Let your voice tell you what your body knows with
Are you ready to be fully empowered and healed in your life?
Did you know that the miracle of your very own voice holds the key to restoring health, true abundance, and BALANCE in your life?
Experience the restorative power of Voice Analysis Harmony!
So… even if you have read all the books
Been to all the workshops
Tried all the methods and practices
Or spent years in Therapy…
If you are still feeling stuck or unresolved on some level, then you have yet to get to the core energies that are Your Inherent Nature.
Here Are Some AMAZING Results People
Have Experienced With David's Work!
“With a diagnostic tool so precise as the Voice Bio (VAH), it can see things before another diagnostic reading can.”
“It took only one voice print consultation to know that I was in 'over-load' from too much detoxification taking place in my body from all the nutritional supplements I was taking.”
“Voice Analysis Harmony is a useful tool in assessing general aspects of health ... I cannot think of a less expensive or an easier way to monitor and support health.”
“David's professional response, level of expertise and caring throughout our sessions led to a very positive series of results that continues to this day.”
“Irritable Bowel Syndrome of 12 years immediately and completely cleared up and she has had no problem since.”
“I really connected to the sound waves and vibrations from this Sonic Synergy session... I have a real sense of safety and calm.”
“A young woman having difficulty with her libido caused by her antidepressant medication was back to normal within days, after Voice Print detected the cause of her imbalance!”
“When I first started the session, I was uneasy and restless, but felt very calm and serene afterwards and slept very soundly that night.”
“Dave is a very gifted healer and transformation guide. I had Powerful breakthroughs in some old stuck patterns in my life.”
“David Chandler offers his clients the perfect combination of intuitive inquiry, deep listening, and scientifically proven healing modalities.”
“David offers a simple, yet profound invitation to recalibrate your life.”
“David is a highly sensitive and well-trained individual who possesses a unique ability to tune himself into your needs and emotions.”
“I have had wonderful experiences with David’s sound healings. During times of stress and depression, our sessions helped alleviate my symptoms.”
“I have experienced sessions with David of both Vibroacoustic Therapy and Inner Greatness/Deep Listening processes ... His music is very healing
and has moved me to tears.”
“A young boy who has trouble sleeping reported an improvement in attitude, concentration, digestion, and stamina after using Voice Bio (VAH).”
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5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Discount: 82%
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5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Voice Analysis and Interpretation
Sensory Healing
Discount : 84%
Total Package Value $1550
FHTJ Super Value
Discount offer
5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Voice Analysis and Interpretation
Sensory Healing
Personalized Home Note
Frequency Track
One Month Personalized
Sound Therapy Program
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Package B – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done.
Package C – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
The VAH system is based on the fact that everything about you is carried in the sound of your voice –
Your template of perfection, and every way that you and society have distorted it since you were born.
Let's take frequency education a step further:
According to Einstein:
“It’s NOT the frequency that’s important, it is the “FIELD” that heals
because the FIELD is the SOLE governing agent of the particle.”
As we humans are mostly H2O water particles, we are now learning that we should be concerned with the FIELD and our relationship to it.
This is the basic Energy Science Concept in healing through the voice.
The FIELD is governing health and consciousness through energetic pattern interactions with the structures present in and of out H2O water body.
Our Relationship to Frequency is the key to tuning the field with sound.
This is referred to as PHASE.
When we are out of PHASE, we are out of Alignment energetically.
If you were to play two tracks of music one, a tenth of a second later than the other, it would sound chaotic.
This is what can happen to our bioenergetics system when out of phase.
Voice Harmony Analysis can get us back in sync with ourselves and harmonizes our bio energies.
It is firm science that the structure of the cellular water in your body is truly the chief determining factor in the chemical functioning and processes of the cell, the DNA, the brain, the immune system, the glands…
The entire mind and body are subject to the water of which it is composed.
(note the sonic/musical term)
This in concert with our consciousness composes the WATER BODY.
We can literally harmonize our bodies at the cellular level with patterns of sound energy.
This is the basis for working with the energetic information
contained in the VOICE.
The study of wave phenomena known as Cymatics, presents a clear graphic representation of this restructuring.
Here are a few high-speed photographs of water being vibrated by the sound of the human voice
If we could see sound, we would not see waves as is commonly believed, but these images would appear as shimmering, amazingly beautiful holographic bubbles with morphing kaleidoscopic patterns on their surfaces.
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Discount: 82%
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5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Voice Analysis and Interpretation
Sensory Healing
Discount : 84%
Total Package Value $1550
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5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Voice Analysis and Interpretation
Sensory Healing
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Package B – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done.
Package C – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
The VAH system is based on the fact that we are energy and everything that is “you” is carried in the sound of your voice.
It is your template of perfection that can become distorted over time, causing emotional and physical imbalances.
An easy way to explain a VAH assessment is to compare it to a lie detector examination.
We are taking a “print” of the subtle energetics of the body utilizing the subconscious mind and body, not the conscious mind, and the specific hemisphere of the brain in relation to the subconscious.
