Love Yourself into your most Magnificent Life Now!

Remove all the blocks that keep you from totally loving yourself and open your heart to overflowing abundance, loving relationships, and great health!

“Self Love is the #1 indicator of success in all areas of life.”

~ Dr. Joe Rubino

Most people have diminished self love in some or several areas of life. Issues with self love could have come from negative messages you received as a child like “you are not good enough” or maybe you simply were not supported during an emotionally crucial time. Most everybody can recall a damaging or traumatic episode from childhood. Psychologists have found that these traumas can have profound effects on our ability to attract and receive in all aspects of life and can limit your finances, relationships, health, vitality and more.

Studies show that over 85% of people have some degree of diminished self love and that lacking enough self love in certain key areas is the predominant cause of all of life's struggles.

  • Are you always worried about having enough money?
  • Do you have a chronic illness or get sick often?
  • Do the people in your life take you for granted or treat you poorly?
  • Do you look in the mirror and not like what you see?
  • Do you say critical things to yourself like, “I just can’t do anything right!”
  • Do you feel like you are on the treadmill of life without any real purpose?
  • Do you feel alone and unloved?

Expert Reviews

“Physically the pain in my lower back melted away!”

Nancy“Thank you Deonna for a beautiful and powerful healing experience!! As a long time energy healer it was  a delight to be guided so gently and gracefully to the centre of my heart opening to more space, more love and more connection. The healing journey took me first into deep connection with earth… grounding effortlessly into earth energy and drinking in its support. We then opened to divinity and I felt the healing energy of divinity flow in from the crown as sparkling healing white light. Feeling the flow from energy from above and below Deonna then guided a welcome and deep connection into the heart centre and I was able to relax softly into my inner sanctuary of LOVE.

Physically the pain in my lower back melted away! Deoanna also created the space for connection with my ‘TEAM’ of support! I was able to reconnect with these higher beings and bring together the love and resources of support to light and guide my path! I felt supported during the entire process and integrated the experience with the best night’s sleep I had in ages! Thank you lovely Deoanna for offering such clear and sacred support!!”

Love and appreciation,
~ Nancy Jean Mirales.

“…from abandonment to feeling deeply loved.”

Eugenia-Sverbikhina“Before our session with Deonna I was dealing with deep emotional trauma and desperately needed to recover. Because of that trauma I felt lonely, abandoned and disappointed. During our session while receiving Deonna’s gentle and caring healing I was physically feeling lots of warmth and lightness in my body, as if all of my troubles that pulled me down were removed and energy could move freely again through my body and through all my energy system. I am deeply grateful for this experience and would strongly recommend working with Deonna to anyone who feels lost and wants NOT to just know that the Universe is there for you, but to actually feel it deeply.Thank you!”

~ Eugenia Sverbikhina

“All my fear vanished! I felt COURAGEOUS and FEARLESS!!”

dipal“I just want to say thank you so much for your healing. I was in a situation with a family member that I did not want to face for a long time and tried to stay away at all cost as much as I could. This time it was in my face and I had no strength or courage to do so. I felt entrapped, sad, and very lonely. I didn't know who to go to so I talked to Deonna and she was so kind to respond immediately and send healings my way. Later that evening, I had to make a speech and ended up having a release of emotions during the speech. What was so great was that I must have released alot because all my fear vanished! I felt like I could conquer this challenge up with this family member and nothing could stop me. I felt a sense of trust and faith in myself and the biggest thing was that I felt COURAGEOUS and FEARLESS!! I was ready for a challenge. It was an amazing feeling. Again thank you so much for everything Deonna. ”

Many blessings to you.
~ Dipal Shah


“Money flow and relationship improved in one session.”

