Internationally - Acclaimed Medical Intuitive
Lynn Waldrop's Special Offer
This series is for EVERYONE!
Mild issues such a bump on the head as a child to whip lash from a minor car accident
Major issues such as sports-related injuries, concussions, or Traumatic Brain Injuries
The Brain Series is designed to energetically target areas of the Brain affected by lesions, injuries & plaques!
What if…
- Your brain can be repaired?
- Acting out Depression and Anxiety are actually issues within the brain itself?
- Insomnia and Tinnitus can be caused by an imbalance in brain waves?
- You released all the Stress from your body?
- You could rebuild the Myelin Sheath around your nerves for less pain & increased movement?
- You could have amazing Clarity, Memory & Focus just from 1 MP3?
This series will give your body the energies it requires for mental clarity, regaining focus, strengthening your memory, and rejuvenating your brain for longevity!
- Elimination of Brain Fog!
- Longer Attention Span!
- Ability to recall memories quicker!
- Waking up feeling completely refreshed!
- Lower Anxiety.
- A feel of Pressure release in the Brain!
- Breaking Addictive Habits such nail biting, smoking, spending $$ & even Alcoholism.
- Improvement of Mood Stabilization & Increased JOY!
- Alleviation of Headaches & Migraine pain!
- Noticeable turnaround of Depression, Sadness & Grief!
- Reduction of Anger & Aggressive Tendencies
- Better Balance, Depth Perceptions & Spacial Relations
- Greater range of Motion & Movement without Pain
To gain some more insight on Brain Traumas and to get a better understanding on what Lynn can do to help repair YOUR Brain energetically, please view the video below!
Known as "The Body Channel" she energetically dives into the bodies of her clients (such as the nervous system, organ systems…). The body talks to her showing her areas of "dis-ease" AND the means to change it while she is in there! Lynn is the Creator of The Body Channel, a Certified Color Therapy & Tuning Fork Master, Reiki Master. Everything affects the body stress, seeking relationships, entities, money flows and more - Lynn deals with it all!
Life is like Play Dough, if you don't like what you have created, laugh at it, smash it, and create something new!
Lynn Waldrop, The Body Channel LLC
Host Testimonials |
“Lynn continues to amaze and astound with her ability to connect with bodies and discern with almost 100% accuracy the underlying cause of the dis-ease or discomfort. Her ability is uncanny. Just this week she helped me to know the truth about my 9 year old daughter's continued headaches. Her pediatrician was running too many tests including MRIs, blood tests, un necessary name it. They finally came up with a suspected diagnosis of mega colon which was scary. I talked to Lynn last week worried sick and she told me it wasn't mega colon but rather chronic constipation was the cause behind all symptoms. Today I just came back from the appointment with a GI Specialist and he said the EXACT same thing! If I could have just worked with Lynn we would have avoided all that toxic radiation. I have cancelled all subsequent tests and will be working with Lynn to improve my daughter’s nutrition issues. Thanks Lynn for being such an amazing source of support!!!"
~ Eram Saeed, From Heartache to Joy
"About a week ago I listened to her eyesight MP3. It was from a group program she offered. As I was walking my dog and listening, it was like I could suddenly see every blade of grass. Then the next morning, my morning-blurry-vision problem was gone! I had even broke down and bought reading glasses a few months ago because I couldn’t read my phone to check email in the morning without squinting. Haven’t used them since, woohoo!
What I love is not only her results, but that she can be so effective in working with groups of people – this is what makes it accessible to so many."
~ Aimee Serafini, Host & Founder of Global Summit, Love Myself, Love My Life
Lynn's clients say they feel immediate results with things such as:
Increased JOY~
Stress Free Living~
Less Worry & Anxiety~
Improved Memory Recall~
Increased Mental Clarity~
Thriving Creativity ~
Emotional Balance~
Heightened Productivity~
Freedom from Cognitive Limitations~
Peak Performance in Career, Relationships & Total Body Wellness~
New lease on life~
Power over Addictions~
Positive outlook on future possibilities~
Reversal of previous medical concerns~
Relief from Chronic Pain~
Insomnia-Free Nights~
Happy Hormones!~
"Words can never convey how grateful I am to Lynn Waldrop who has changed my life and continues to do so through her MP3s and Group Calls. She has wiped out symptons of 20 plus years that were baffling, specialists. She is AMAZING, we are so blessed to have her sharing her gifts with us all."