This is why the chart questions are so specific, why the client isn’t allowed to read or sing, & even why they can’t look at the computer screen during the recording. This would cause the client to utilize the wrong hemisphere of the brain & create an invalid voiceprint.
Just as the lie detector can determine that you are not telling the truth although your conscious mind is speaking something different, the VAH assessment does the same, showing us the energetic condition of the body regardless of what the conscious mind has determined to be wrong.
The actual content of the client’s statements during the assessment has no impact on the print; and we recommend that the recording always be in the client’s native language as well.
Therefore, VAH is not determined by the opinions or beliefs of the client; nor by the ability or non-ability of the practitioner.
Taking those perimeters out of the equation gives you a reliable “print” of the energetics of the body, which then allows the practitioner to determine the core imbalances correctly.
VAH also works in reverse of the typical healing process.
Whereas most health professionals explain the healing as an unraveling of an onion (taking care of one problem reveals another);VAH will actually show you the “core” problem first.
Many times, you can correct this core imbalance and the smaller sub-core problems will go away as well.
For an example: in other health assessments, a client might find that their kidneys are overworked and inflamed, and thus, the practitioner would concentrate their efforts in this direction.
In VAH, we would see the entire picture and realize that the root problem is the liver and therefore the backup system to the liver – the kidneys – are now trying to do both jobs.
We would concentrate in rebuilding the liver so the kidneys could go back to their normal jobs.
The VAH system is based on the fact that everything about you is carried in the sound of your voice – Your template of perfection, and every way that you and society have distorted it since you were born.
All the parts of the body; emotional, physical, and cellular; function at different frequencies.
An imbalance in these frequencies can lead to an imbalance in an organ, body system or mental state.
The more balanced the energy, the more balanced, efficient and energetic you are.
An imbalance in your body can happen in many ways:
- Environmental – toxins, pesticides, chemicals, & additives in your food and environment can deteriorate nutrients necessary for the function of your entire system.
- Incompatible Frequencies - If you grow up or currently live with an irritating frequency; such as a humming refrigerator or squeaky ceiling fan, over time it can create an imbalance in your system.
- Physical Issues or Trauma – These can also create blockages in your system.
- Emotional Issues or Trauma - These can affect the balance of frequencies in your system.
- Sometimes emotional issues that are hard to erase or overcome are actually vibrating in the same note as a low physical area and cannot be released until the physical area is rebuilt.
- Nutritional Deficiencies – Supplements chemical substances have their own frequency.
- Correlating supplements that vibrate in areas of your body that are already low can help two-fold.
- Hearing Issues – Simple hearing loss can affect the nutrients that are getting into your body.
- Based on the research of Alfred Tomatis, your voice isn’t able to produce frequencies that a hearing loss would block.
VAH allows us to see the areas of frequency imbalance in the human body.
Creating and listening to these frequencies can balance the body physically and emotionally.
Toning (singing a vowel at that note) is even more effective than just listening to a song in the key you are missing.
Every issue, physically and emotionally, is supported by a vibrational landscape within your whole system.
Your voice reflects this landscape and a VAH practitioner is able to
analyze the charts and find the clues to balance.
You may experience an imbalance in this landscape with a physical or emotional problem, or you may not experience any imbalance yet.
Addressing the imbalance through sound (toning, crystal bowls, music, etc.) and nutrition will lead to homeostasis of your entire system.
The Assessment
Every issue, physically and emotionally, is supported by a vibrational landscape within your whole system.
Your voice reflects this landscape and a VAH practitioner is able to analyze the charts and find the clues to balance.
You may experience an imbalance in this landscape with a physical or emotional problem, or you may not experience any imbalance yet.
Addressing the imbalance through sound (toning, crystal bowls, music, etc.) and nutrition will lead to homeostasis of your entire system.
Fueled by electro-magnetic energy and organized according to a unique DNA blueprint, the various organs, glands and systems of the human body are meant to function independently, yet as a whole.
The heart, lungs, pancreas and nervous system all have specialized jobs requiring specialized resources. However, to maintain health, all systems and organs must be in constant communication and interacting equitably.
If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one
system or organ, an imbalance can develop, first presenting warning symptoms and then
more severe challenges.
The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency.
In other words, each organ has its own frequency range (transposed from Mhz to Hz) that resonates to the particular nutrients, minerals and sound vibration required for function.
There are in all, 12 keynote frequencies present in the human body:
C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A# and B.
The keynote frequencies found in the body are the very same frequencies found in music.
And just as the note of C appears several times on a piano keyboard at varying octaves, the note of C appears many times in the body.
The voice, being the composite sound of the human being, is representative of all of the frequencies in the body.
Until now, we might have been tempted to consider the human voice to be one sound, distinctive certainly from person to person, but definitely not revealing 12 individual sound frequencies.
However, through the technology of the VAH system, the independent frequencies can be captured, translated and sorted onto a voiceprint chart, giving a highly accurate indication of physical function.
With a perfect body in an ideal world, a voiceprint would show every one of the 12 sound frequencies registering an equal number of sound hits.
That would mean a voiceprint of 240 overall hits, will register 20 hits in each of the
frequency categories.