"Before working with Deonna, I used to say horrible things about myself to myself and felt so much hate for myself to the point that I would even slap myself in the face at times! Since having sessions with Deonna, I actually love myself and can say nice things to myself without feeling like they are fake! It has made a huge difference in my life! My money flow has improved and my relationships are much better. I feel like I am a different person than I was before. Deonna always gets to the core of the problem quickly and then calmly and lovingly clears it! It is incredible! I always feel so much better after I talk to her."

~ Frieda T.

If you experience these challenges you may have a low level of Self Love. You are not alone. Many people carry this voice inside that tells them they are not good enough or don’t do things right. It may only be in one area, like having trouble with relationships while still being successful in making money. It is human nature to internalize criticism much more than praise. It takes many more times of praise to counteract just one criticism!

As self critical thoughts run through the mind, people tend to attract experiences that prove the belief that they are not good enough!

But you need not suffer from this self sabotage anymore! You absolutely CAN change the view you have of yourself with this program into one of AMAZING SELF LOVE! Once you do you will be able to:


  • Attract overflowing abundance
  • Be given fantastic opportunities
  • Enjoy vibrant health
  • Have lots of energy
  • Enjoy loving and uplifting relationships with friends and family
  • Attract a beautiful and joyful romantic relationship
  • Love and accept your body just the way it is
  • Feel and look ten years younger than you are
  • Wake up with excitement for the day, filled with purpose
  • Experience joy and flow in your everyday life

Do you want to create your most Wonderful Life
filled with all that you desire?



“The very next day, there was no pain at all, the bruise had miraculously gone away!”

Denise L (1)"I had cut my foot on glass. It was a deep and painful cut. Upon having to walk on it a couple of days later, it got a big bruise all around it, and was still painful. So I had a session with Deonna. As she did this healing over the phone, her soothing, peaceful voice and words made me feel very calm, comforted and serene. After we hung up, I slept like a baby. The very next day, there was no pain at all, the bruise had miraculously gone away! Although the cut was still there, was healing, I believe, much more quickly than normal."

~ Denise L.

“The next day my boss didn’t upset me anymore even though things at work had not changed!”

"I was so overwhelmed and upset about a problem with my boss. I talked with Deonna and she did some energy work that really calmed me down. She said I had a belief that was triggering me and she cleared it. The next day my boss didn’t upset me anymore even though things at work had not changed! I handled it just fine! That was really amazing! I feel so much better and can enjoy going to work! Thank you Deonna!"

~ Ellie T.

56This package was created specifically to heal your low level of self love that has caused you pain and suffering in any area of your life. The activations and meditations are embedded with high vibrational energy that will shift your energy quickly into a place where you will be able to accept more and more self love. You will be able to open up to loving yourself so that your life will be transformed into one of tremendous abundance, excellent health, beautiful relationships, looking and feeling your best and finding and following your special purpose in life.

34The difference in the work that I do is a process that I developed called Embodying Your Higher Self. These clearings go through ALL the LAYERS, to the very core of the problem. There is no need to go through layer by layer, over a long period of time. The energy is gentle yet powerful and quickly releases you from the negative thoughts that have been plaguing you and allows for the love that you ARE to flow to you. When you love yourself you are then able to share your love on a whole new level. You do a service, not only to yourself, but to everyone around you.


You will be a beautiful presence in the lives of your loved ones, able to love them and receive love in a whole new way that opens up hearts all around you!

Before you can manifest abundance, health, money, love, your purpose, or anything your heart desires….. you must first have a loving relationship with yourself.

Isn’t it time that you open your heart to you and an amazing, joyful life?


“I was offered a car at half the market price! It was a miracle!”

Bj K.“I had limiting beliefs about the money I received from insurance for a car accident. It was not enough to get the car that I wanted! Deonna worked with me using energy work and processes to clear. The energy was so strong! I felt tingly and dizzy and felt energy moving! Shortly after that I was offered a car that was what I wanted for half the market price! So I had money left over! It was a miracle!

~ Bj K.