2 Pay Option Available at Checkout
Sold Out
How The Brain Series Modules Work...
You will receive one module every week, as Lynn created the course so that bodies don't get overwhelmed. The module order is very important the first time through as each module builds on the next. Lynn recommends listening to each module at least once with your undivided attention, and then re-listening to it as often as your body wants you to. Lynn has found that the bodies respond so much better to this process. You can listen to it on mute or on low volume, or your body may want to hear the words - let it be your guide. When starting the series we HIGHLY suggest that you listen to The Detox 5 MP3s first to get your body ready for The Brain Series and get the detox started.
Package A:
Includes 2 LIVE Calls, 5 Brain MP3 Modules & 10 BONUS MP3s!
Module 1. General Brain Function Upgrades
Topics covered:
- Cleaning out effects of environmental overstimulation, cell phones, microwaves, TVs, laptops and more
- Cleaning out, plaques, lesions, Lyme's Disease, other bacteria, viruses & heavy metals
- Neurogenesis - re-growing damaged tissue
- Neurotransmitter Balance - Re-setting circuits, polarity, pressure & communitcation systems to entire body
"My session with Lynn was amazing. 1st of all Lynn tapped into a polarity switch in the brain which she adjusted and I felt the results within a short period of time.Also, the mention of a right hip issue led to Lynn seeing that the ball joint was slightly out of it's socket and she put it back in place. I could feel the difference almost immediately. Words really cannot express the gratitude I feel."
Modules 2 - 5 contain the De-Activation & REPAIR Energies For: |
ALS * Alzheimer’s * Dementia * Huntington's * Parkinson's * Strokes *
Tourette Syndrome * Amnesia * Epilepsy * & More!
Module 2. Memory, Attention & Focus
Topics covered:
- Lesion and traumas repair in the brain
- Chromosome deterioration repair
- Boosting Memory Neurotransmitters
- Balancing Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Sensory, Short-Term & Long-Term Memory
- New pathways for encoding, consolidation storage & recall of memory
“After the Memory Call in Lynn’s Brain Series I was already feeling more clarity in decision making at work and at home. I feel like I am able to focus better on every task that I have on my plate. I am left in awe! Lynn is simply amazing!!”
–Diane W.
Module 3. Motor Skills and Nervous System Integration
Topics covered:
- Re-Myelination of Nerve Sheaths
- Cerebrovascular work on thickening or narrowing arterial wall
- Flow of energy and to all nerves in the body
- Activating all areas of the Brain
- Balance & Perception
- Autoimmune Attacks on the brain
"Lynn is a life saver! I was part of her group healing for brain health. With my hectic schedule I was feeling a constant pressure at the back of my head that really interfered with my ability to focus even for short periods of time. My thought process was foggy and I was having a very hard time remembering things that I had said or done only hours prior! The day Lynn was supposed to work remotely on our brains to relieve pressure, I obviously forgot LOL! But in the evening I suddenly felt a huge difference in the pressure in my brain. I texted Lynn and sure enough thats when she had been working on our brains and one of the things she focussed on was to reduce pressure. My thinking became clearer and my ability to focus was much sharper. I even shocked my team members my remembering to ask about tasks I had given them a day or two ago LOL!This was a tangible difference that was real and couldn't be explained in any other way! Lynn is just amazing!"
~ Eram Saeed, Host, From Heartache to Joy
Module 4. Behavior
Topics covered:
- Acting Out, Depression, Anxiety & Behavioral Issues
- Breaking Addictive Neural Pathways
- Mood Stabilization
- Neurotransmitter Balance
- Creating New Neural Pathways for relief from traumatic emotions such as Grief, PTSD, Anger, ADD & OCD
“In the days following the Behavior Module I was calmer than ever and less nervous for the first time in 10 years of dealing with anxiety.”