Unfortunately, such perfection does not exist in the real world.
Instead, as a result of poor lifestyle habits, genetic tendencies and environmental factors, a voiceprint will show a range of heavy hit categories and weak hit categories interspersed with those that are in the average range.
An assessment of the heavy and weak areas of a voiceprint can act as a guide to improved health, regeneration and increased energy.
A voiceprint can literally point out exactly not only why the door is locked, but also which key is needed to "unlock the door."
When an individual experiences pain, health challenges, physical deterioration or inflammation, it is because the balance of frequencies has been disturbed or interrupted by discordance. There is always an underlying cause and effect.
Determining the cause that is creating the effect has long been the primary challenge of medical science. Because an individual's frequencies are scanned and measured through VAH system, this new technology can be an invaluable, non-invasive diagnostic tool.
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5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
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5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Voice Analysis and Interpretation
Sensory Healing
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Total Package Value $1550
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Package B – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done.
Package C – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Here is a hypothetical example that illustrates just how the VAH system works:
As is the case with so many newborns, baby Michael is first introduced to nutrients by way of a sweetened, canned formula.
As he gets older, he is fed a diet laden with sugar.
He drinks soda pop instead of water, eats candy instead of vegetables, and insists on macaroni and cheese for dinner every evening.
The parents wonder why their son has frequent ear infections and suffers from airborne allergies as well as poor concentration in school.
But the mystery of the ear infections and poor academic performance can be quickly solved with a 5-minute voiceprint. This child has been putting undue stress on pancreatic function since the day he was born.
Not surprisingly, his voice print shows heavy frequency hits in the note of F, the vibration
of the pancreas.
Not coincidentally, F is also the frequency of the ears. Relieve excess F stress from this child's system through nutritional support and lifestyle changes, and he is likely to enjoy better
health overall.
While organs and systems within an individual's body share energy and communication, so too do people living together within a relationship or family unit.
In fact, individuals who have long-term physical imbalances will often attract those who have opposite imbalances.
(Yes, that may mean you fell in love with your husband for his F# frequency!)
Whenever the opposites are together, they will feel more complete because each is filling in a missing frequency for the other.
Such a dynamic is not the ideal, since individual balance offers the most strength.
However, this factor does explain why one spouse will find it difficult to get healthier if the other is not willing to do the same.
This also explains why partners in an abusive, co-dependent relationship keep going back to each other.
They are "medicating" each other by providing missing sound frequencies.
Everything in the Universe functions through sound vibration. Because the VAH system accurately reveals the frequency patterns of the body, it can be an invaluable assessment tool on the way to understanding and realizing optimal physical health.
While every organ and system present in the human body has its own keynote frequency, so too does every human emotion and feeling.
This is true of momentary, passing emotions (a person feels anger after getting cut off in traffic), or for those emotions that become chronic (viewing oneself as a martyr).
Yes, whether it is jealousy, love, bitterness, resentment, contentment or anxiety, every constructive or destructive emotion and feeling, has a signature frequency that links it to associated physical parts.
Since emotions share energy with physical body parts, it is extremely important that emotional function be healthy and balanced if optimal health and wellbeing are to be realized.
When emotional function is inflamed or exaggerated, the related physical areas can either become equally inflamed (or depressed in function), because the associated emotion is encouraging an imbalanced flow of energy.
Likewise, if a person is resistant to feeling, the related body area will experience the pressure of having to compensate for the related lack of emotion.
In many instances, a person suffering from physical distress in an organ or body part will actually "fuel" the physical with emotion.
Let's look at some examples....
First, a case of physical problems initiating emotional upsets. Consider a female client whose voiceprint registers poor physical support in the frequency of G#.
Her health history reveals several relatives with gall bladder problems but she shows no sign of such a challenge.
This woman's husband is a professional, his job requiring the couple to frequently entertain.
Her daughter is a cheerleader, her son, a star player on the soccer and football teams at school.
This client initially complained of never having time for herself because she was always chauffeuring and doing errands for her family.
While she had a lack of physical frequency "hits" in the note of G# on her voiceprint, she did show a great deal of emotional stress in that note.
In other words, she was compensating emotionally for a physical weakness she had inherited. Her emotions, while uncomfortable, were literally creating enough energy to keep her digestive processes going.
When this woman started to build physical G# energy through nutritional and lifestyle changes, her emotional stress diminished.
Nothing much in her life had changed, since she still needed to chauffeur, plan and entertain.
However, she experienced a lot more strength and power personally when she didn't feel the need to balance the physical with the emotional.
Amazingly, she consequently had the courage to speak her mind to her husband, discovering he was quite positively supportive to her needs and ideas ... and always had been.
Then there was the male client who grew up in a home where an atmosphere of
coldness prevailed.
As a boy, this individual felt unloved and isolated. He compensated by turning his feelings inward and using comfort food as his most trusted companion.
Not surprisingly, he chose a wife who offered little affection, and to make matters worse, his children grew up to be disappointments.
This man led a respectable, highly practical life; all the while feeling the world was against him.
He had limited financial means and believed there was no way out of his lack and limitation.
