meditation, expansion of consciousness, communication with guides, past-life recall, attracting love or prosperity, or virtually any purpose.

For all of you bath lovers out there, I highly suggest taking a soak with Blue Quartz!

Stone 8:

Apache Obsidian

Apache Obsidean are very close in properties and function to black tourmaline, yet they have a higher dimensional quality which allows a grounding in of physical energies, as well as a negativity-free, Light-filled environment in which to connect to your higher Self.

These stones are particularly useful for discernment as well as amplifying and creating joy in your life through the root chakra, which enables you to create with joy all that you desire. It is an excellent stone for focus and for also shifting patterns of avoidance or resistance into patterns of creation.

It is an “earth stone” meaning that it contains many properties of physical creation, and therefore is also an amplification stone and works incredibly well with carnelian.

It allows you to feel comfortable in your own body, releasing old emotional or physical abuse and is said to be beneficial in healing sexual wounds and traumas, as well.

Stone 9:


Known as the Stone of Prophecy, Prehnite has long been used by shamans, seers, and healers. Prehnite boosts prophetic abilities, and enhances visualization and spiritual "knowing," as well as aiding in connecting with your higher self. Lucid dreaming is induced by Prehnite, while dreams are made easier to remember and nightmares are reduced.

Prehnite fosters a strong sense of Love and trust in the Universe. It can be used to revitalize your personal healing environment, filling up an empty spiritual tank, so to speak, and it fosters a sense of abundance as well as ones power and ability to manifest.

It is also known as a healer of healers, as it clears toxins from the body and balances the meridians, and helps with boundaries and the ability to say “no.” Prehnite encourages acceptance, emotional release, forgiveness, and compassion. It helps one remain true to self, uplift the spirit and find clarity of heart and mind.

Bonus Stone:

Pink Tourmaline

This one is really rare and it’s energy is AWESOME! One of the MOST REQUESTED STONES EVER, , Pink Tourmaline links to the Crown Chakra infusing love and spirituality, encouraging compassion and gentleness during periods of growth and changes as humanity works toward enlightenment. It helps release stress, worries, depression and anxiety and IS PERFECT for healing and allowing our inner child to play!

Pink Tourmaline is a marvelous tool for balancing the right/left hemispheres of the brain and brings mental processes into alignment with the chakras and auric body. It diminishes fear and provides comfort to those who have suffered any form of abuse, helps with sleep issues, and is particularly useful for spiritually sensitive folks for its calming, centering qualities and assistance in grounding in and opening to love.

Item 10:

Eleven ALL NEW 20 Minute Musical Frequency Journeys

I’ve created 11 all new musical frequency journeys – set to music – and infused with the vibrations and healing frequencies of EACH STONE to help you maximize the healing potentials of each stone.

That’s an ENTIRE ALBUM of Healing Music to use in your home, office, and environment, as well as for use in your own healing practices personally and professionally, and your daily expansion!


As if that wasn’t MASSIVE ENOUGH…

You will also get

Item 11:

11 (20 Minute) silent PURE CRYSTALLINE FREQUENCY Tracks

This package will include silent frequency tracks containing the pure crystalline energies of each stone. You can take these tracks with you to charge your water, environment, and even your stones! They will help clean and clear other stones as well as charge your home or office with the healing and calming benefits of each stone!

Item 12:

All New Crystal Healing E-Book

This 61 Page E-Book was Created to help you understand the frequencies of each stone and track included in this MASSIVE new package. You’ll discover the healing properties of each stone as well as their meditative uses, color therapies, spiritual properties, and so much more! 

This all new e-Book will allow you to explore this energy and become a master within one setting.

Whether you’re learning an entirely new modality, or opening yourself up to even more knowledge, you will be absolutely amazed at the amount of knowledge jam-packed into this awesome PDF!

To help those of you who are new to energy healing and conscious creation, Jarrad is also including some of his core curriculum to help you grow and create even faster!

Item 13:

Crystalline Healing Pre Recorded Crystalline Energy
Retreat with Jarrad

Join Jarrad in this 60 minute pre-recorded retreat event where he explains the nature and properties of these stones and how to use the healing properties of crystals to help open your heart and heal like never before. Listen as he takes you on a deep journey into Pure Source Energy and explains energy healing in a whole new way!

Jarrad is also including

Frequency Radio Broadcast

This is what you call “stacking the deck!” One of Jarrad’s most loved events, this call will be a combination of healing music and energy to really amplify and expand your energy to make the most of the heart-opening energies!


  • An All New LIVE Frequency Radio Broadcast
  • 11 Amazing Healing stones – hand picked by me for their quality, vibration, and strength!
  • 11 ALL NEW 20 Minute Crystalline Musical Frequency Tracks designed to move you into Abundance and Expansion in EVERY AREA OF LIFE
  • Crystalline Retreat Call explaining the stones and how to use them
  • An entire collection of Silent Crystalline Frequency Tracks for your home or office
  • ALL NEW Crystal Healing E-book and Guide to Learn All about Your New Stones!

You will Receive the entire package – Complete with the new musical frequency albums and TONS of new material, PLUS a COMPLETE COLLECTION of some of the most POWERFUL Healing stones Available

For a ONE TIME Payment of just $197.00!


*Plus $10.00 for shipping and handling
**International Shipping is available at an additional calculated shipping cost

And Join me for a Heart-Centered, Love-Filled Journey into Love like you’ve never experienced before

Because of the limited quantities of stones chosen, space is limited so sign up today to reserve your stones!

**If you’d like to do a two-pay option option, that is also available. You will have immediate** access to the downloads, but you actual stones will not ship out until full payment is received, 15 days from the first payment.

This Love Event is going to be AWESOME!!
See you soon!!

One Pay

Discount: 85% Off
Total Package Value $1,347
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
 Pay in Full - $197 Today
Get instant access to the entire package!
Due to the nature of this package, this offer is NON REFUNDABLE

Two Pay

Discount: 92% Off
Total Package Value $1,347
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
Pay $110 now and $97 in 30 days Get all your downloads now!
Due to the nature of this package, this offer is NON REFUNDABLE

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

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