–Jacqueline P, Oregon
Module 5. Wave Technology –
Alpha/Beta/Delta/Theta/Gamma Brain States
Topics covered:
- Brainwaves are divided into bandwidths to describe their functions, but are best thought of as a continuous spectrum of consciousness
- We will work with delta deep sleep, look at where we hold our fears and nightmares, work on waking state and being alert and move into expanded states of consciousness
- Delta Waves & Sleep ( Insomnia )
- Waves of Consciousness - Alpha, Beta, Theta, Gamma & Delta
- Tinnitus & Brain Wave Affects
“I came to Lynn with high hopes that I could get to the bottom of what was keeping me awake at night. I was told by doctors that I suffered from Insomnia and was given several prescriptions that never helped for more than a few weeks at a time. Ever since working with Lynn, I have been sleeping like a baby! I am beyond grateful that I found Lynn and her wonderful gift!”
– Patricia H, New Zealand
Plus you get 10 MP3s including The Detox 5 as Free Bonuses!
Bonus 1:
Total Body Cleanse 2.0
Running Time: 46: 06
Value: $100
This MP3 addresses Yeast, Fungus, Parasites, Bacteria, Viruses, Chemicals, Radiation, and Heavy Metals! The over-growth of yeast or bacteria and the presence of these other materials or properties can show up many ways, such as feeling fatigued and always worn down because the body a constantly is fighting them. Many of the mysterious symptoms from such diagnoses as arthritis, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia - I have found from the thousands of sessions I have done - can be attributed to one of the items listed above. We have expanded the list of toxins to add the 13 most common Hormone Disruptors, more medications, and more chemicals such as Fluoride.
Fungal Infection GONE!
"I have downloaded the Body Boost and Total Body Cleanse and use it every day. The Total Body Cleanse has eradicated a fungal infection that I have had on my chest for years. I appreciate the opportunity to have these wonderful tools.” -Michelle L.
Bonus 2:
Inflammation Elimination 2.0
Running Time: 32:58
Value: $100
Inflammation is the body's attempt at self-protection, to start the healing process or an overactive immune system response (such as auto-immune disorders). Every dis-ease starts with inflammation and chronic inflammation is present when any of the "big" diagnoses show up - cancers, colitis, Crohn's, arthritis, MS or others. In earlier stages you may be experiencing pain in joints & muscles, swelling, digestive problems and arterial build-up - time to start the healing!
Better Flexibility!!
“The inflammation MP3 really warmed up my legs and feet. I had better flexibility afterwards. My ankles looked like they used to 30+ years ago.”–Tina M
Bonus 3:
Toxin Detox 2.0
Running Time: 30:30
Value: $100
The liver cleans the toxins from the blood, the spleen filters and recycles blood as a part of the immune system, & kidneys filter blood to create urine. All of the following can be signs of toxicity in the body because we are bombarded through our daily life: fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, sinus congestion or excessive sinus problems, headaches, bloating & gas, constipation, diarrhea or foul-smelling stools, heartburn, sleep problems, water retention, trouble losing weight, rashes & skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis or acne, or menstrual disorders - let's get healthy and toss the toxins!
No longer feel like the days are dragging along...
"I first started listening to these mp3’s after undergoing chemotherapy last Fall. I was still extremely fatigued once it ended. In a session with Lynn we discussed detoxing my body. I now play the Toxin Detox almost daily and no longer feel like the days are dragging along. I am forever grateful for Lynn’s talent and generosity.”
–Mary F, California
Hepatitis is GONE!!
" I inherited compromised liver function from my father who had yellow fever and hepatitis B as a child. It showed up as high bilirubin and enzymes in blood tests. The markers in the blood work were excessive to the point that the doctors who were looking at it would flip out and want to send me for ultrasounds to see how bad my liver was enlarged etc.