The "martyr" attitude he developed as his reality took so much energy to maintain, physical energy was consistently pulled from his B frequency.
He was puzzled at his bowel problems and suffered daily from carpal tunnel syndrome.
And nothing he attempted by way of physical remedies offered relief or regularity.
This person required a change of attitude and a conscious process of forgiveness to stabilize the emotional and physical energy flow in his B frequency.
The VAH system is a unique diagnostic, screening tool that assesses both an individual's physical and emotional energetics, and the relationship between the two.
This relationship is important in determining lifestyle changes because it is often the emotions that affect physical balance and vice versa.
Understanding this dynamic makes it clear that someone seeking to improve visual health without addressing fear issues will face a losing battle. And someone wishing to become less codependent will find it next to impossible without supporting related physical body systems.
With emotional frequencies as with physical frequencies, there is an interplay that takes place between people living together in a family or partnership arrangement.
A husband who is a "fixer" will naturally team up with a wife who is a "worrier" since these emotions supply complementary yet contrasting frequencies that fill in a lacking energetic.
Might seem an ideal symbiotic relationship as long as neither partner chooses to grow out of their stressful tendencies.
Ah, but if the wife decides she has stressed herself enough to where she wishes to worry much less, she is likely to find resistance from her spouse, since to worry less means he will have less of the "worry frequency" available to him...
unless he does NOT need it any longer because he chooses to take better care of his cardiovascular system.
Human beings are multifaceted. Science is learning that it is the complex interaction between one's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects that determines overall quality of life.
The challenge comes in measuring that interaction effectively and accurately. Voice Analysis Harmony is a noninvasive, cutting edge tool that offers an inside peek at holistic energy patterns within the individual... as well as within the couple or family unit.
The VAH system can consequently offer direction when it comes to changing ingrained patterns that have become unhealthy or counterproductive.
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Total Package Value $497
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5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Discount: 82%
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5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Voice Analysis and Interpretation
Sensory Healing
Discount : 84%
Total Package Value $1550
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5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Voice Analysis and Interpretation
Sensory Healing
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One Month Personalized
Sound Therapy Program
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
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Package B – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done.
Package C – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
The effectiveness is astounding. Check out what people are saying.
It has been a relief meeting and working with someone who is so full of truth
“In an industry cluttered with fraudulent claims, zealous marketers, money-hungry opportunistic, and misinformed 'experts.'
It has been a relief meeting and working with someone who is so full of truth.
VAH has combined experience, reason, and intuition to develop the voice analysis system. I highly recommend everyone to experience the results.”
~ Arnel L., Santa Monica, CA
With a diagnostic tool, so precise as the Voice Bio (VAH), it can see things before another diagnostic reading can
“I was working at the Chiropractors office. We used in the Voice Bio machine. The reading picked up an infection in the teeth/mouth area. I thought it was unusual because I felt very healthy and had no symptoms of anything at the time. I had just completed a root scaling - deep gum cleaning with the dentist and we still had one section to go. I told the dentist on the next visit about the machine and what it had picked up. He merely dismissed it and said he saw no signs of any infection. I felt nothing either so I just let it go.
A few months passed & I moved out of state, and had to get a new dentist. He insisted that although I had x rays- he needed his own for his records.
They came back with a very serious infection in my lower teeth area with signs of bone loss and soft tissue mass. He said we had to do some root canals to try & save the teeth and he immediately put me on a very heavy dose of antibiotics. I told him I had no pain and asked how could it be so bad? He said the infection was in a state where the immune system of my body was keeping it under control.
As he performed the three root canals that day, so much of my root was pure mush from infection. He had to leave them open to drain for weeks.
I told him about the intense root cleaning I had received, & that may-be the old dentist 's equipment might have caused the infection.
He said at the state that my soft tissue and bone was in, the infection had been there for years, possibly 3 or 4 years old. This matched up to the time prior when I had a bad abscess and due to finances, could not get help at that time.
I eat well and take care of my health. Thank God my immune system kept things under control.
My dentist said if this condition had not been diagnosed, I could be in serious adverse health right now.
My vital organs could have been permanently damaged from the in-fection, and the long- term consequences are hard to imagine.
They say the infection from teeth can damage the heart or cause the infection to spread to the entire body.
People have died from this. With a diagnostic tool, so precise as the Voice Bio (VAH), it can see things before other diagnostic readings can.
This could save lives & prevent future long term health problems.
It’s a pro-active, conscious approach to being responsible for your health”.
~ Cheryl P., California
“It took only one voice print consultation to know that I was in "over-load' from too much detoxification taking place in my body from all the nutritional supplements, I was taking”
“My mind was going blank, my body was going numb and it did not seem to matter what I did. The Doctors took their usual mega bucks only to tell me, "We just don't know!" How little they understood nutrition.
It took only one voice print consultation to know that I was in "overload' from too much detoxification taking place in my body from all the nutritional supplements I was taking.
I thought I might have had a major disease and would die soon. Instead I was recommended to go off all my supplements for three days and then go back to much smaller amounts, if any, as my body was no longer able to tolerate the quality of the work natural nutritional supplements were doing in my body.