“I don’t know what I would have done without her gentle, yet very effective

“Deonna’s energy work has been so helpful that I know that whatever we choose to work on will be improved. In working with her the aching pain in my hips and back were eliminated and a flu was shortened to 2 days that would normally last 2 weeks! I don’t know what I would have done without her gentle, yet very effective work!”

~ Brenda K.

“Deonna is able to get to the root of the problem quickly and things always shift for the better!”

“I had emotional triggers that were causing me a lot of emotional upset and she cleared them quickly and easily so I am not triggered anymore! She is able to get to the root of the problem quickly and things always shift for the better!”

~ Joyce K.

Package A


  • 5 MP3s with activations and meditations embedded with high vibrational energy that will remove limiting beliefs about yourself and instill in you an abundance of self love in all areas of your life. (Value $500)
  • 5 pure energy MP3s embedded with high vibrations of love to magnify the effects of the first 5 MP3s. (Value $400 )
  • 4 Bonus MP3s for daily self love. (value $300)

“I was so amazed at how easy that all went just from one process!”

Samantha O."I was having some issues in my relationship. I had Deonna work with me. She did a process and I felt better and more relaxed. The next day I was able to step up and ask for something that I wanted from my partner and he happily agreed. I was so amazed at how easy that all went just from one process! Deonna is a very caring and talented healer. I love working with her."

~ Samantha O.

“I was finally able to make a big decision on something that I had been hesitating on! AND I have found love again!”

Wayne K."I was experiencing heavy grief and depression when I had a session with Deonna. As she did energy work and led me to connect with my inner child, I was amazed at how calm and comforted I felt. After connecting with my inner child, I felt a new sense of joy coming back and feel like there was a large shift for the better! Shortly after working with her, I was finally able to make a big decision on something that I had been hesitating on! And I have found love again! Life has definitely improved for me. Deonna is an excellent healer. If you work with her, you will be happy you did!"

~ Wayne K.

“Deonna's healing process is powerful… I was able see so much more clearly after our session!”

"Deonna's healing process is powerful! Her gentle and intuitive nature was quickly able to hone in on how I am holding myself back from fully stepping into my true self. Through our session, she was able to assist me in releasing the tension and blocks that are keeping me stuck and preventing me from sharing my gifts with the world. In particular, she helped release past life beliefs that were ingrained in my soul about abundance. I could feel the release and the shift happen - including being able to see so much more clearly after our session! I look forward to watching what else comes forward as a result of our session. Thank you Deonna!!"

~ Gretchen P.


5 MP3's with activations and meditations embedded with high vibrational energy that will remove limiting beliefs about yourself and instill in you an abundance of self love in all areas of your life.

Self Love for Abundance

Value: $100

Format: MP3

Activation and meditation for healing self love for overflowing abundance

Self Love for Health

Value: $100

Format: MP3

Activation and meditation for healing self love for vibrant health

Self Love for Relationships

Value: $100

Format: MP3

Activation and meditation for healing self love for beautiful and loving relationships

Self Love for Youthing & Body Image

Value: $100

Format: MP3

Activation and meditation for opening self love for looking and feeling 10 years younger and healing body image

Self Love for Purpose

Value: $100

Format: MP3

Activation and meditation to heal self love for finding your true purpose


5 pure energy MP3's embedded with high vibrations of love to magnify the effects of the first 5 MP3's.

Pure Energy for Abundance

Value: $80

Format: MP3

Silent recording for increasing self love for abundance

Pure Energy for Health

Value: $80

Format: MP3

Silent recording for increasing self love for excellent health

Pure Energy for Relationships

Value: $80

Format: MP3

Silent recording for increasing self love for loving relationships

Pure Energy for Youthing & Body Image

Value: $80

Format: MP3

Silent recording for increasing self love for looking younger and healing body image

Pure Energy for Purpose

Value: $80

Format: MP3

Silent recording for increasing self love for finding your true purpose


4 Bonus MP3s for daily self love.

Morning Self Love

Value: $75

Format: MP3

Wake up to high energy self love vibrations and affirmations

Nightly Self Love

Value: $75

Format: MP3

Go to sleep with relaxing self love meditation

Delete Worry

Value: $75

Format: MP3

Meditation and activation for erasing worry

Inner Child Daily Play

Value: $75

Format: MP3

Meditation and activation for nurturing your inner child daily


How do these MP3s work?