After 1 session with Lynn, I had tests done to just see if anything had changed. And to the doctor's amazement, the enzymes were normal and there was no unusual markers in the blood any longer. The doctor was convinced there was a problem with the test and wanted me to have more and I just said no not necessary."
- Leigh M
Bonus 4:
Colon Clean-up 2.0
Running Time: 35:11
Value: $100
Most people have pounds and pounds of rotting fecal matter in their colon, overgrowth of yeast and fungus, parasites, and toxin build-up causing chaos in their body. The body goes through autointoxication - the body slowly poisons itself because it cannot rid itself of wastes! Symptoms of colon build-up are as follows: perpetual cycle of colon dysfunction; constant illness due to vitamin deficiencies even if you take vitamins; acne, sores and rashes of the skin; weakened tissues throughout the body due to toxic build-up. We will also look at brain connections to the colon as well as any control issues or other TFEs (thoughts feelings and emotions) tying up your digestive track! - time to dump it!
I feel the energy!!
"I have bought the majority of Lynn's MP3 and love them, they are so easy to listen to while I'm busy at home, I'm not a fan of meditation because I find it hard to keep still for long periods. I feel the energy from them and they have improved the health issues I have. I would highly recommend Lynn's work."
- Lynne F.
Bonus 5:
Happy Hormones 2.0
Running Time: 32:06
Value: $100
Let's get all of those hormones in the body working FOR YOU! Hormones are a lot more than just the male/female hormones we all talk about. They are the messengers that deliver the marching orders to the entire body letting every part know its job. This affects your metabolism, your periods and menopause, your sex drive, the way your body processes sugar, how well you handle stress, and how well your immune system handles even colds and flus. Time to get the signals straight and balance those hormones!
Just what I needed!
“I was having a tough time going through menopause and it put me in a funk. This is just what I needed to get through the chaos and hot flashes!”
- Jenn C, London, UK
Thyroid Issues NO More!!
" I had an issue with my thyroid which the doctor had prescribed meds and told me I would have to take it for the rest of my life. I stopped taking the medication and had a session with Lynn. I have felt wonderful since then. I went to my family doctor for my yearly check-up, she asked me if I was taking the medication and I told her that I had already been healed and that I had stopped taking it. She did not believe me and wanted to be sure that everything was in order and ordered some blood tests to check. My doctor was absolutely amazed at the results and didn't know what to say - my Thyroid tested normal! I carry on doing The Detox 5 and all the other wonderful MP3's which have been giving me such a magnificent quality of life."
- Maria C.
Bonus 6:
Mind Detox
Running Time: 23:42
Value: $100
Back by popular demand!
Are all those TFEs (thought feelings and emotions) stuck in the cells' programming and cluttering your life??? They affect the body too—why are you being so mean to your body? All that mind clutter and constant chatter keeps you from creating the life you really would like to create. What if what really creates any dis-ease are those thoughts, feelings and emotions; and the significance we give them — time to defrag the mind!
I am starting to come ALIVE!
“I've been listening to the Mind Detox mp3 and I already feel less sad, less heavy and there are parts of my body that are starting to come alive!”
–Maria L.
Bonus 7:
Body Boost
Running Time: 12:53
Value: $100
Back by popular demand!
Face lift, breast augmentation, butt lift, tummy tuck, vaginal/penile rejuvenation, skin tightening and toning for a leaner more beautiful YOU! What if you could lose inches just by listening to an MP3? What if you could feel more fit, toned and have more energy? Begin to YOUTH your body in only 10 minutes a day!
Lynn Is my favorite person!!!!
"Lynn is my fav go-to person and I would also like to thank her for all that she does for us. The products are the best, with the fastest results, full stop! I considered getting body wraps for skin tightening and detoxing but Lynn's mp3s work much faster and you avoid the mess of the clay and the time spent travelling to the venue, the wrap session and also the travelling. Also, the best part, you can use the mp3s over and over again whereas the wraps are always one off sessions so the financial savings are enormous."~ SHENAZ M
You are the BEST!
