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WAIT!! Before you go check out this EXCITING
One Time Only offer:
Guided Healing Teleseminars 1-year Membership
New Live calls each month, plus over 67 Hours of Guided Healing in the Audio Library.
Live Monthly Guided Healing with Elma
New Topics Each Month!
Your WHOLE Life Aligns – because each month, we run your Whole life through the filter of the monthly topic. Zillions of things shift that you were not even aware needed shifting!
You Activate Automatic Healing - As all the bits and parts of your issue begin to Align with Wholeness, an avalanche of momentum begins. Your flow to Wholeness opens. And that’s what “healing” is: Alignment with Wholeness!
You Plug into Your Power Source – beyond what you “think” or “trust” or “can or cannot” do. This ongoing monthly Alignment tunes you up, and the momentum moves you into more and more healing.
You Open to Joyful, Massive Energy Shifts… you sense infinite spiritual opening, you power up into your power, you flow into your flow, you heal into the healing state, you Align into ever greater Alignment.
You Align your Specific Issues: These powerful group healing sessions are not just a wash of generic energy for the whole group. They Align your specific, unique needs… beyond what you think you need!
Why do you Need “Ongoing” Healing?
Often, using Now Healing, you can simply “zap” a problem once, and it’s healed forever. But… new “opportunities” for healing your life will keep coming up. And even if you are totally happy with your life, your health, wealth, and wisdom… you can always use even more expansion into Wholeness!
Healing is NOT a static state – we are always healing. Even if there’s “nothing wrong.” Life depends on ongoing healing. If we stop healing, then disease, decay, and distortion take over. That’s why Elma designed this powerful periodic program – to keep course-correcting your Alignment with Wholeness.
What Issues and Problems do we Work On?
Each month, you’ll “bring” your issue that’s related to the topic. But… much more will shift! As the Guided Healing happens, huge changes ripple out into all of reality.
What Kind of Issues? Of course, we work on all the usual issues that every other energy modality addresses: all kinds of Physical stuff – aches and pains, injuries, chronic conditions etc… Plus all kinds of life issues, like Emotions, Mood, Relationships, Finances, Work, Spiritual Growth, etc.
But Now Healing does it differently. We Re-Integrate all those life areas with each other.
So when we work on your “single” issue… everything else in your life gets Aligned too.
Get Continued Support – and “Energetic Maintenance” – Every Month!
Get Profound Shifts – beyond what you think you need!
- Each month, Elma tunes in to your needs… and gives you Alignments that will open you to Wholeness and Healing.
- Each month, you choose the “issue” or healing intention that you want to work on, that’s related to the monthly topic. But…
- The healing “solutions” are beyond your conscious awareness. Instead, they are found at your Center, in the healing field… that’s where Wholeness happens!
Get a Vital Tune-Up of your Energy Field – Often!
- Routine renewal – and getting rid of energetic gunk periodically – is incredibly healing.
- The energy-field maintenance component of your health is probably more important than diet, exercise and a good attitude.
- It’s also much easier than making lifestyle changes… and it has much bigger, more immediate effects. Yet it’s almost always overlooked – even by holistic and alternative practices. A monthly tune up is essential!
Get Simple, Clear and Easily Reproducible Techniques.
- Use these fast tools right away, to instantly transform any issue… yourself!
- And even better, keep using them, to continue healing all aspects of your life.
- These take-aways and techniques are easy to use – and effective – even if you don’t consider yourself a “healer.” (You are one, whether you know it or not!)
The Entire Audio Library… and more!
Value $1809
Plus more bonuses - videos and audios on
- Work with your Problems as Energy
- Evolve Your Old Patterns
- Detox and Elimination
- Nourishment and Nutrients
- Healing Others
- Healing Animals
This is the Best Value in All of Now Healing!
What You Get:
- New LIVE teleseminars each month on the 1st Saturday at 9am Pacific, noon Eastern, 5pm London, 6pm Berlin, 10:30 Mumbai, 1am Perth.
- Replays - many people attend the events only by Replay. The energy is always active!
- Bonus: the Entire Audio Library (over 67 hours of healing, and new audios added monthly!)
- Many additional videos, audios… and surprise bonuses!
Regular Price $2,133
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $297
SAVE 86% On This Page Only!
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Yes! Eram, please include Elma's 1-Year Teleseminar Membership for only $2,133 $297
“I have bought just about every program you have ever offered, and honestly couldn’t live without them.
I fall asleep every night listening to a recording from my audio library.
Each one is a miracle in itself, as are you!”
~ Cebe, NYC
“Elma, your shifts are pure magic”
~ Rick Lefever, Hypnotherapist
“The hour on finances & money was AWESOME!! I truly felt a ton better. Your relationships hour was also quite awesome! Brilliant & really really beneficial.”
~ Wendy, California
“Impatience has been an issue for me my entire life. It was amazing… by the end of the hour I could literally feel all of the impatience pouring out of the back of my outer thighs!!!
Never did I expect that!!
What a welcome surprise…
I feel like I have lost several inches in my thighs and the impatience is gone!!! I cannot find it anywhere”
~ Judy
“It’s unbelievable how “things” shift even when one thinks this month’s topic has nothing to do with me.
These teleseminars are amazing. Elma’s work is amazing.
There are not enough words to say how much grace and ease has showed up for us since we found Elma and began including this work in our daily lives.”
~ Gloria
“Wow! I feel reborn! When you read out my question- just the reading of it- caused a huge shift for me and I knew and felt that healing had occurred and it (the issue I have been obsessively focussed on for years!) would never be the same again.
I have been into healing of all kinds for the past 14 years and have never experienced anything as graceful, simple, powerful and easy as this. Thank You Elma for your integrity, I’ve come accross lots of slippery types in this area in the past so I really appreciate your honesty.”
~ Kate, Australia
Regular Price $2,133
Exclusively For FHTJ Community for $297
SAVE 86% On This Page Only!
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Yes! Eram, please include Elma's 1-Year Teleseminar Membership for only $2,133 $297
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.