I was just not getting cleaned out. Three Days later, I was out of brain fog, the paralysis had begun to disappear and I was able to think and say what I was thinking.
A Miracle to me....
I have already worked with others who had the same "blocked and overloaded" pattern. We are all thankful”.
~ Gary Sinclair
“After working for three months with iodine for the thyroid and Primal Defense and colon cleanse for colon, the next voice analysis indicated that both areas are now strong and the numbers are up”
“Voice Analysis Harmony is a useful tool in assessing general aspects of health. For me the initial chart indicated that my thyroid and colon numbers were very low.
After working for three months with iodine for the thyroid and Primal Defense and colon cleanse for colon, the next voice analysis indicated that both areas are now strong and the numbers are up.
I cannot think of a less expensive or an easier way to monitor and support health.
A client of mine had her voice chart done. She is an acupuncturist (someone who is knowledgeable and takes care of health) and young, so I expected a balanced reading.
To my horror, her heart energy, in the lower octaves on the chart looked so stressed that I was concerned for her longevity and immediate health.
Avoiding scaring her I asked several questions to help make sense of the reading.Eventually we pinpointed a problem in her treatment room, where the air conditioner made a constant and terrific hum. I asked her if it had not bothered her and she replied that she had just focused it out of her mind .When we muscle tested her it indicated that the loud and persistent hum had indeed affected her heart negatively.
The hum has since been fixed; it was two pipes rubbing on each other that were easily separated. Now there is no noise at all.
She is attending her heart with good nutrition including CoQ10 and I anticipate that the next reading will show an improved or totally healthy heart.”
~ Helga Kollar, M.A.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome of 12 years immediately and
completely cleared up and she has had no problem since”
“I did a voice print on a friend who had suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome for 12 years and was on a drug to control the symptoms of chronic diarrhea.
She had been to a naturopathic healer whose recommendations helped for a short while but did not clear the condition. I noticed on her print that her G# note which correlates to digestive enzymes was very low and that perhaps poorly digested food was irritating her colon, causing her condition.
I suggested a digestive enzyme which she obtained. Her condition immediately and completely cleared up and she has had no problem since”.
~ Cheryl Forest
“Libido back to Normal within days.”
“A young woman came into my office. She was having difficulty with her libido caused by her antidepressant medication.
Because she was newlywed, she was particularly concerned. I took a voiceprint, looked up the resonance of the medication she was taking and found that it was causing imbalance.
I looked up several other antidepressant medications that basically did the same things, but their resonance was safer for the client. She then went back to her doctor who was open to the idea and pursuing this.
He did not like two of the medications due to side effects, and chose the third. Within days, the young woman was back to normal.”
~ Julie Verburg, (VAH) Analyst, Sicamous, British Columbia
“Just after first session 13-year-old boy could sleep through the night for the first time in years. Improvement in attitude, concentration, digestion, and stamina”
"The first was a young boy of 13 who could not sleep at night. He had been taken everywhere for treatment, but to no avail. This boy also could not effectively concentrate on his schoolwork. After my first session with him, he took home his "sound formula." His mother called the very next day to say her son had slept through the night for the first time in years.
During the next visit with me, I received lots of grateful hugs from
this young boy. As time went on, he could concentrate in school and continued to sleep through the night.
I monitored this young man over the course of several weeks. He reported an improvement in attitude, concentration, digestion, and stamina.
This was a boy who was happy he discovered Voice Bio (VAH)”
“Sound frequency makes a difference in peoples' lives!”
“Finally, there was the client I advised to add B vitamins, especially B-12 to her daily regimen. (This recommendation followed her voiceprint and associated assessment.)
She was initially very skeptical about sound frequency overall, and
did not choose to apply my recommendation. However, she later went to her allopathic physician for the same problem, and he told her she needed B vitamins, especially B-12.
She was stunned and gave me a confirmation call without delay. Not only did she begin the vitamins, she also enthusiastically requested a tone formula!
Over and over, I see just how much sound frequency makes a difference in peoples' lives!”
~ Mary Carney, ND
“Strength came back into her legs. By keeping the sound flowing, she could stand up.”
"Then there was a woman who sustained a head injury because of a terrible car accident. Shortly after the accident, about 5 years ago, I programmed a set of frequencies for her as support during her recovery.
Most recently, she was having trouble walking, a problem that developed quite unexpectedly. In her panic to reach her doctor, she accidently knocked over some books at her home... lo and behold, there was her long- retired tone box.
On impulse, she picked it up and listened to the tones. Very quickly, strength came back into her legs. By keeping the sound flowing, she could stand up, get to the doctor and return home before the battery wore down.
She was stunned that this sound could help her so much, especially 5 years after it was created.”
I have created exceptional results with clients.
However, this work has also healed MY life. 5 years ago, I fell 20 feet onto concrete and severely injured my body and was deeply traumatized.
I was told by the surgeon who tried to repair my shattered left wrist that I would never play music again.
(I am a keyboard player)
He said it was the worst injury he had seen in 23 years of being a wrist surgeon. I had three surgeries to repair my broken body and was in a Trauma unit for two weeks then rehab for the following six months.