These MP3s are embedded with high vibrational energy transmissions to raise the listener into a more amplified place of receiving so that they are then better able to receive the healing activations and meditations. Listeners will shift the underlying negative feelings that they have about themselves into more self honoring and loving and then create, just by their new beliefs and vibration, a life filled with much more abundance of money, health, beautiful relationships, a younger appearance, body acceptance and a life of purpose filled with joy.

The pure energy MP3s are embedded with high vibrational frequencies that, although silent, will shift the listener’s vibration to attract abundance in all areas of life like more money, loving relationships, a more youthful appearance, body acceptance and a life of purpose filled with joy. These can be played anytime, while working or playing.


What people are saying about the MP3’s:

“I had been doing a lot of clearing a few days ago, and had been holding onto remnants subconsciously the past few days. I was walking about like a Zombie. This made me instantly reconnect, and start functioning from a place of love again. I'm starting to feel centered and more grounded now. Thank you Deonna! ”

~ Vyoma V.

“Wow.... What a beautiful process... I felt my body pulsating... Such a powerful but loving energy. I didn't want the meditation to end! Thank you so much❤❤ I felt so loved, so relaxed, so calm.

~ Missy Wise

“Visualizing this secret chamber was absolutely wonderful as it felt safe and Divine. Deonna Phillips your voice is very comforting and grounded and I feel you did an excellent job recording this!”

~ Karen Kan

“I had some troublesome stuff happen at work that was very upsetting. I went home and played the heart activation last night. I looped it through the night. I woke up this morning in a state of neutrality! All the upset was gone!

~ Sandhya S.

Expert Reviews

“The worry is gone. normally I'd run into the store and buy a soda. Not so this time!”

Cindy_Lybbert-2“I had a wonderful session with Deonna Phillips and it was wonderful. I felt at ease and that I could trust her, and felt her love helping me move through a couple of my personal issues. One was regarding weight. Six years ago I was in a bad marriage and ate out of boredom, gaining 20 pounds. After my divorce I lost some weight, but having a harder time to get rid of the rest. I do a little walking now and then but the motivation wasn't there for exercising like I should,...and I had the attitude, I just want to be there already! Too busy. I knew it was important to take time for myself, but I was too busy to do that first, having everything and everyone else come first. During our session I not only learned and felt a good desire to take care of myself, but I am feeling motivated to lose the extra weight, I knew I was making shifts because I kept yawning a lot (I was not tired), my mind was at peace and calm. The worry is gone, which is a big deal to me because now I can have a smile on my face, knowing I will get there and the journey will be fun and rewarding. I was also feeling more self-love, self-confidence, and fully accepting of myself. After the session I ran to the store to drop some movies off at Red Box and normally I'd run into the store and buy a soda. Not so this time! I remembered our session, how I felt, thought if I needed one,...and nope,...I feel I can now make better choices and have the freedom to do that. Thank you Deonna for your help and insight. I am looking forward to the blessings that come from it. You are a gifted and beautiful healer. I'm soooo happy! :)”

~ Cindy Lybbert


“…felt more relaxed and calmer knowing that all will be ok.”

Deonna is a down to the earth healer and very easy to understand. After clearing I felt more relaxed and calmer knowing that all will be ok. After the clearing I dreamt that I was running from dark shadows (I believe that was my fears) and at some point I turned to it, put on an invisible mask and the shadows couldn't get  me as I became invisible to the fear.  A lot of my dreams come true and this one was proof for me that Deonna did a really good job. Many thanks Deonna. I plan to work with you more soon!”