"I just want to thank you for your MP3's. I have been listening to them frequently. This is among the very top packages that I have purchased from webinars. Your MP3's actually work for me and I am so very grateful. When I am able I look forward to having a one on one with you. Wishing you the very best. Thank you, again, for your awesome Work!"
Bonus 8:
Chakra Blowout NEW
Running Time: 17:49
Value: $100
I am so thankful for Lynn’s unique gift
“I came to Lynn because I felt completely disconnected from the world and myself. I had no serious ailments, but knew something was out of whack. After a session, Lynn sent me the Chakra clearing and over a month of listening to it.. I was less nervous, my sex drive was up, and I am feeling more motivated than ever. I am so thankful for Lynn’s unique gift.”
–Amir M.
Bonus 9:
Total Body Tune-up NEW
Running Time: 53:24
Value: $100
What Lynn does amazes me!
“What Lynn does amazes me! I listened to the Body Tune-Up mp3 the day I received it, and I was shocked by how different I felt afterwards. For the first time, my Body felt completely peaceful and in sync. That was 3 weeks ago, and I'm still feeling the peacefulness.”
– Carol L, Canada
Bonus 10:
Grief Release NEW
Running Time: 45:13
Value: $100
This is a TFE (thoughts, feelings and emotions) release from all types of Grief from the body! Grief from the loss of a loved one, loss of relationship or even money — any anger or resentment left behind; hiding behind grief, feeling alone and so much more. Everywhere you have stored grief in your body creating dis-ease or dis-harmony, out with the Grief and in with the Joy!!
I can proudly say, I am now at peace and more relaxed than ever!
“In 2014, I lost my job and my mother. It was hands down the most difficult time of my life. My hair was falling out, I was getting little sleep and was constantly panicking over money and bills. My sister-in-law gifted me the Grief mp3 which I didn’t even listen to (I just played it on mute) and since then my family has commented that I seem happier. I can proudly say, I am now at peace and more relaxed than ever. Thank you, Lynn!”
–Anita B, Australia
PACKAGE A - The Brain Series + 2 LIVE Group Calls AND 10 FREE Bonus MP3s!
Total Package Value $2200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297
*** Saving 87% ***
2 Pay Option Available at Checkout
"I am writing as a testimonial of the effects of your Package A MP3's: It has been only a few days since I have started listening to all of them, and the bad dermatitis I have on my right hand that I could not help or heal with any traditional or energetic tool, has already started improving!"
Package B |
Includes everything in Package A Plus
Package B:
Includes everything in Package A
Value: $2400
Please be Advised:
Sessions not available till September. Booking will open in August.
25 minutes of body work and consultation
I call this "Take a Dive into Health" because that is exactly what happens. When I work with people I literally dive into the many systems of the body: Nervous, Endocrine, Circulatory, Muscular & Connective Tissue, Organs, Digestive, Lymphatic, Immune, Reproductive, Respiratory, Urinary, Skeletal & Interaugmentary.
For most clients it is as if I was literally shrunk to whatever size I need to be to pass through that part of the body. The body talks to me the entire time showing me problem areas and whatever is required to do to change it – whether it be frequency baths, adding alkalinity to change pH, dissipating growths, activating organs and cells, and much more!
All of this using the consciousness of YOUR body!
Some of the most common ailments I have worked on include things like: candida or yeast over-growth; spinal adjustments; cleaning out plaque and more from arteries and veins; tuning the endocrine system to alleviate thyroid problems, change menstrual cycles or menopause issues and prostate problems; detoxing the body including heavy metals, chemicals & parasites; immune system boost and clean-out; inflammation reduction; soothing symptoms of IBS Colitis, Crohn's and other digestive issues; and much more!!! I even work on animals!
PACKAGE B - Everything in Package A Plus 25-min Private Session
Total Package Value $2400
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $447
*** Saving 81% ***
Sold Out
Please be Advised:
Sessions not available till September. Booking will open in August.
Lynn is only going to be offering limited session space for the rest of 2015, this is one of THE LAST OPPORTUNITIES to purchase this year.