My recovery was deemed miraculous by this very same doctor.
I used sound energy to heal my broken bones. AND MY BROKEN HEART. I made a complete recovery and have full use of all my limbs as well as the wrist, that was shattered into 40 pieces.
True healing begins with ones’ Self. This “accident” gave me the opportunity to become an Authentic Sound Healer.
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Total Package Value $1550
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5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Voice Analysis and Interpretation
Sensory Healing
Personalized Home Note
Frequency Track
One Month Personalized
Sound Therapy Program
Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done.
Package C – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Your success is our success and we are here for you every step of the way.
Our COMMITMENT is to support all of YOU
and when you decide to purchase a package from FHTJ… the love doesn’t end there!
We will reach out to you to see how you are progressing and answer any questions you may have
along the path you have chosen. FHTJ Cares
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A
Reset Reboot
Contains 2 Hours And 22 Minutues Of
Reset, Rebalance And Reboot Sonics.
Highly Therapeutic Sonic Self- Discovery.
FIVE Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks Specifically Targeted To Vaporize
- Physical/emotional stresses
- Anxiety about the future
- Past trauma that is being repressed
- Resentments
- Heartbreak and grief
This is a series of high fidelity .wav files that include:
- Sonic Sage/Clearing
- Grounding
- High Heart Healing
- Rebalancing Thyroid, Adrenals, Candida and Pancreas
- Releasing Anxiety, Frustration, and Worry
These Therapeutic Soundfields are much more the just nice music. These are energetic attunements created from use of the VAH system.
They contain embedded frequencies that bypass the conscious mind and affect the bioenergetics system at a deep level. This is Transformational Sound Design
They are also created in sacred space with deep healing intention. Constance Demby put it best …
“Music is a realm of Consciousness the listener enters by traveling on a beam of sound. The more authentically the composer is connected to Source when they receive the music, the purer the transmission, and the more potent the effect upon the listener. Essentially, the listener can go as far and as deep as the composer went when receiving the music."
Please download and carefully read the instructions for use of these powerful tracks.
Please do not play while operating a motor vehicle under any conditions.
These sound therapy formulas are based on thousands of voiceprints that correlate to
TRACK 1: Sonic Sage/Clearing
This track will clear a room, a space, and your personal energy field.
Intended to play at moderate to high volume.
Repeat as neccesary.
This track has been effectively used in ceremonies through out north america
TRACK 2: Gaia/Earth/Body
A journey through your “inner planet”.
Embedded schumann response frequencies of the earths resonant electromagetics.
Designed for expanded embodiment and connection to the living being of our mother earth.
TRACK 3: High Heart Healing
Healing of trauma and heatbreak connects you to “high heart” space for expanding cosmic consciousness and recaliming your identity as sovereign entity free from the earthly drama.
You are a soul in wonder
TRACK 4: Rebalancing Thyroid, Adrenals, Candida and Pancreas
T.A.C.P stands for thyroid, adrenals, candida and pancreas this is the one most common voiceprint pattern seen in tens of thousands on voiceprints.
It shows the weakest frequencies in ones voice correlated to conditions of energetic imbalance in these physical bodily systems. This soundfield will energetically nourish these areas of imbalance.
Play at low to moderate level into your living/healing space on a loop for long periods of exposure to these energies.
No active listening required.
TRACK 5: Releasing Anxiety, Frustration, and Worry
This sound field is specifically designed to assist re-balance emotional aspects of depression anxiety and worry.
It is key in addressing issues of the parasympathetic nervous system.
And helping to balance nuerotransmitters bioenergetically.
This is a very special soundscape with great healing potential. play at low to moderate level into your living/healing space on a loop for long periods of exposure to these energies.
No active listening required.
Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $497
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 80% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Deep Dive
- All in Package A
- Voiceprint Analysis and Interpretation
Voiceprint Analysis and Interpretation
Your voiceprint analyzed. A detailed comprehensive report on your current energetic health.
A remedial soundtrack and detailed instructions for use of these sounds will be provided.
Options for optimizing this sound energy balancing will be included.
Once you sign up you will receive instructions for creating and submitting your sound file
for analysis.
You will have opened the door to a whole new way of healing on all levels, from the body level up to the astral.
The voiceprint is a holographic representation of life force energy and will be addressed in such a way that healing can take place on all levels simultaneously.
Sensory Healing
The voiceprint is a holographic representation of life force energy and will be addressed in such a way that healing can take place on all levels simultaneously. The weakest frequencies in your voiceprint are akin to a vitamin/nutritional deficiency.
The more sensory channels that are accessed and utilized in correcting energetic imbalances, the better.
In this package, you will receive a recommendation for Color therapy practice to nourish the visual cortex for the corresponding color frequency.
You will also receive a recommendation for corresponding essential oil to access the olfactory channel, that as we know through research has deep imprinting to memory and unique energetic properties.
Here’s an example of other recommendations in this package:
If one was deficient in the energies/frequencies corresponding to the B note of the 12- tone chromatic scale-
Emotional Aspects for the Note of B...