~ Irena B.

Package A

Total Package Value $1,217

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97
*** 93% Saving ***

Sold Out

Package B

Contains Everything in Package A:

  • 4 live weekly group calls to begin the first week of September We will meet once per week for a one hour Q&A session. (value $450)


4 Live Group Coaching Calls

Format: Teleclass

Length: 1 hour each

Classes will be on how to love yourself into higher income, greater health, more loving relationships, and amplifying confidence of your body and looking younger.

“...felt very nurturing, like being immersed in deeply loving energy.”

“Earlier this week I was gifted with a backstage pass to work with Deonna. I shared with her that I was feeling blocked and uninspired in the area of financial flow. She guided me through an expanded version of the Sacred Heart Chamber meditation in order to connect with and clear the energy. The experience itself felt very nurturing, like being immersed in deeply loving energy. She also shared some energy to assist in expanding the opening of my crown chakra. She sensed that my inner child was in need of some attention in order to facilitate the opening to expanded joy and blessings in my life. Deonna assisted me in connecting with and opening communication with the child energy within. At first "little Sherie" presented herself as defiant with arms crossed, very upset at being excluded from the fun and joy of life for far too long. After some inner attention and a commitment from my adult self to spend time with and include her in my daily life "she" relaxed her stance and became more open. Since that time I have become aware of how some unfinished tasks in my life could be viewed from childlike wonder and completed in the energy of fun to release some heavy energy and create more flow in my life. I am remembering to acknowledge my inner child with love and gratitude and include her in my day and she responds by presenting the curious, silly, playful side of me! Thank you”

~ Sherie C.

“I NEVER saw that coming…happened only a couple of hours after my session with Deonna Phillips”

“I was dealing with heartbreak and betrayal when I spoke to Deonna. She did a couple of processes and helped me cut ties with my ex. I am so very relaxed now. I had some bad financial news earlier and we did a process on it. I felt tingling in my left hand and left side of my body as my openness to receiving was opened up! My body shook when she led me to ground with the earth and I felt a lot of energy moving over my heart when we worked on releasing my ex. I felt lighter and was floating in joy after the session. lol Later my ex texted me saying his eyes were MYSTERIOUSLY opened and he apologized for all the wrongs he had done to me. He was suddenly scared sober and asking for help to become a better man! I NEVER saw that coming and it was only a couple of hours after my session with Deonna Phillips! I'm not taking him back, but he's scared sober and she's in jail and can’t feed him drugs anymore GOD IS SO GOOD!!!! I would very much recommend that you work with Deonna. She's a very talented and caring healer.”

~ Cat L.

Package B

Total Package Value $1,667

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
*** 91% Saving ***

Sold Out

Package C

Contains Everything in Package A & Package B:

  • A thirty minute one on one session (value $300)


30 min One on one session

Individual Session With Deonna for 30 minutes by phone or Skype On any Issue of your choice

Package C

Total Package Value $1,967

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 92% Saving ***

Sold Out


“within a short time, (like 30 minutes), the pain was gone!”

"I had terrible pain in my knee. My orthopedic surgeon recommended a total knee replacement but I can’t afford it, so I asked Deonna to help me. She agreed and I was SO impressed by the results! Immediately my pain level was reduced! And within a short time, (like 30 minutes), the pain was gone! I am very grateful for her knowledge, skill and abilities. She is also a kind, generous and peaceful person. So glad she shares her healing powers with the world."

~ Kim B.

“I actually saw my ancestors behind me and a veil of energy being lifted off of me!”