"Would love for folks to know how much of a difference Lynn's work has made for me. My right ankle has been so badly swollen for decades that even super-wide diabetic socks cut deeply into it (and I'm not diabetic), so I'd have to cut through the elastic area in order to expand the sock enough to be worn safely. I know the doctor I have been seeing weekly for several years will be mind-boggled when he sees the results today. I'd just about given up hope that this ankle would ever decrease in size. Additionally, when I got dressed this morning, my slacks were actually loose on me!!! Now, that's a first!!!"
"Lynn is the most fabulously gifted healer I have ever come across. I listen daily to her downloads and my body feels great!"
100% Risk FREE - you have nothing to lose!
Lynn Waldrop, The Body Channel
I want you to experience the work and decide if it resonates with you and if your body likes it. You will get access to all the Bonuses, the first live call & Module 1 MP3. You can have Seven days to evaluate whether your body is saying "More, please!" or "No thank you". Trust your instinctive knowing if it is right for you by then. If it's not, just let us know before day 7 after purchase, and we will give you a 100% refund.
"The work you did during our first session cleared out the cervical stenosis scar tissue, which was blocking access to my endometrial cells. I got word today that my GYN did get a sample of my endometrial cells, so I can say I no longer have that condition! Over the past year, three previous attempts of sampling my endometrial cells failed!!"
"We had a session some time ago for macular degeneration. Yesterday, there was no leakage in either eye, so I'm not going back for two more weeks. There was no need for an injection yesterday and I had been getting shots every 4-5 weeks!! I'm most grateful!"
"I'm more grateful than I can tell you! I've seen dermatologists and doctors for 2 years without resolution to thinning hair and hair loss. The medical establishment simply doesn't know. I've been listening to your calls and have noticed huge improvements in my skin and detoxing and all areas you covered on those calls. Your work is truly more valuable than years of expensive therapy!!!"
"My husband … said I'm looking much better!!! He's very excited and hopes I keep getting better!!!!"
"My daughter hasn't had an inflammation or pus bubble on her gum since our sessions! Thank you so much!"
"I have worn glasses since I was 12 and now I don;t need my glasses!!!"
~ MARIE P, Canada
"After our first call my skin cleared up and I love it! I love your work."
"What you do amazes me! I listened to the Bone mp3 the day I received it, and I was shocked by how different I felt afterwards. For the first time, my Body felt completely peaceful. That was 3 weeks ago, and I'm still feeling the peacefulness. Thank you Lynn !"
~ STEPHANIE K, Waterloo, Canada
"I am 50 years old. In my mid 40s, I was pretty skinny but starting at around 46, with perimenopause, I put on around 10 pounds--which grew to 15 and two pant sizes--which on a petite woman is a lot. I use the "physical five" religiously and Lynn's other more weight/shape specific recordings, and I have shed approximately six pounds and one of those extra sizes. More importantly.the new-found body acceptance is more important to me than the exact poundage. THANK YOU, LYNN!"
~ SUE T, Torrence, CA
"Mid February I had my "every three months" appointment with my ophthalmologist. She has been watching my eye pressure for glaucoma and checking a developing cataract. After all the tests she announced that the eye pressure was well within range, the cataract was diminishing and that I had read two lines "smaller" on the eye chart than my last visit (and I know the floaters are greatly diminished too). She told me to schedule for nine months out. What fantastic feedback for a 72 year old to hear! I have been listening to the Improve Eyesight recording for two months, about two or three times a week. I also listen to the Total Body series about once a week, and I am SO pleased with how I see and feel! Thank you, thank you for all that you do!!!"
~ CAROL, upstate New York
"About two weeks ago I did a Zyto Compass scan of my body to find what Essential oils and Supplements I needed. Interesting to note there were a lot of Hormonal balance products. After listening to the Hormone call yesterday, I took another scan today and I didn't need any hormone balancing products.. So there is a real measurable shift in my hormonal balance as of today. Pretty exciting! Thanks Lynn Waldrop!"
2 Pay Option Available at Checkout
Sold Out
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a no questions asked, 7 day Money Back Guarantee (unless package states otherwise) to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 7 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.