A tendency to play a martyr role Fear of appearing selfish to others.
Frustration at feeling undercompensated Anger and frustration over life's injustices A habit of seeing the impossibilities before the possibilities.
Lifestyle suggestions to build B...
- Nutritional support for the immune system
- Add more fiber to your diet
- Avoid sugar, wheat and refined, man-made foods
- Consider a 3-day vegetable juice fast
- Consider a gentle bowel cleanse and probiotics
- Regular chiropractic care
- Eliminate meat from your diet
- Check your environment for EMF pollution
- Choose to eliminate martyr behavior
- Learn better stress-coping mechanisms
Foods to include in your diet. . . Asparagus, cabbage, carrots, celery, parsley, Swiss chard, kale, beets, tomatoes, watercress, pumpkin, squash, spinach, basil, ginger, garlic, onion, pineapple, papaya, avocados, bananas, blueberries, brown rice, millet, flaxseed.
Juices to build B ...
- Carrot 5 oz./spinach 3 oz.
- Carrot 4 oz./cabbage 2oz./spinach 2oz
Nutrients that resonate in B . . . Sulfur, Melatonin, Vitamin B5, Boron, Glutathione, Pyruvic Acid, Vitamin C, DMG, GABA, Citric Acid, Silver
Color to build B ...
- Look at Violet
- Wear Lime
Essential Oils to build B . . . Patchouli, Peppermint, Spearmint, Anise, Ginger, Fennel, Chamomile, Tangerine, Sage, Rosemary
Wear these stones to build B ...
- Peridot, Green Calcite
Flower Essences to build B ...
- Larch, Willow Chestnut Bud Honeysuckle, Walnut, Vine
Deep Dive
Total Package Value $850
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 82% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C
Total Transformation
- All in Package A & Package B
- Personalized Home Note Frequency Track (Only for the first 50)
- A One Month Personalized Sound Therapy Program with THREE voiceprints, updates and coaching will optimize the efficacy of our sound therapy work.
Isn’t it time to heal YOUR life?
To Give yourself the gift of this healing through your very own voice. In addition to the VAH system, we can discover your Essential Sonic Signature/Root Frequency.
I like to call this your HOME/SOUL NOTE
Your Home/Soul Note
(FREE For the First 50 People)
It is so beautiful to know where Home is, and tbe able to return to it whenever you so desire!!
“The poets did well to conjoin Music and Medicine in Apollo, because the office of medicine is but to tune this curious harp of mans’ body and reduce it to Harmony”
~ Francis Bacon
It has been shown in controlled research that when you resonate your frequency more consistently, every organ and system in your body falls into alignment.
We will find your Home Note and find your frequency. I will then send you a Soul Frequency Soundtrack in your key. The leading scholars and researchers in the field of sound healing believe that we have a particular frequency that entrains us into optimum health.
Some see it as a central processing frequency, some see it as your Soul frequency. When you are with your HOME NOTE, all of your physical/energetic systems come into balance.
Your whole system functions in HARMONY. You are more centered, grounded and present.
Your HOME NOTE Frequency
This frequency is known to you when you are centered and grounded. There are many chaotic frequencies that distract us from our own.
Often these are the sounds our own emotions, and the emotions of others.
Often the “loudest” sound is that of your own internal dialogue.
Therefore, it is easy to lose touch with our own frequency. Music that has a consistent HOME NOTE of the key of a song will be more conducive to resonating your frequency.
The underlying power of sound is that it gets your own frequency resonating.
This image is of water being resonated with sound
Our bodies are 70% water
Your HOME NOTE is YOUR Harmony
Home Note Session
First, you email me your birthdate month and year and place of birth.
Based on this information I will then find your Soul/Home Note frequency. I will then send you a soundtrack in that key for you to use to “get back Home” whenever you’d like!
One MONTH Personalized Sound Therapy Program
Your one month personalized sonic therapy program will include three voiceprints. (one every ten days). We will carefully track your progress through the VAH system, and optimize your sonic remedy and lifestyle recommendations with Deep Listening techniques from my training in the field of Human Software Engineering.
This additional Awareness training will greatly enhance the efficacy of our work together, allowing for significant shifts in awareness and improvements in all aspects of health and wellbeing. This month long program is guaranteed to produce results!
Powerful breakthroughs in some old stuck patterns in my life.
“Dave is a very gifted healer and transformation guide. I personally have been helped enormously by sessions with Dave that led to some powerful breakthroughs in some old stuck patterns in my life.
As a colleague, I have been stimulated by him to continue to grow into the best I can be to serve my clients.
His presence in the work he does and the skill he brings to it creates a wonderful context for deep growth and change.
I highly recommend you give yourself the gift of some sessions with Dave Chandler. You’all be so glad you did.”
~ Charlie Verge, Ph.D. Founder and Director,The Center for Intentional Living Wellesley, MA
David Chandler offers his clients the perfect combination of intuitive inquiry, deep listening, and scientifically proven healing modalities.
“His ability to integrate the latest evidence-based research and state-of-the art technologies with ancient texts and sound and light frequencies makes it possible for his clients to discover, address, and release the root cause of their suffering.