“I was fortunate to receive a BackStage Pass with Deonna Phillips. A few days ago she also had sent out a post on the VIP for the heart activation. My session with Deonna was tonight. I am still radiating energy from my heart through my whole body. I had listened to the heart activation for the first time on Monday. On Tuesday, I had some troublesome stuff happen at work. I went home and played the heart activation last night. I looped it through the night. I woke up this morning in a state of neutrality and stayed there most of the day. Before the session with Deonna, I played the activation again. Then that evening, I had my session with Deonna. She picked up on that I had some ancestral energy about being a "martyr". In the background of the session, I was looping the heart activation while the session was going on. I actually saw my ancestors behind me and a veil of energy being lifted off of me! I totally felt the release of this martyr energy from me and behind me. I could feel and sense a sigh of relief. We went back into my heart and really focused on bringing me back into my heart. We also brought in my inner child and I have not felt so incredibly happy as the joy of seeing my inner child jumping up and down with her pigtails swinging and laughing out loud. Deonna said she could see her too. I came back to happy. I am setting the intention to stay in my happy -- and I am still in my 4th week of happy-- I will not allow the some hours of madness to mar my happy. I am happy completely joyfully and ecstatically HAPPY!!! Thank you Deonna Phillips for bringing me back to my HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ Sandhya S.

“…instead of feeling discouraged, I felt good… before our session I would have settled out of fear that I would not find any other place.”

“Thank you for the wonderful healing session. I felt a shift as we were working, and I have felt calmer about my housing situation ever since. I've been tuning into the sensation of having my new home and can still feel the reassurance that was with me during the session. Today I saw/felt myself with a key in my hand walking over to my new place. It wasn't something I was trying to see, it just came to me like it was given as support from my team of helpers. I just got back from looking at an apartment. It wasn't what I wanted but instead of feeling discouraged I felt good that I could walk away from something that was not right because I knew I would find someplace that was right. Before our session I would have settled out of fear that I would not find any other place. I am happy with the results of our session and look forward to how it unfolds. ”.

~ Linda O. 

“The problem ceased. That was quite miraculous!”

“Deonna is a capable healer that is constantly expanding her skills and abilities. Throughout the years we have known each other, she has assisted with various modalities including Reiki for pain, soul fragment retrieval and integration, release of past-life trauma triggers, etc. I was impressed with one modality she used on me recently. It focused on the communication between various parts of self.  For instance, my Higher Self knew the truth regarding an energy that caused my diaphragm to contract at inappropriate times, and once my Higher Self communicated with my diaphragm the problem ceased. That was quite miraculous!  I am happy to know that dedicated healers like Deonna are available to support us when life’s little mishaps happen.”

~ Martha D.

About Deonna Phillips:

DeonnaDeonna Phillips has over 15 years of experience as an intuitive counselor and energy worker. She has studied reiki, inner child work, soul retrieval, theta healing, violet flame work, tapping, channeling and other modalities. She is the creator of Embodying Your Higher Self.

As an empath growing up, Deonna learned to cope with her intense feelings by suppressing and denying them. After experiencing much trauma as a young adult, she suddenly developed illness and knew she had to learn other ways to deal with them. That led her on a journey of seeking answers which included studying many alternative healing methods and spiritual healing techniques.

About 12 years ago, she began working with the Ascended Masters and Archangels which totally transformed her energy work to a higher vibrational frequency. Most of her clients report that they are amazed by the easy and powerful transformations they experience so quickly from working with her and always comment on how loving and supported they feel during sessions with her.

With her powerful transformational energy work, Deonna has transformed all types of relationships, relieved pain, accelerated healing of illness and injuries, assisted in financial abundance and career opportunities, and helped clients to heal their self worth and move into more joy, flow and ease.

Package A: No Refunds after 30 Days

Package B: Once you have received the first group coaching Day no refunds are allowed.

Package C: No Refunds if you already have received the Individual Session.

For package C purchasers: 1 on 1 sessions must be booked within 30 days of purchase but may be used up to 4 months thereafter. There is a 24-hour cancellation policy for sessions or the session is null and void. If a session is cancelled twice the session is also void. Late policy: Your session time will be held for 10 minutes at which time you may reschedule once. If you do not make the second one then your session is void. Thank you for respecting this policy.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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