David's unique skillset, integrity, and compassion empowers his clients to safely apply the healing techniques precisely where they are most needed with highly beneficial, sustainable results.”
~ Julia Karahalis, MBA, CAGS, Master Shamanic Practitioner, Rhode Island
“David Chandler is a superb Inner Greatness Coach. His presence, sensitivity, intuition, skill and compassion are extraordinary!
I’m so delighted to have him on my team and in my life!”
~ Tom Stone Founder – Inner Greatness Global
David offers a simple, yet profound invitation to recalibrate your life.
“A finely tuned man who is very good at creating an atmosphere of trust, respect, and play,
David brings his years of training in the healing arts to help you live into the future you desire.
Whether releasing blocked positive emotions or finding a way to achieve financial sovereignty, he is an adept facilitator who will guide you to truth, clarity, and joy.David will give you a gold-star opportunity to make a difference in your own life.”
~ Anne West, PhD
“David is a highly sensitive and well-trained individual who possesses a unique ability to tune himself into your needs and emotions.
His devotion to, and experience with sound therapy is second to none. Consider this the highest possible recommendation of his skills and practices.”
~ Andrew Grant A/V Technician
“He is an excellent practitioner”
“I recently had the good fortune to work with David Chandler on a series of personal issues.
David's professional response, level of expertise and caring throughout our sessions led to a very positive series of results that continues to this day.
He is an excellent practitioner and very worthy of your consideration.”
~ Ed Neubauer Architect
I have a real sense of safety and calm
"I really connected to the sound waves and vibrations from this Sonic Synergy session.
I was moved into a consciousness of complete serenity and found myself deep in an ancient jungle of purity and nature.
As my experience progressed, I saw myself in a healing circle of all the people closest to me holding hands around me and I was in the center of the circle.
I could see everyone; some were there that I would expect to see and some were not! It was very eye opening and gave me a sense that these individuals are here for me and truly care about me and my experience here on Earth.
I have a real sense of safety and calm.
Thank you so much for this experience and the comfort I have gained from it."
~ Kim J
I felt very calm and serene afterwards and slept very soundly that night
"When I first started this session, I was uneasy and restless.
I was distracted and my body was anxious, as the time progressed I started to relax and feel a real sense of calm. I then began to experience tremendous heat being released from my entire body in waves.
I felt my heart open, my Crown Chakra and my Third Eye expand. I have some areas on my body that experiences pain at times and the energy went to these places on my body and sent, what felt like, shocks to these areas.
I felt the energy move from these parts one at a time, this was all happening as heat was still being released. It was a very intense feeling!
I felt very calm and serene afterwards and slept very soundly that night. The healing did not stop there however, over the next two days I had an intense sadness come up in my chest.
I did not know this sadness and hurt was inside me. I could recognize the source and work on my own healing. The sadness is still coming up at times and I am allowing myself to be aware and release.
I am grateful for opportunity to have experienced the work and will continue listening and healing."
~ Kim J
“His music is very healing and has moved me to tears”
“I have experienced sessions with David of both Vibroacoustic Therapy and Inner Greatness/Deep Listening processes that have profoundly relaxed my mind and body and resolved patterns of emotional issues with grace. His music is very healing and has moved me to tears.”
~ Lynn Mello Admissions Representative
“David’s sound healings During times of stress and depression, our sessions helped alleviate my symptoms.”
“I have had wonderful experiences with David’s sound healings During times of stress and depression, our sessions helped alleviate my symptoms.
I always leave feeling relaxed and comforted each time. I am grateful for alternative therapies like this. Thank you for the work you do!”
~ Jessica Puleo Make- up Artist
Total Transformation
Total Package Value $1550
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247
*** 84% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
About David Chandler
David has researched and applied the healing potential of sound and music since the early 1980’s.
His healing sonic/ musical expression can be heard at www.acousticwellbeing.com and at www.davidchandlersongs.com.
David has enjoyed a full spectrum musical life as a professional recording and performing artist for over three decades. His music has charted in the Top 10 on New Age radio and has made the playlists of NPR. He has appeared in concert with many national acts.
He has just recently released his 16th CD, “Just This.”
David has always believed in “bigger and better things” for our Consciousness through sound and music, and recognizes our potential for conscious evolution, both personal and collective.
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Discount: 80%
Total Package Value $497
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Discount: 82%
Total Package Value $850
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Voice Analysis and Interpretation
Sensory Healing
Discount : 84%
Total Package Value $1550
FHTJ Super Value
Discount offer
5 targeted Sound Therapy Frequency Tracks
Voice Analysis and Interpretation
Sensory Healing
Personalized Home Note
Frequency Track
One Month Personalized
Sound Therapy Program
Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done.
Package C – No Refunds after Voice Print Analysis and Interpretation is done, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Your success is our success and we are here for you every step of the way.
Our COMMITMENT is to support all of YOU
and when you decide to purchase a package from FHTJ… the love doesn’t end there!
We will reach out to you to see how you are progressing and answer any questions you may have
along the path you have chosen. FHTJ Cares
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.